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I'm Karen

September 2010 Archives

Printable Issue 1898  Today is Wednesday, September 1st, 2010; Karen's Korner #1898
So what does it mean to have a couple of marigolds poking their heads through our white rock area in front of our house, not where they belong, and in spite of black plastic and a couple of rournds of RoundUp this season? What kind of analogy could it be? (To re-read yesterday's Karen's Korner, go to www.karens-korner.com .
From Karen's Korner readers:
Lorna Keeling - "Once again God reveals His Glory!"
Shirley Southard - "They say if something grows where it isn't planted it is a weed. I have a different theory.  God gives us all things beautiful. He just has them grow in different areas. I have a whole slug of volunteer petunias. I didn't plant them this year but they volunteered from last year." She said that 'Mother Nature (God?) is pretty strong.
Deb Lange - "I think it speaks to trying to control people and the 'traditional' views of Christianity. The right clothes, right church, right committees, etc. 'Free Spirit' Christians can be just as healthy, happy, devoted, and dedicated as the "pre-planned pew goers'."
Mariel Betts - "Maybe it takes adversity to make us work a little harder. Maybe we get slack and have to have a nudge to get back where God wants us."
 Val Neubauer - "The first thing that comes to my mind is that God loves to surprise us.  Your little 'discovery' might be quite intentional on the part of our Father."
Both Val and Marilyn Jackson said, "Bloom where you are planted."
Donna Dunlap - "With God, all things are possible."
JoAnne Schleck - " ... 'growing in spite of the weeds' or among the bad (weeds), there is always good that prevails."
Maureen Elston - "If it is a weed - God can make it grow into a beautiful flower. If someone will nourish it with love (water), it will thrive; that's where God can use us - always!!"
Jerry Temeyer - "Like your plant, there are many opportunities to make judgements (is it good or bad?). Many are opportunties to serve as Jesus taught us. Did I have one this morning? Could I have nutured my situation (plant) and experienced additional growth (reaching out to someone else)?"
Florine Swanson - "Isn't it amazing how flowers come up in unusual places. Last year I planted all kinds of pansies at my front door.  This spring two of the most beautiful pansy plants came up in the new rock bed that we established last year, about a yard from the original bed.....I love these little surprises as they produce beauty or bounty that I could never have expected.  Gardening is always one of God's miracles, just as is farming."
Thank You, God, for planting, for growing, for blooming, for showing us Your Kingdom......both in the flowers, in other people, and in ourselves. You make everything beautiful; every day; and in every way. Bless every opportunities to 'bloom' today. Amen.
Printable Issue 1899  Today is Thursday, September 2nd, 2010; Karen's Korner #1899
Plants and growing are a fun dialogue of Karen's Korner this week.
Two new responses that need to be passed along this morning:
From Val:  "Today is Good Neighbor Day, at least here in Cedar Rapids. One of the local florists gives out six free roses to every person that comes. The only stipulation is that you are to give five to neighbors and keep one for yourself. It's hard trying to decide with whom to share the roses. This morning I picked up another neighbor  at 7 a.m. and the two of us went to the florists.
"We then came home with a dozen roses. I had visited the Good Will store yesterday to buy a dozen bud vases. So we were all set.  We had so much fun delivering the flowers that we didn't keep any for ourselves.  As a result we had neighbors starting the day with big smiles on their faces, and in return we got lots of hugs."
From 'star X' (email address):  "We had a tree (a dead tree) used for our Easter Cross in our chuch this year.  It was a large cross, about 7 or 8 feet tall and dead.  We had it in the church for some time before EASTER and we were getting ready to take it out of the church after Easter, when I noticed a tiny bud starting to form on the place where Christ's hand would have been.  It continued to grow to about six inches. We all watched in amazement how this dead tree came back to life or tried to. (You can draw your own conclusions in regard to the Easter story). Someone decided to cut the part off and try to plant it.  Well, as soon as we did, it died."
Heart warming!
Printable Issue 1900  Today is Friday, September 3rd, 2010; Karen's Korner #1900
Wow! Another milestone of 1900 'korners', beginning in March of 2003. Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to share. You are a blessing to me.....as life hands each of us more and more experiences.
A saying that Maureen Elston has attached to her key chain (given to her by friend Mary Cook):
"Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have,
to remember that I don't need most of what I want,
and that joy is found
in simplicity
and generosity."
~ Big Enough by Adam Hamilton
Printable Issue 1901  Today is Monday, September 6th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1901
Have you ever said something or done something for which you have regret?
You thought you'd never do or say something/anything like that ever again, but you did! After all you are a "His Child". You know that 'He is Your Shepherd and you have everything you need' but.....
Merry's husband Ed has been married for eight years now to Heather. It seemed at the first of Ed and Heather's relationship and marriage, we had things that would come up remembering or doing somethings about Merry. Much more frequently than now.
I said to Heather more than once, "How can you stand us talking about Merry so often?"
Ed would pipe up, "Hey, she knew what she was getting when she got me!"
Makes me think about my/our relationship with God. Sometimes we do, say, and believe all of the right things. And other times? Well, maybe not so good.......
But God seems to say in His Word, "I knew what I got when I got you!"
Today is a day to celebrate God; His never-ending love and care for each one of us. It's a day to celebrate me; a day to celebrate you! Lumpy bumps; warty warts and all!
Thank You, God, for Your love and care. We are full-time winners because of it!
Printable Issue 1902  Today is Tuesday, September 7th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1902


