Today is Tuesday, August 4th, 2009; Karen's Korner #1627

This is the back cover story of the OUR IOWA magazine, the most recent issue for August/September 2009. The magazine, about two years in existence, features lots of photos and stories of people and places in Iowa, with not necessarily a mainstream and big city emphasis.
My apologies to any of you who get the magazine. Those of you who don't subscribe or haven't seen it yet, I know you will enjoy it:
A 'Feel Good' Story Worth Emulating?
"We received this personal story in an E-mail, from someone who asked not to be identified and it seem worth sharing:
"Last night my wife and I were having a sandwich at a restaurant when we noticed a family in a nearby booth with seven kids. They were all neat and enjoying themselves, and the kids were very well behaved.
"Reminded of when we took our six kids out to eat, I called the manager to our booth and told him I'd like to pick up the tab for that family.
"He seemed puzzled, and I gave him my usual explanation: 'It's just something we like to do now and then when the opportunity presents itself. But be sure you don't tell them until after we'ved left, so they don't think we are stalkers or something.
"Then just explain that someone here wanted to simply give them a small reward for being good parents.
"So the manager headed to the kitchen to check on the bill. A few minutes later, he returned and said, 'I talked it over with the kitchen staff, and they were so moved by what you wanted to do that we're going to pick up not only the bill for that family, but your bill as well for suggesting it.'
"'Well, that's a first!' we responded. We objected, but we couldn't talk him out of it. Then, after we insisted he not identify us, we had the privilege of watching him deliver the news to that family.
"The parents looked at him curiously, trying to understand, then smiled slowly. Next we could see them explaining the whole thing to the kids........that their good behavior had resulted in a nice reward.
"Then they all began smilig proudly, chatting and looking around the restarurant for who these 'angels' might be.
"As we walked out, the manager and assistant manager were waiting just outside the front door. They shook our hands and said, 'Thanks. You made our day, too.'
"With that, we two angels smugly headed home. We share this in the hope that some of your readers might want to emulate it."
