October 2013 Archives
Today is Tuesday, October 1st, 2013; Karen's Korner #2662
A couple of thoughts by Billy Graham, taken from his writing published in The Decision magazine in September 1976 and reprinted in the same magazine in October 2013:
"One mistake is the tendency to confuse character with greatness. A. W. Tozer said, 'Bible characters fall into four classes: first, those who are great but not good; second, those who are good but not great; third, those who are neither good nor great; and fourth, those who are both great and good.'
"Goodness is possible for everyone even though greatness is achieved only by a few. Greatness contributes nothing to one's personal and inward happiness. Goodness contributes everything. Most people aspire to be great, only a few desire to be good. We are upside down. We are placing value on the wrong thing. Greatness requires a combination of qualities rare in nature. Goodness is a gift of God and may be acquired by the humblest person."
:"Man measures material wealth.
God measures CHARACTER.
"Man says we must have something.
God says we must BE SOMETHING.
"Man measures values by the degree of his own striving and accomplishments.
God measures true values by the degree to which His power is PERMITTED TO FLOW
through a person."
Today is Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013; Karen's Korner #2663
A weekly installment from Max Lucado:
"Picture if you will, a blank check. The amount of the check is 'sufficient grace.' The signer of the check is Jesus. The only blank line is for the payee. That part is for you! May I urge you to spend a few moments with your Savior receiving this check? Reflect on the work of God’s grace. The nails that once held a Savior to the cross. His sacrifice was for you. Express your thanks for His grace. Whether for the first time or the thousandth, let Him hear you whisper, 'Forgive us our debts.' And let Him answer your prayer as you imagine writing your name on the check.
No more deposits are necessary. So complete was the payment that Jesus used a banking term to proclaim your salvation. 'It is finished!' (John 19:30) Perhaps I best slip out now and leave the two of you to talk.
Today is Thursday, October 3rd, 2013; Karen's Korner #2664
First, our weekly Bible Quiz; good luck!
!) What animal tempted Eve into eating the forbidden fruit?
2) What disciple betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?
3) When Jesus walked on water, whom did he tell to get out of the boat and walk to meet him?
It was foretold in the Bible that a Messiah (Jesus) would be coming to earth. And He did!
When he returned to heaven, He left behind the message: He was coming back again.
When? No one knows!
A couple verses from James; perfect for our harvest season:
"Now as for you, dear brothers who are waiting for the Lord's return,
be patient,
like a farmer who waits until the autumn for his precious harvest to ripen.
Yes, be patient.
And take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near."
Bible Commentary:
"The farmer must wait patiently for his crops to grow,
he cannot hurry the process.
But he does not take the summer off and hope that all goes well in the fields.
There is much work to do to ensure a good harvest.
We cannot make Christ return any sooner,
but while we wait there is much work we can do to advance God's Kingdom.
Both the farmer and the Christian must live by faith,
looking toward the future reward for their labors.
Don't live as if Christ will never come.
Work faithfully to build his Kingdom,
for the King will come when the time is ripe."
Answers: 1) A serpent; 2) Judas; 3) Peter
Today is Friday, October 4th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2665
Fifth and last installment from the 'travel-style book' written by Dr. David Jeremiah titled "Discover Paradise: A Guidebook to Heaven, Your True Home".
The small book with lots of colored graphics and fun sub-headings has one section titled "Five Reasons Why Heaven Will Be Exciting":
1. God is Exciting.
2. We will be Exciting.
3. Our Friends will be Exciting.
4. Our Work will be Exciting.
5. Heaven will Fulfill Our Longings.
Heaven will Fulfill Our Longings
"For we know that the whole creation groans and labors
with birth pangs together until now."
~ Romans 8:22,23
"What does this mean? Paul was not writing here about unbelievers. He was talking about all of us as Christians, and he was saying that within us there is a hunger, a deep-down desire for something more. Even though we know Jesus and He has come to fulfill the major need in our life, there's still something missing because we haven't been fully redeemed. We have not yet experienced all that God has for us. And God has put within us this longing for something more.
