Today is Friday, March 26th, 2004; Karen's Korner #260

Last week Clarion had a couple of deaths, which were either unexpected or for someone too young.  And everyone, young or old, has lost someone special in his or her life. 


This is a Chicken Soup for the Soul, I received the first part of the week:


Grieving Time, A Time for Love
By Barbara Bergen

If a loved one has departed,
And left an empty space,
Seek the inner stillness,
Set a slower pace.

Take time to remember,
Allow yourself to cry,
Acknowledge your emotions,
Let sadness pass on by.

Then center in the oneness,
Remember . . . God is here,
Death is but a change in form,
Your loved one is still near.

Treat yourself with kindness,
Allow yourself to feel,
God will do the mending,
And time will help you heal.