I tend to take a book of the Bible, read it and then move on to another one. I am just finishing up Ecclesiastes; and I like to challenge you to read it if you have the interest or time. It is short:  only 12 chapters and each chapter is about a half page.


The book is written by Solomon who had it all, knew it all, and did it all at some time during his life. But then he began to reflect:  what did all of it mean?


Probably one of the three or four most well-known verses in the Bible; frequently repeated at funerals:


Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (NIV)

A Time for Everything

 1 There is a time for everything,
       and a season for every activity under heaven:

 2 a time to be born and a time to die,
       a time to plant and a time to uproot,

 3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
       a time to tear down and a time to build,

 4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
       a time to mourn and a time to dance,

 5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
       a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

 6 a time to search and a time to give up,
       a time to keep and a time to throw away,

 7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
       a time to be silent and a time to speak,

 8 a time to love and a time to hate,
       a time for war and a time for peace.


Notice most of the two parts, we like one part of it and don't like the other. Solomon says the reality is we are probably going to get both at some time during our lives. So what do we do with the 'good' stuff and the 'bad'? My Bible Commentary says, "Timing is important. All the experiences listed in these verses are appropriate at certain times. The secret to peace with God is to discover, accept, and appreciate God's perfect timing."

Printable Issue 1903  Today is Wednesday, September 8th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1903
Sometimes I underline something in my Bible; then I might date it and make a comment.
Here is one verse which I marked and underlined in 1982. The comment, "harder farm economic times". If you recall, interest rates topped 20%. Farmland values dropped to at least one-third of the previous market prices. It was a difficult time; more for some than others.
But we all survived!
Fast forward to today, 28 years later. Financial changes and challenges are once again swirling. And there are other life challenges outside of money, which gives us cause for pause:
"Enjoy prosperity whenever you can,
and when hard times strike,
realize that God gives one as well as the other --
so that everyone will realize that nothing
is certain in this life."
~ Ecclesiastes 7:14
Bible Commentary on this verse:
"God allows both adversity and prosperity to come to all.
He blends them in our lives in such a way that we can't predict the future
or count on human wisdom and power.
In prosperous times, we love to give ourselves the credit.
Then in adversity, we tend to blame God
without thanking him for the good that comes out of it.
When life appears certain and controllable,
don't let pride make you too comfortable
or God may allow adversity to drive you back to him.
When life seems uncertain and uncontrollable,
don't despair -
God is in control
and will bring good results out of tough times.
Printable Issue 1904  Today is Thursday, September 9th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1904
Another verse from Ecclesiastes, this one is chapter 11, verse 4:
"If you wait for perfect conditions,
you will never get anything done."
I remember more than once trying to decide when to have a multi-week Bible study (or some other activity). Summer wouldn't work because people are too busy and not that interested in organized events. Fall isn't a good time because everyone is busy with harvest. Then it is too close to the holidays. Winter isn't good because the weather could work against us. Spring isn't a good time because we are so busy with field work and gardening.
So eventually we would just pick a time and a date; let people know and those who could come would attend.
Bible Commentary on this verse:
"Waiting for perfect conditions will mean inactivity.
The practical insight is especially applicable to our spiritual life.
If we wait for the perfect time and place for personal Bible reading,
we will never begin.
If we wait for a perfect church,
we will never join.
If we wait for the perfect ministry,
we will never serve.
Take steps now to grow spiritually.
Don't wait for conditions that will never exist.
Printable Issue 1905  Today is Friday, September 10th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1905