"Ecclesiastes tells us in the third chapter that God has put eternity in our hearts (v. 11). God has built us, as believers, with a space within us that can't be satisfied with anything except eternity, and no matter how many temporal things we try to put in that space, there's still a cavity from which springs our longing and yearning for something more.
"God created all of us with this deep-seated hunger within us for Him and for Heaven; and it can never be fulfilled otherwise. No matter what we try, even as believers, as much as we serve and worship the Lord, our hearts still long for something more. And it's Heaven! Until we get to Heaven, we will never be whole.
"When we get to Heaven, that inner ache is going to go away."
Today is Monday, October 7th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2666
For a couple of Sundays this fall, our Sunday School class has been looking at a handful of Proverbs. They are filled with single/several verse 'topics' of knowledge:
Here are a couple of them:
"Trust the Lord completely;
don't ever trust yourself.
In everything you do,
put God first,
and he will direct you
and crown your efforts with success."
~ Proverbs 3:5,6
Bible Commentary: "To succeed, said Solomon, we must put God first in our lives. About a thousand years later, Jesus emphasized this same truth (Matthew 6:33). Look at your values and priorities. What is important to you? Where is God on that list? Keep him in first place in everything you do; then he will crown your efforts with success, because you will be working to accomplish his purposes. For example, when it comes to money, putting God first means considering what his portion of your income should be before making any further financial decisions."
"For the reverence and fear of the God
are basic to all wisdom.
Knowing God results in every other kind of understanding."
~ Proverbs 9:10
Bible Commentary: "Are you a mocker or a wise person? You can tell by the way you respond to criticism. Instead of tossing back a quick put-downs or clever retort when rebuked, listen to what is being said. Learn from your criticism; this is the path to wisdom. Wisdom begins with knowing God. He gives insight into living because he created life. To know God is not just to know the facts about Him, but to stand in awe of him and have a relationship with him. Do you really want to be wise? Get to know God better and better."
Today is Tuesday, October 8th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2667
Hiz Kidz, an ecumenical after school program which meets weekly during the school year, is at work in our community for a second year.
Meeting on Mondays, the elementary students have a Bible verse for the 'week'.
Yesterday's was:
"But the Fruit of the Spirit is
and self-control.
Against such there is no law."
~ Galatians 5:22,23 NIV
The verse makes me thing of our apple tree. This is the year for apples; lots of fruit. We picked the apples we could use and could reach; stored them as applesauce or ready for apple crisps and pies. We gave bags and baskets of them to several groups of friends, as they came to pick what they could use.
There were still apples left on the tree; higher and farther out of reach. As the fall wore on, they were bigger, more beautiful.
Within the last week, big, red apples are falling off the tree onto the ground. With bumps and bruises, the lush fruit is being picked up and thrown away.
Like our apples, we possess 'Fruit of the Spirit'. These fruits are designed to be 'picked off the tree' and shared with others; not left to become over-ripe and lost because they have never been 'eaten' by us and used by others in our world.
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for giving us 'fruits', spiritual gifts which can be enjoyed and shared. Thank You that no laws can regulate Your treasures. Help us to recognize who we are and what we possess and help us 'use' these gifts to enhance Your Kingdom here on earth. We don't want to let any of these morsels go to waste; we want to harvest them and share them with others in our world; Your World, which is hungry for what You have to offer. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Today is Wednesday, October 9th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2668
Our weekly installment of Max Lucado.
Some of you have subscribed to his daily emails like I have. If that is something which you'd like to have come in to your computer, I am unsure of his web site address but 'googling' Max would probably get you the right place with directions on how to sign up:
God Hates Arrogance
Proverbs 16:18 reminds us as humility goes before honor, “pride goes before a fall.”
Ever wonder why churches are powerful in one generation but empty the next? The Bible says, the Lord will tear down the house of the proud. God hates arrogance. He hates it because we haven’t done anything to be arrogant about. Is there a Pulitzer for ink? Can you imagine a scalpel growing smug after a successful heart transplant? Of course not. They are only tools. So are we. We may be the canvas, the paper, or the scalpel, but we are not the one who deserve the applause.
