Eight years ago, our church camp embarked on several building and rebuilding projects. The first phase was raising about $1/3 million dollars!
Below are the Bible verses I used to help kick off the work:
"For a soul is fare too precious
to be ransomed by
mere earthly wealth.
There is not enough of it
in all the earth
to buy eternal life
for just one soul,
to keep it out of hell."
~ Psalm 49:8 & 9 LAB
Bible Commentary: "In the slave market of the ancient world, a slave had to be redeemed or ransomed in order to go free. In Mark 10:45, Ephesians 1:7, and Hebrews 9:12, we learn that Jesus paid such a price so that we could be set free from slavery to sin in order to begin living a new life with Him.
"There is no way for a person to buy eternal life with God. God alone can redeem a soul. if we are counting on our wealth and physical comforts to keep us happy, we need to understand that we will never have enough wealth to keep ourselves from hell."
Thank You, God,
that You level the playing field
for 'buying' eternal life.
It is a FREE GIFT to anyone
who wants it.
All we have to do is ASK
Thanks for paying the price
for each of our souls!
What a God!
What a Plan!