Today is Thursday, March 29th, 2007; Karen's Korner #1029

Last week, I took a walk south and east of our farm home. It was a nice sunny, pre-spring day with the wind blowing at my back. The breeze pushed me along as I walked. It was an enjoyable time, but I knew when I turned around, it wouldn't be as easy.
My walk continued for a mile-plus.
When I turned for home, the walk wasn't as much fun. I still had the sun in my face but the breeze was more brisk than I had first thought. As I turned the quarter plus mile north toward home, the sun was also at my back.
I couldn't help but think about our lives. In the first portion of our lives, the sun may be in our faces and the wind most likely is at our backs. It can be easy and enjoyable. We don't necessarily feel that we need much help!
But begin turning the pages to the 40s, 50s, 60s, we turn around to begin our journey home. The breeze is now in our faces. We may still enjoy the journey but it isn't as easy. Do we stop or continue on?
If we haven't believed we needed help in the past, we might look for aid as we continue walking. God wants to hold our hand; He wants us to focus on Him as we begin our victory lap toward home. He will help; He will be there for us!
On our own, it probably won't be as easy a trek as the first portion of our lives. But if we reach out to Him, our 'aging years' may be the most enjoyable part.
THOUGHT:  If you haven't grabbed hold of God's hand at the beginning of your life's journey, today is a good day to reach out and take ahold of if! He's your loving Heavenly Father and He's waiting for your touch!!
Deart Father in Heaven, thank You for who You are and how much You love each one of us! Forgive us for our independence. Thank You for Your willingness to take care of us, as Your Children and for leading us back to our eternal home. Amen. 
