Today is Friday, April 21st, 2006; Karen's Korner #785

A writing shared with me via email this morning by Shirley Choat:
The angel said to the woman, "Go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead." Matt. 28:5,7
  A Sunday School teacher was introducing a lesson to her class on evangelism. She asked them, "If someone walked into our class today and gave each of you a $100 bill, how many people would you tell?" She was hoping they would answer: "I'd tell everyone."
    One student responded."I'd keep quiet as someone might take it away from me."
  That's one worry no Christian should ever have about the Good News of Jesus Christ; we don't lose it by sharing it. In fact, the more we share the Gospel, the more we grow in faith.
  Just as the angel and the risen Christ directed the women at the open tomb to "go and tell," so we also are to freely share this wondrous news. And what a great story we have to tell: Christ is risen from the dead! He died to pay for the sins of the world. Because He lives, we can be sure of eternal life.
  That's still news to the billions in the world today. If someone began giving away $100, or even $10, to everyone at our church, most of us would tell everyone we met. Why then do we hesitate to share the greater Good News of  eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ?
PRAYER - "LORD, help me to share Your Good News with everyone. Amen."