A final thought/commentary from Ecclesiastes; written by Solomon who had it all and did it all; good and bad. But then wondered about the meaning of 'life'. He wrote down his thoughts in this short book in the Bible.
Here is his final conclusion:
"..fear God (stand in awe!) and obey his commandments,
for this is the entire duty of man.
For God will judge us for everything we do,
including every hidden thing,
good or bad.
~ Ecclesiastes 12:13,14
Bible Commentary (in part):
"In this writing, Solomon shows us that we should enjoy life,
but this does not exempt us from obeying God's commands.
We should search for purpose and meaning in life,
but they cannot be found in human endeavors.
We should acknowledge the evil, foolishness, and injustice in life,
yet maintain a positive attitude and strong faith in God.
To live properly, we need to:
* recognize that human effort apart from God is futile;
* put God first - nows;
* receive everything good as a gift from God;
* realize that God will judge both evil and good;
* know that God will judge the quality of every person's life.
How strange that people spend their lives striving for the very enjoyment
that God gives freely,
as a gift.
Printable Issue 1906  Today is Monday, September 13th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1906
Something written and sent via email by Joel and Victoria Osteen a number of months ago:

He's Working on Your Behalf


"We know that God will work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose"
(Romans 8:28).

"God is working behind the scenes in your life today. No matter what you may be facing, no matter what trial you may be going through, God has a plan to turn things around in your favor. Right now, He is working out a plan for your good. Right now, He is orchestrating the right people to come across your path. He is orchestrating the right opportunities to open up to you. You may not see it in the natural, but look with your eyes of faith today. Keep standing. Keep believing. Keep hoping. Keep following His Word. Focus on His goodness in your life, knowing that He rewards the people who seek after Him. As you meditate on the faithfulness of God and show your love for Him by following His Word, you will see His plan come to pass. You'll experience His peace and joy, and you will live in victory all the days of your life."

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life. I trust that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Give me Your strength and peace today and fill me with Your faith to overcome. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


Printable Issue 1907  Today is Tuesday, September 14th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1907
For part of this week, Jacob and Jaynie Michael, long-term missionaries from Mozambique, Africa, are in our midst. Jacob gave the messsage at church on Sunday. His topic was 'five BE's' for us as Christian people.
Point #1:  "BE available".
Among other topics when my oldest sister, Jan, called yesterday, she told about six baptisms at their church Sunday. She and her husband attend the same church as my mom. It is congregation which might have one hundred people plus on Sunday morning.
My mom, who will be 92 in November, and her friend, who is heading toward 95 years old, befriended a young neighbor a handful of years ago. The young girl spent parts of nearly every day at Gertrude's apartment. It seems her family situation could have been a better one.
After a number of weeks, Gertrude asked her if she would like to go to Sunday School and church with her.
Her young friend excitedly said, "Yes."
Gertrude would see that the girl would get to their church's weekly services. If for some reason, she wasn't available with wheels, my mom would fill in.
Now sixteen, the maturing young adult decided, along with a handful of others from their senior high youth fellowship to accept Jesus into their hearts and lives, and be baptized together on Sunday.
Would it have happened without the 'availability' of two aging senior citizens? Probably not.
In God's economy, we are never too old to do 'His will'.
And as Jacob said in his sermon remarks, "Be available....begin today!"
Father God, thank You for new life in You. Thank You for Your Love and Your Care. Thank You that You have a job for each one of us to do, no matter how old or young we are. No matter if it is little more than being a friend to someone or giving someone a ride who needs one. Thank You for what You are going to do through me today. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Printable Issue 1908  Today is Wednesday, September 15th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1908

A response from yesterday's Karen's Korner about my mom and another older friend inviting a young girl to church services.

