Today is Wednesday, May 25th, 2011; Karen's Korner #2073

"And have you quite forgotten the encouraging words God spoke to you,
his child?
He said,
"My son, don't be angry when the Lord punishes you.
Don't be discouraged whenhe has to show you where you are wrong.
For when he punishes you,
it proves that he loves you.
When he whips you
it proves you are really his child.
Our earthly fathers trained us for a few brief years,
doing the best for us that they knew how,
but God's correction is always right and for our good,
that we may share his holiness.
Being punished isn't enjoyable while it is happening--
it hurts!
But afterwards we can see the result,
a quiet growth in grace and character."
~ Hebrews 12:5 & 6; 10 & 11 -  LB
Bible Commentary:   "We may respond to discipline in several ways:  (1) we can accept it with resignation; (2) we can accept it with self-pity, thinking we really don't deserve it; (3) we can be angry and resent God for it; or (4) we can accept it gratefully as the appropriate response toward a loving Father.
God is not only a disciplining parent, but also a demanding coach who pushes us to our limits and requires of us a disciplined life. Although we may not feel strong enough to push on to victory, we will be able to continue as we follow Christ and draw upon his strength. Then we can use our growing strength to help those around us who are weak and struggling."
