Today is Tuesday, January 1st, 2008; Karen's Korner #1222

Happy New Year! Wow! I remembered to changed the year....
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for bringing me; bringing us into a new year. Thank You for the world and the days which You have given to each us; help us to treasure our days, hours, and steps.
Thank You for the day which You gave us yesterday! Thank You for turning our world white with the dusting of frost! Thank You for hanging the fluffy particles on the trees, bushes, and weeds! Thank You for painting pictures in the lattice-work of fences and cattle panels of our farmstead. I loved walking in Your winter wonderland; it was and is beautiful.
Thank You for calling my attention to the world around me; sometimes I no longer see it because it is the 'same'. But not today; not yesterday. As I walked behind the house yesterday, I couldn't help but notice a thin thread - a spider's web spun between the branches of a tree. I wouldn't have seen it, but it too was dusted with frost and stood out boldly. Beautiful!
Help me to do that with so many other things in Your world; my world! Help me to SEE things which are there and have been there all the time. Help me to appreciate it and enjoy it. Use me; use us to share what we know, see, and experience with others!
I want to SEE You this year in a way that I have not in the past. Help me! In the name of Your Son Jesus who showed us how to love and learn and share. Amen.
