Today is Wednesday, October 19th, 2011; Karen's Korner #2178

One Bible verse from 2 Kings; a message from God to King Hezekiah via the prophet Isaiah:
"A remnant of my people shall
become strong in Jerusalem.
The Lord is eager to cause this to happen."
2 Kings 19:31 LB
Bible Commentary on this verse:
"As long as a tiny spark remains,
a fire can be rekindled and fanned into a roaring blaze.
Similarly, if just the smallest remnant of true believers retains the spark of faith,
God can rebuild it into a strong nation.
And if only a glimmer of faith remains in a heart,
God can use it to restore blazing faith in that believer.
If you feel that only a spark of faith remains in you,
ask God to use it to rekindle
a blazing fire of commitment to Him.
