Today is Friday, February 10th, 2006; Karen's Korner #735

Each week our church has several prayer times. Many times I attend the Wednesday later afternoon one at Sandy's home. Generally, there is a handful of gals who attend.
Last Wednesday, Chris who is newer to the group prayed, among other things, "....God, help me to take you more and more for granted......."
At first that sounded strange to me, we don't like to hear those words, "He/she takes me too much for granted."
But my next thought was that I loved it!! Wouldn't it be great if we had so many times we had trusted God, believed in everything He tells us..........we would take God for granted?!! We would know beyond a reasonable doubt that He would do what He says He will do!
I have a confession to make:  that doesn't always happen to me. God has been good to me and to our family. We have lots of memories of answers to prayers with health issues, money matters, relationships, extra dimensions of spiritual gifts (i.e. His peace, His grace, His kindness). But the next time a crisis develops in my life, chances are the extra thought rattling through my mind might be, "But maybe not this time!"
No, like Chris. I want to learn to take God for granted. I want to always remember that, "Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything (not just somethings, sometimes) I need." (Psalms 23:1). I can, "Cast all my anxieties on Him, because He cares for me." (I Peter 5:7). And a whole bunch of other stuff...
Heavenly Father, help me to take You for granted, just for today. I want to remember all the things that You have done for me in the past. Those memories will help me to know that You will take care of me and things in my life today and in my future. I'm going to like taking You for granted. Amen.