David declares who does in Psalm 23, “He makes me, He leads me, He restores my soul…for His name’s sake.” For His name’s sake! No other name. This is all done for God’s glory. He takes the credit, not because He needs it, but because He knows we cannot handle it!
Today is Thursday, October 10th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2669
A couple weeks ago when our Zimbabwe missionaries Fanny & Martha were in Clarion, Martha was part of our ladies weekly prayer group. As we talked, Martha pulled a small Bible out of her purse and gently told us a couple of her thoughts.
She told about Psalms mentioning about God being a Rock, Our Rock in several places. "We have to remember that David (writer of many of the 150 chapters of this book) was a shepherd. When out in the fields guarding his flocks, there were sometimes wild animals with which he had to contend. At those times, he would have to hide behind large rocks in those pastures to protect himself and his sheep from danger."
Martha said there are sometimes like those sheep, we are in need of a Shepherd, who is Our Rock, to hide behind or to be used by us for our safety and protection.
Here are a couple which I scanned and found:
"I plead with you to help me, Lord, for your are my Rock of safety."
~ Psalm 28:1
"O God, my Rock....."
~ Psalm 42:9
"Yes, he alone is my Rock,
my rescuer, defense and fortress--
why then should I be tense with fear when trouble comes?"
~ Psalm 62:2 (and repeated in verse 6)
"Then they remembered that God was their Rock--
that their Savior
was the God above all gods."
~ Psalm 78:35
"Oh, come, let us sing to the Lord!
Give a joyous shout in honor
of the Rock of our salvation."
~ Psalm 95:1
Today is Friday, October 11th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2670
First the 'Quiz of the Week":
1) Who was thrown into a den of lions?
2) What was God's sign of his promise to Noah about never flooding the whole earth again?
3) Who was the brother of Mary and Martha?
Quotes from several known leaders, past and present:
"We have a great deal of worth in the eyes of God.
I never tire of saying over and over again
that God loves us."
~ Mother Teresa
"It is easier to gain weight than lose it.
It takes a lot shorter time to spend money, than try to pay off the bills of our overspending.
It is easier to lose God' peace than to work to get it back.
If we hang out with God, we can get the wisdom it takes to do things right." ~ Joyce Meyer
"Nothing ever comes to one,
that is worth having,
except as the result of hard work."
~ Booker T. Washington
"If you want to go fast,
go alone.
If you want to go far,
go together as a team."
~ Heard on Dr. Jeremiah's radio broadcast yesterday
"Why be discouraged and sad?
Hope in God!"
~Psalm 42:5
Answers: 1) Daniel; 2) A rainbow; 3) Lazarus
Today is Monday, October 14th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2671
"You will know the truth,
and the truth will
set you free."
~ John 8:32
Bible Commentary:
"Jesus himself is the truth
that sets us free.
He is the source of truth,
the perfect standard of what is right.
He frees us from the consequences of sin;
from self-deception;
and from deception by Satan.
He shows us clearly the way to eternal life with God.
Thus Jesus does not give us freedom to do what we want,
but freedom to follow God.
As we seek to live for God,
Jesus' perfect truth
frees us to be all that God meant us to be."
Today is Tuesday, October 15th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2672
From Max Lucado for a small 'dose' this week:
Don't Give Up
The famous circus promoter, P.T. Barnum said: “There’s a sucker born every minute”—and he spent his life proving it. Maybe you feel like you’ve been suckered in life. You don’t want to take another risk. You don’t want to be hurt again.
Corrie ten Boom used to say, “When the train goes through a tunnel and the world gets dark, do you jump out? Of course not. You sit still and trust the engineer to get you through.” Maybe that’s what you need to do, my friend. Your wounds are deep. Your disappointments are heavy. Remember the story of the Emmaus-bound disciples? The Savior they thought was dead now walked beside them. And something happened in their hearts (Luke 24:12-14). Maybe you are disappointed like they were. But, can you sense the presence of Christ beside you? Don’t give up. Don’t jump out. Be patient and let God remind you… He’s in control!
