Today is Tuesday, September 6th, 2016; Karen's Korner #3387

I hope that you had a nice Labor Day weekend.

A couple of rambling thoughts:

Have you seen this television ad (which makes me laugh every time I see it)? It is a young gal and evidently her brother walking up the steps to a home. Grandma and Grandpa meet them on the front porch, with Grandma saying, "We are so happy you are here. None of this works." As the older twosome hand a pile of computers and cell phones to the younger two.

"Come on in," she says. As the teens look at each other bewildered.

Many times the younger ones in our lives know so much more about technology than us older folks.

While my sister Jill and I were driving west on our week-long adventure, she suggested that we call our older sister Jan. First I dialed her cell phone. No answer. Next, I tried their land line. She answered.

"I called your cell phone," I said. "Didn't it ring?"

Her reply, "We upgraded our cell phones yesterday and I couldn't figure out how to answer it when it rang. "I think about two more upgrades of our computers or phones, we won't be able to run anything!"


Listening recently to a song sung by country duo Florida-Georgia Line, I became aware of the tune titled, HOLY. The words stand for:





I don't know all the lyrics to the song, but it is about a guy/gal "High On Loving You". Magic words.

But it could be sung by God to us. And that 'love' is forever.

"Praise the Lord, all nations everywhere.

Praise Him, all the people of the earth.

For He Loves us very dearly, and His truth endures.

Praise the Lord!"

~ Psalms 117

(shortest book of the Bible; exact center of the Bible)

