Today is Tuesday, May 13th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1312

Rather than traditional Christmas gifts, Jim and I gave Jamie and family; Ed and family an overnight stay at a motel complete with swimming pool. The first time it worked into everyone's schedule was this past weekend. Because we had a four-year-old, a two-year-old, a one-year-old, and two under one, we opted for a Des Moines motel with a zero entry pool and a maximum depth of 18 inches. It had water which was a couple of ticks cooler than a bath tub.
Even though it is shallow, our petite 2 1/2 year old Molly could barely reach the bottom when walking through the deepest part of the pool area. Getting water in her eyes or getting her headed ducked under the water was one big NO! It took her awhile to realize where the six inch portion was versus the eighteen inch.
Each time she would venture farther from the edge, I would walk with her saying, "deeper, deeper, deeper". Most of the time she would hang on to my hand as she ventured further with the water now lapping up to her chin as she marched forward. She wasn't afraid because I held her hand or I was right there to grab her as if she would mis-step.
I began to ask myself if God sometimes asks me to walk out into the ponds of life, farther and farther. Does He say "deeper, deeper, deeper"? And do I keep walking. All the time either holding His hand or watching for His eyes and face to make sure He will rescue me should I lose my footing and go down into the water of life's struggles?
Do I trust Him, like Molly trusted me? Or do I turn back toward the ankle deep water? Never venturing into the future He has intended for me?
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for being my guide and for holding my hand; not just through the storms of life, but every day. Help me to trust You more and believe that You will rescue me from every situation which life might throw me. Thank You that you don't want me to be afraid and that You want me to keep on marching 'deeper, deeper, deeper'. In the Name of Your Son who makes the walk possible. Amen.