Today is Wednesday, October 16th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2673
A couple of 'good thoughts' from Ephesians; a verse or two:
Ephesians 2:8:
"For it is God’s grace that you have been saved through faith."
Ephesians 4:23:
"Now all your attitudes and thoughts must be constantly changing for the better."
Today is Thursday, October 17th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2674
Bible Quiz time; these might be a little harder. Hope that you can get one or two!
1) What was Peter's profession in the Bible?
2) What did Zacchaeus do for a living?
3) Where did Mary and Joseph find Jesus when they thought he was lost?
"What in the world is going on?"
I mentioned at our weekly church prayer group yesterday that it just seems like the world, as we know it, is spinning out of control.
"Everywhere I look people are having to deal with so many things," I said.
Some are dealing with serious health issues, one isn't resolved before another one pops up. Bigger and bigger bills enter into the family mailbox; how are these going to be paid? Several people I know within the last year plus have had a close family member die; then comes another death or one that is pending. Individuals and families are stretched many different ways. How do they cope? How do we do it?
Sometimes it feels like someone has shut off the lights in the world, our world. Things seem to be growing darker; we need a flashlight to find our way.
"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."
~ Psalm 119:105 NIV
We are going to need help in this life. We need Someone to save us. We need to follow Jesus (aka as the Light of the World)!
Dear Jesus, You knew we couldn't make it in this life on our own. Thank You for Your plan to save us from our situations; from ourselves. We need Your help; we need You! Amen.
Answers: 1) Fisherman; 2) Tax collector; 3) At the temple,
Today is Friday, October 18th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2675
Yesterday I attended the funeral services of a long-time community member and church friend.
As I was making my way toward the burial site at our local cemetery, I glanced at a few names chiseled on stones, marking various plots. One in particular caught my eye.
It was a family plot with two separate headstones. One was for mom and dad. She died about a decade ago; he is still alive. To the right was the marker for one of the couple's daughters and son-in-law. He died a handful of years ago; she still resides in Clarion.
What caught my eye on that second simple stone was only one word: FORGIVEN.
Life has a way of taking us down many roads with its twists and curves. Some have more bumps on them than others. But all of us are in need of a Savior. One who can save us from our past mistakes and poor choices. Nothing is more exciting than to know the One who has the power to erase the errors of our past decisions. And to know our lifes' marker boards have been wiped clean.
"Then Jesus said to her,
"Your sins are forgiven..."
~ LUKE 7:48 NIV
Today is Monday, October 21st, 2013; Karen's Korner #2676
I am reading the book "Mother Teresa: Protector of the Sick" by Linda Carlson Johnson. It is small book written for elementary student readers, but I am enjoying it.
The quick and easy-to-read biography allows us to see God's hand in everything Mother Teresa did throughout her life. She gave everything she was and did to God; His multiplication was fantastic across India and around the world.
Here are just a couple of paragraphs:
"From the first day Mother Teresa left the convent, she operated on faith. Though she only had five rupees to her name, Mother Teresa gave four of them away to the poor. When a Catholic priest asked for the last rupee she had, she hesitated for only a second before giving it to him, even though she did not know where any more money would come from. Several days later, the priest came back and gave Mother Teresa an envelope with 50 rupees in it. From that day on, Mother Teresa said, she knew God would bless her work.
"In 1962, a sister called her from Agra, another city in India, to say that 50,000 rupees were needed for a children's home. Mother Teresa told the sister she did not have the money. A few minutes later, the phone rang again. A man told Mother Teresa she had won an award of money for her work in the Philippines. She asked the man how much money she would receive. He said about 50,000 rupees. Mother Teresa hung up the phone and said, 'I guess God wants a children's home in Agra.'"
Dear Jesus, thank You for examples in our lives of people like Mother Teresa who trusted You completely and did marvelous things with limited resources. You, in turn, blessed them and multiplied them just like You when you were here on earth: multiplying a little boy's lunch to feed thousands. Help us to trust You today, even in small ways, as we learn that nothing is impossible for you........or us.........if we but put our faith and trust in You. Guide our thoughts and our steps. In Your Name. Amen.
