Today is Tuesday, August 19th, 2014; Karen's Korner #2882

Remember the story of Ponce de Leon from your history lessons? The Spanish explorer who was looking for the "Fountain of Youth". He found Florida, among other discoveries!

Seems like we have been looking for such things since time began; and time passes. Something to consider from Proverbs:

"Wisdom is a fountain of life to those possessing it, but a fool's burden is his folly."

~ Proverbs 17:22


Bible Commentary:  "For centuries, people sought a fountain of youth; a spring which they thought would give eternal life and vitality. It was never found. But God's wisdom is a fountain of life that can make a person happy, healthy, and alive forever. How? When we live by God's Word he washes away the deadly effects of sin, and the hope of eternal life with Him gives us a joyful perspective on our present life. The fountain of youth was only a dream, but the fountain of life is reality. The choice is yours. You can be enlightened by God's wisdom, or you can be dragged down by the weight of your own foolishness."