This note is from Shirley Rake:
"We are so proud of our 10 year-old granddaughter who invited her little friend from school to come with her to Sunday School. And then her entire family came; now the little girl she invited is going to confirmation. Mom is now involved with assisting at Sunday School; Dad is being quite available too. All because a little girl invited a friend. Yes, BE AVAILABLE is good advice!"
Psalm 37:3-5 (NLT)

 3 Trust in the Lord and do good.
      Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
 4 Take delight in the Lord,
      and he will give you your heart’s desires.

 5 Commit everything you do to the Lord.
      Trust him, and he will help you.


Printable Issue 1909  Today is Thursday, September 16th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1909
Today is the day that Jacob and Jaynie Michael left the Clarion area after spending parts of six days in our midst. As you may recall from a korner a day or so ago they are missionaries in Mozambique, Africa.
I have 'assigned' each of them to write a future Karen's Korner, so stayed tuned for that.
Below is several notes from Jacob's sermon on Sunday:
"Five BEs; start today!
1) BE available. Work with God. Do His work. Matthew 28:20 says to 'teach new disciples....knowing that I am with you'. As you are going on this journey of life, make disciples along the way.
2) BE open to God's leading. Missionaries are ones who are sent; we are all sent by God. If you are led by Him, He will give you the desires of your heart.
3) BE willing to make adjustments. Seek out others for information; look to church leaders or counselors. Do this regarless of your age.
4) BE willing to keep the course. Don't give up. If you have a ministry; keep at it. Seek good counsel.
5) BE willing to give God the glory.
"If you do these things, you will BE successful because you have been faithful. Matthew 25:21:  'Jesus said,  'You have been faithful in handling small amounts, now I will give you many responsibilities. Begin the joyous tasks I have assigned to you.'
Printable Issue 1910  Today is Friday, September 17th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1910
"O God, you have declared me perfect in your eyes;
you have always cared for me
in my distress;
now hear me as I call again.
Have mercy on me.
Hear my prayer."
-- Psalm 4:1
Who among us doesn't have something for which we have distress today? If all we have is a song in our heart and nothing for which we feel 'distress', chances are pretty good we have a family member, friend, or neighbor who is dealing with some 'stressful' issue. God invites us to pray. We can come to Him, because we are 'perfect in His eyes'. And we recall that He has 'cared for us in our past distresses'.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that we can call you Father. Thank You that You have cared for us in the past and we can count on You caring for us today and into the future.  We come to You with our individual 'distresses'; help us, lead us, guide us, but most of all help us to trust You and believe You hear us and will help us. Have mercy on each one of us. Help us to walk in victory today, because we have You in our lives.
Because of Jesus, we know we can count on You. Amen.
Printable Issue 1911  Today is Monday, September 20th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1911
A forwarded daily devotional email called "Girlfriends in God"; sent to me by Judy Watne:

One Last Name *

 Written by Sharon Jaynes

"Now that we know what we have - Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God - let's not let it slip through our fingers.  We don't have a priest who is out of touch with our reality.  He's been through weakness and testing, experienced it all - all but the sin.  So let's walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give.  Take the mercy, accept the help" (Hebrews 4:14-16 MSG).

"For almost forty years, Margaret lived with word-inflicted wounds that nearly destroyed her life. From the first day she attended her one room schoolhouse, she and her teacher, Ms. Garner, didn't get along.  Ms. Garner was harsh, bitter, and cruel, and could not tolerate Margaret's childish idiosyncrasies.  For years, the tension between the two built up pressure.

