Today is Thursday, March 27th, 2003; Karen's Korner #19

When Clarion's native son Jeff Hobbie, now a missionary in Africa, was home this summer, he told of "praying portions of the Bible and personalizing it". In light of the current war, soldiers fighting, and Americans here at home who are concerned for the friends and family who are overseas, I would like to share my version of this technique from portions of Psams 86:


"Bend down and hear our prayer, O Lord, and answer us, for we are deep in trouble. Protect us from us for we are serving you and trusting you...O God, hear our urgent cry. We call to you whenever trouble strikes and you will help us.

...tell us where you want us to go and we will go there. May every fiber of our beings unite in reverance to your name. With all our hearts we will praise you...


....O God, proud and insolent men defy us; violent, godless men are trying to kill us. But you are merciful and gentle, look down in pity and grant strength to your servants and save us. Send us signs of your favor. When those who hate us see these signs, they will lose face because you help and comfort us."