I am ping-pong around the chapters of Psalms.
Here are a couple of verses from chapter 126. I especially liked the commentary on these verses, referring in part to 'forests re-growing after fire', as we think of what is happening in California.
"Those who soar tears
shall reap joy.
they go out weeping,
carrying seed
for sowing,
and return singing,
carrying their sheaves."
~ Psalm 126:5 & 6 LAB
Bible Commentary: "God's capacity for restoring life is beyond our understanding. Forests burn down and are able to grow back. Broken bones heal. Even grief is not a permanent condition. Our tears can be seeds that will grow into a harvest of joy because God is able to bring good out of tragedy. When burdened by sorrow, we know that our times of grief will end soon and that we will again find joy. We must be patient as we wait. God's great harvest of joy is coming!