"Margaret was nine years old when the cataclysmic day occurred - the one that ripped her world apart.  It happened after recess when she frantically raced into class, late again. As she burst through the doors, she faced her peers jeering at her maliciously.

"Margaret!'  Ms. Garner shouted.  'We have been waiting for you! Get up here to the front of the class, right now!'

"Margaret walked slowly to the teacher's desk, was told to face the class, and then the nightmare began.

"Ms. Garner ranted, 'Boys and girls, Margaret has been a bad girl. I have tried to help her to be responsible. But, apparently, she doesn't want to learn. So we must teach her a lesson. We must force her to face what a selfish person she has become. I want each of you to come to the front of the room, take a piece of chalk, and write something bad about Margaret on the blackboard. Maybe this experience will motivate her to become a better person!'

"Margaret stood frozen next to Ms. Garner. One by one, the students began a silent procession to the blackboard. One by one, the students wrote their life-smothering words, slowly extinguishing the light in Margaret's soul.  'Margaret is stupid!  Margaret is selfish!  Margaret is fat!  Margaret is a dummy!'  On and on they wrote until twenty-five terrible scribblings of Margaret's 'badness'  filled the chalkboard.

"The venomous accusations taunted Margaret in what felt like the longest day of her life. After walking home with each caustic word indelibly written on her heart, she crawled into her bed, claimed sickness, and tried to cry the pain away. But the pain never left, and forty years later she slumped in the waiting room of a psychologist's office, still cringing in the shadow of those twenty-five sentences. 

"Jesus understands what it feels like to have people call you names. People called him a blasphemer, the prince of demons, an evil spirit, and a law breaker. His own family said that he was crazy. Yes, He knows what it feels like to have a broken heart - both figuratively and physically. 

"After decades of depression and anxiety, she had finally sought help from a psychologist.  Two long years of weekly counseling helped Margaret to finally extricate herself from her past.  It had been a long and difficult road, but she smiled at her counselor (how long it had been since she'd smiled!) as they talked about her readiness to move on.

"The counselor hesitated. 'Margaret, I know this will be difficult, but just to make sure you're ready to move on, I am going to ask you to do something.  I want to go back to your schoolroom and detail the events of that day. Take your time. Describe each of the children as they approached the blackboard; remember what they wrote and how you felt - all twenty-five students.'

"In a way, this would be easy for Margaret.  For forty years she had remembered every detail. And yet, to go through the nightmare one more time would take every bit of strength she had.  After a long silence, she began the painful description. One by one, she described each of the students vividly, as though she had just seen them, stopping periodically to regain her composure, forcing herself to face each of those students one more time.

"Finally, she was finished, and the tears would not stop, could not stop. Margaret cried a long time before she realized someone was whispering her name. 'Margaret.  Margaret.  Margaret.' She looked up to see her counselor staring into her eyes, saying her name over and over again.  Margaret stopped crying for a moment.

"'Margaret. You...you left out one person......See, he's sitting in the back of the classroom.  He's standing up, walking toward your teacher, Ms. Garner. She is handing him a piece of chalk and he's taking it, Margaret, he's taking it!  Now he's walking over to the blackboard and picking up an eraser. He is erasing every one of the sentences the students wrote. They are gone!  Margaret, they are gone!  Now he's turning and looking at you, Margaret.  Do you recognize him yet? Yes, his name is Jesus. Look, he's writing new sentences on the board. 'Margaret is loved. Margaret is beautiful. Margaret is gentle and kind. Margaret is strong. Margaret has great courage.'

"Margaret began to weep. But very quickly, the weeping turned into a smile, and then into laughter, and then into tears of joy.' (This story of Margaret was taken from Ron Lee's book, Mistreated).

"For forty years Margaret had limped through life with the pain of a broken heart. But finally she allowed Jesus, the Healer, the Comforter, and the Great Physician, to bind up the broken heart and allow it to heal.

"What is Jesus writing on the chalkboard about you? You are chosen.  You are dearly loved. You are holy. You are beautiful. You are pure. You are my bride.  I have your name engraved on the palm of my hand."

