Today is Wednesday, May 31st, 2006; Karen's Korner #813

 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6


Until recently, if I was tired or under a lot of stress, I craved food; but not just any food. I craved sweets, like ice cream or sweet rolls - the gooier the better; and high fat content foods with lots of salt, like honey roasted nuts or chips. I could sit and eat until I couldn’t eat any more, usually giving myself indigestion.

That began to change as I got into a new health program. I drug my feet going in and wasn’t sure anything was doing anything except keeping me from the things I really liked, and making my muscles sore. However, an amazing thing happened the other day that shows that I am making progress, progress I would never have predicted. We went to a buffet for Sunday dinner, and I found myself actually looking for healthy foods, going back for seconds of steamed vegetables, and feeling full enough to consider not eating one of my favorite desserts. (I did eat it, though! I said progress, not miracles!!!)

My physical appetite is a lot like our spiritual appetites. We’ve become so addicted to spiritual junk food and activities that are not healthy for us and our relationship with the Lord, that we don’t realize we have become spiritually flabby and out of shape. The less spiritually healthy we are, the more we crave what is not good for us, and the less fulfilled we feel. Jesus calls us back to a healthy diet of the Spirit, a hunger and thirst for the right way of life, the right direction, plan, and purpose for our lives, not based on the world’s view, but on God’s view.

Once we start on His "diet plan" the cravings for the wrong things will not disappear, but we will be better able to resist them, in favor of the "right" things of His Spirit. May your hunger and thirst for God be satisfied, and may you be truly filled with God’s good things! (lls)


Sometimes I get lazy in my spiritual journey, my Jesus. I turn to TV, a movie, a "good book" or any number of other things. Forgive me and help to reach for something substantial like your book. Give me others that will help me in my study and getting into the "meat" of it. Amen.

**Thoughts to Ponder by Pastor Sydow, Prayer by Pastor Freeman
