Today is Thursday, July 24th, 2003; Karen's Korner #99

This is something which I wrote about a year ago. I am sure that it will be in another devotional booklet when I print it:


August 7, 2002


We have a new dog at our house. Since we got the three-year-old from the Des Moines city pound, we didn’t know her name, we decided to call her "Lady".


The month of July was either the best or worst month in Lady’s life. She was picked up by the police force as a stray and landed in the pound. A few days later she gave birth to two puppies: one born dead, the other lived for several days until he met the same fate as his litter mate. No one came to claim Lady. In order to get out of the facility and be "adopted", Iowa state law requires that Lady be neutered.

When we arrived at the animal shelter, she still had stitches in her belly from her recent surgery. But she was available for adoption now. We would have to visit the vet once we got home and few more days had passed when we would have her stitches removed.


We signed the necessary papers the last weekend in July. Now she has a home. She can spend her days lying near our couch - waiting for a pat, a walk, some tasty morsels. Lady has Jim and my undivided attention at times. What a way of life! She has been rescued by us.


How has your last month been? How has mine? Did we lose a lot of money in the stock market, which has been bouncing around? Are our jobs secure or was the last round of job cuts or hour cuts coming to our families? Did someone learn their health isn’t what it was the month before? Is last month or this month a "bad" month?


When things come into our life that we would just as soon not have happen to us, Jesus does for us what we did for Lady – He rescues us! We can talk with Him and tell Him what we would like to have happen if we were in control of the situation. We can lay the situation at His feet or place it into His hands. Sometimes He changes the situation. Sometimes He changes us.


He always goes with us through the circumstance. Because He loves and cares for us. We, like Lady, are rescued! And because nothing is too hard for Him; nothing is too hard for us!