"Dear Lord, thank You that I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. I can almost picture You walking to the front of the room and writing my new identity in Christ on the board. Help me to see myself as you see me and never believe the lies that tell me otherwise. In Jesus' name, Amen."

* Edited briefly for Karen's Korner.


Printable Issue 1912  Today is Tuesday, September 21st, 2010; Karen's Korner #1912
This was something that was emailed to me a couple of days ago by my second cousin Marcia Ingham. She said she enjoyed it so much that she posted on her facebook page.
Read it and think about some friend or family member who you haven't seen or talked to for a long time:
If ever there was a day that I wanted to talk to you;
today would be the day.

If ever there was a day that I wanted to see you;
today would be the day.

If ever there was a day that I wanted to just sit with you;
today would be that day.
Marcia said she was thinking about her grandma who passed away a number of years ago. Read it through one more time and remember someone you love who is no longer alive on this earth.
How about reading it another time, as a prayer to God.
And then read it the fourth time, as if God is speaking to you!
Printable Issue 1913  Today is Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010; Karen's Korner #1913
Graphic in my Amplified Living Bible; stuck in the center of a page from the book of Hebrews:
Christ is the perfect human leader
..and He wants to lead you.
Christ is the perfect model
...and He is worth imitating.
Christ is the perfect sacrifice
...and He died for you.
Christ is the perfect conqueror
...and He conquered death to give you eternal life.
Christ is the perfect High Priest
...and He is merciful, loving, and understanding.
"For since He himself has now been through suffering and temptation,
He knows what it is like when we suffer and are tempted,
and He is wonderfully able to help us."
~ Hebrews 2:18
Printable Issue 1914  Today is Thursday, September 23rd, 2010; Karen's Korner #1914
Taken from "Daily Guideposts 1985; Monday, March 11":
"The eternal God is my refuge, and underneath are His everlasting arms..
- Deuteronomy 33:27
"At any moment my ten-year-old son would breeze through the door, drop his schoolbooks on the table, and ask for a snack. I would say, 'Got any homework?' And he would say, 'Math, but I don't understand it.' Then I would try to help, and a real battle would ensue. It had happened that way all week long. I dreaded going through it again.
"The door banged. Bob was home. Instead of calling for a snack, he came out with the most curious and unexpected bit of information I ever heard brought home from school.
"'Mama, there's a study I read in school today that says a person needs at least six hugs a day for emotional well-being,' He stared at me, chewing on his bottom lip.
"'Oh, yeah?' I laughed, 'Well, come here then. We wouldn't want you to be emotionally unhealthy.'
"I swept my arms around him and felt his arms wrap around me. And there we stood in the middle of the kitchen at 2:30 in the afternoon and hugged. And hugged. And hugged.
"A most mysterious thing happened. My eyes filled with tears and a great new surge of love poured through me. I held him tight, so tight I could almost feel the warmth of his little life melt into my own. This precious child, I thought. How I love you!
"As we loosened our arms, we looked at each other, knowing that something very special had happened. And indeed it had. For as we sat down at the kitchen table to tackle the math, there was no battle. I was more patient. He was more attentive. That was the beginning of lots more hugs----and fewer bumps---in our relationship.
"Oh, go on. Hug someone.
"Lord, let me reach out and warm someone with the love that lingers."
~ Sue Monk Kidd
Printable Issue 1915  Today is Friday, September 24th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1915
Mozambique missionary Jacob Michael, who spent a good part of last week in the Clarion area, was 'assigned' (by me!) to contribute an item for a 'korner'. And here is his submission. It is a wonderful one that I hope that we take to heart. I have not personally checked each of the Bible references, but it is on my list 'to do' today:
    Through His-Story (history) of the Church, Christian Researchers have agreed that there are six elements present in what is known as Revival! That is when God's people become alive spiritually and the Church grows in number!
    We could use these six elements to test our church and our individual lives to see if we are alive and living for Christ.
1. People return to God's Word.  The Sacred Scriptures are believed as true. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
2. The emphasis that each Christian is a "Minister". No division between Clergy and Laity. They are one in the same but each has a different responsibility to do within the Church.   Ephesians 2:19-22;  Ephesians 4:11-12 & 1 Peter 2:4,5 & 9
3. People are called to Prayer and they belive that God actually answers Prayer.  Luke 11:1-13 & 1 Samuel 1:11, 12
4. People's Lives are Changed.  1 Corinthians 6:19, Ephesians 5:8 & 1 John 4:7-16
5. They openly demonstrate that they Love each other. John 13:34-35 & 1 John 4:7-16
6. They all share the Good News that Jesus rose from the dead. Matthew 28:18-20
Printable Issue 1916  Today is Monday, September 27th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1916
This is something that was emailed to me over the weekend by Mariel Betts; it might not be a typical 'Karen's Korner', but it it a good one:
A Little Known Story from the Pentagon
From 9/11

During a visit with a fellow chaplain, who happened to be assigned to the Pentagon, I had a chance to hear a first-hand account of an incident that happened right after Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.
The chaplain told me what happened at a daycare center near where the impact occurred. This
daycare had many children, including infants who were in heavy cribs. The daycare supervisor, looking at all the children they needed to evacuate, was in a panic over what they could do. There were many children, mostly toddlers, as well as the infants that would need to be taken out with the cribs.
There was no time to try to bundle them into carriers and strollers. Just then a young Marine came running into the center and asked what they needed. After hearing what the center director was trying to do, he ran back out into the hallway and disappeared. The director thought, 'well, there we are-on our own.'

About two minutes later, that Marine returned with forty other Marines in tow. Each of them grabbed a crib with a child, and the rest started gathering up toddlers. The director and her staff then helped them take all the children out of the center and down toward the park near the Potomac and the Pentagon.
Once they got about 3/4 of a mile outside the building, the Marines stopped in the park, and then did a fabulous thing - they formed a circle with the cribs, which were quite sturdy and heavy, like the covered wagons in the Old West. Inside this circle of cribs, they put the toddlers, to keep them from wandering off. Outside this circle were the 40 Marines, forming a perimeter around the children and waiting for instructions. There they remained until the parents could be notified and come get their children.
The chaplain then said, "I don't think any of us saw nor heard of this on any of the news stories of the day. It was an incredible story of our men there."
There wasn't a dry eye in the room. The thought of those Marines and what they did and how fast they reacted; could we expect any less from them? It was one of the most touching stories from the Pentagon.
Remember Ronald Reagan's great compliment: "Most of us wonder if our lives made any difference. Marines don't have that problem."
God Bless the USA, our troops, and you.

2 Chronicles 7:14 says "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Printable Issue 1917  Today is Tuesday, September 28th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1917
First of all, a little business from yesterday's Karen's Korner and story about the Marines rescue of children in a day care near the Pentagon. In checking with snopes, three of you let me know that the story is fiction. Karen Strempke was the first to let me know and added this comment, "I have no doubt, however, being the mother of a Marine, that if that situation presented itself to a Marine he would have done exactly what the story describes!" I apologize for not checking; maybe I want those kinds of stories to be true!
Now for today; something forwarded to me yesterday by Steve Watne, written by Rick Warren of "Purpose Driven Life" fame. Rick has a style of getting his point across which doesn't leave any of us wondering, "What did he mean?"::

By Rick Warren
"God hears us whenever we ask Him and we know also that He gives us what we ask from Him." 1 John 5:15 (GNT)

Do you ever wonder if prayer really works?  You're praying about something and Satan whispers to you, "This is a waste of time. Forget it!  Who do you think you are?  What do you think you're doing?  God is not listening. Don't waste your time."

Prayer works because God is in control. The basis of all miracles is God's sovereignty. Why does He do one and not another?  Because God is in control.  We have to trust His wisdom and His goodness.

Ephesians 3:20 says, "God is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes."(LB)

Prayer can do whatever God can do. His resources are available to you. Twenty times in the New Testament it says, "Ask." It's encouraging to know that things that are out of my control are not out of God's. I may not be able to change a situation but I can pray and God can change it. 

I know exactly what some of you are thinking right now.  "If I can pray and ask God to change things and if God is really in control of everything, why don't I get everything I pray for?" Good question.  Here are three reasons:

            1)  God is not a genie. You don't put in a prayer, rub a thing and get whatever you want. If every prayer were answered, we'd be spoiled brats. Do you give your children everything they ask for? I hope not. You know what's best for them. You can see the bigger picture. If you can see the bigger picture for your kids, how much bigger is the picture God can see?

            2)  Sometimes Christians pray in conflict. You get two Christians praying at the Super Bowl for different teams. Who's God going to answer? Obviously, God can't answer every prayer at the same time.

But I think the real reason is this:

            3) God knows what's best and you don't. If you think you do, that is very presumptuous. First John 5:14 tells us, "We are sure that He (God) hears us if we ask Him for anything that's according to His will."(GNT) Look at the phrase "according to His will." The attitude of your prayer needs to be: "Lord, this is my prayer request, but Your will be done."  That's what Jesus prayed, "Lord if it's possible, let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless let Thy will..." (Luke 22:42).

Printable Issue 1918  Today is Wednesday, September 29th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1918
One more time on verifying 'pass arounds' as to whether they are true or not. It seems that some aren't sure of the 'truth' of www.snopes.com . Two people emailed me about the background of this 'checking' web site (if you'd like a copy of that, I will forward it to you).
Here is another web site as an alternative, they suggested:  http://www.truthorfiction.com . Who do you believe? You decide!
A Bible verse for today from Proverbs. It has the word 'backslider' in it. One definition:  "someone who lapses into previous undesirable patterns of behavior".
"The backslider get bored with himself;
the godly man's life is exciting."
~ Proverbs 14:14
Bible Commentary:
When God slips from first place in our lives,
everything else loses its meaning.
Life seems to be no more than the tiresome process
of making money to spend on food, clothing, and shelter--
just getting through the day so we can do the same thing
again tomorrow.
But when God has first priority,
life becomes an adventure.
Even our routine projects take on meaning and promise adventure.
because they hold a greater purpose.
If you are bored with life,
check your relationship with God.
Your boredom could be a signal that your priorities have shifted.
Printable Issue 1919  Today is Thursday, September 30th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1919
This was given to me by Mary & Al Tesdahl; I have seen it before but couldn't find it in any of my past Karen's Korners. If we read it before, it could be good again today. I always enjoy people who think something/write something which would make a good Karen's Korner:
    The Maker of all human beings (God) is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to serious defects in the primary and central component of the heart. This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units. This defect has been technically termed "Sub-sequential Internal Non-Morality," or more commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily expressed.
    Some of th Symptoms Include: 1. Loss of direction; 2. Foul vocal emissions; 3. Amnesia of origin; 4. Lack of peace and joy; 5. Selfish or violent behavior; 6. Depression or confusion in the mental component; 7. Fearfulness; 8. Idolatry; 9. Rebellion.
    The Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory-authorized repair and service free of charge to correct this defect. The Repair Technician, Jesus, has most generously offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs. There is no additional fee required. The number to call for repair in all areas is:  P-R-A-Y-E-R.
    Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN through the Repentance procedure. Next, download Atonement from the Repair Technician, Jesus, into the heart component.
    No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, Jesus will replace it with: 1. Love; 2. Joy; 3. Peace; 4. Patience; 5. Kindness; 6. Goodness; 7. Faithfulness; 8. Gentleness; 9. Self-Control.
    Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth) for further details on the use of these fixes.
    WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being unit without correction voids any manufacturer warranties, exposing the unit to dangers and problems too numerous to list and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded. For free emergency service, call on Jesus.
    DANGER:  The human being units not responding to this recall action will have to be scrapped in the furnace. The SIN defect will not be permitted to enter God's Kingdom so as to prevent contamination of that facility.
    Thank you for your attention!           
    P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this important recall notice, and you may contact me at any time by "Knee-mail."