Today is Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013; Karen's Korner #2677
The daily email devotionals that we receive from Max Lucado are excerpts from books which he has written. His newest release "You'll Get Through This" is currently being featured in some of his daily releases. Like this one:
Lean On God's People
Whatever it is that’s troubling you, you’ll get through this! Cancel your escape to the Himalayas. Forget the deserted island. This is no time to be a hermit. Pray! Lean on God’s people. Be a barnacle on the boat of God’s church.
Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Don’t quit. And don’t hide! Would the sick avoid the hospital? The hungry avoid the food pantry? Would the discouraged abandon God’s Hope Distribution Center? Only at great risk. God is waiting on you, my friend. He is with you. Your family may have left. Your supporters may be gone. Your counselor may be silent. But God has not budged. His promise in Genesis 28:15 still stands,“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go!”
You will get through this!
Today is Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013; Karen's Korner #2678
"Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer.
From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.
I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. For you, God, have heard my vows; you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.
Increase the days of the king’s life, his years for many generations.
May he be enthroned in God’s presence forever; appoint your love and faithfulness to protect him.
Then I will ever sing in praise of your name and fulfill my vows day after day."
~ Psalm 61 (NIV)
Bible Commentary: "David (writer of this Psalm) continually praised God through both the good and difficult times of his life. He made a commitment to praise God.every day which showed his reverence for God. Do you find something to praise God for each day? As you do, you will find your heart elevated from daily distractions to lasting confidence."
Today is Thursday, October 24th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2679
Today's writing by Sarah Young in her devotions for every day on the year "Jesus Calling", writing as if Jesus were speaking directly to us:
"Lie down in green pastures of Peace.
Learn to unwind whenever possible,
resting in the Presence of your Shepherd.
This electronic age keeps My children 'wired' much of the time,
too tense to find Me in the midst of their moments.
I built into your very being the need for rest.
How twisted the world has become when people feel guilty about meeting this basic need!
How much time and energy they waste by being always on the go
rather than taking time to seek My direction for their lives.
"I have called you to walk with Me down paths of Peace.
I want you to blaze a trail for others who desire to live in My peaceful Presence.
I have chosen you less for your strengths then for your weaknesses,
which amplify your need for Me.
Depend on Me more and more,
and I will shower Peace on all your paths."
Young then lists three supporting Bible verses: Genesis 2:2 - 3; Luke 1:79; and Psalm 23:1 - 3 NIV (listed below):
"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake."
Today is Friday, October 25th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2680
Bible Quiz for the week:
1) Where did Jonah go to try to run away and hide from God?
2) What was the secret of Samson's great strength?
3) Which apostle was blinded by light on the road to Damascus?
Our Sunday School class at church is taking a look, last week and this one, at the book of Jonah. It's a short book of four chapters, 47 verses total!
God had given Jonah a job to do; he didn't want to do it so he ran. Remember the story? He ran to the sea where he boarded a ship on which he rode until a large storm began. Eventually the sailors tossed Jonah overboard, where a large fish swallowed him. Inside the fish, Jonah prayed. God heard him and answered his prayer; then Jonah did the task for which God had asked:
Chapter 2 is his prayer:
Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from inside the fish. He said,
“I cried out to the Lord in my great trouble, and he answered me. I called to you from the land of the dead, and Lord, you heard me! You threw me into the ocean depths, and I sank down to the heart of the sea. The mighty waters engulfed me; I was buried beneath your wild and stormy waves. Then I said, ‘O Lord, you have driven me from your presence. Yet I will look once more toward your holy Temple.’
“I sank beneath the waves, and the waters closed over me. Seaweed wrapped itself around my head. I sank down to the very roots of the mountains. I was imprisoned in the earth, whose gates lock shut forever. But you, O Lord my God, snatched me from the jaws of death! As my life was slipping away, I remembered the Lord. And my earnest prayer went out to you in your holy Temple. Those who worship false gods turn their backs on all God’s mercies. But I will offer sacrifices to you with songs of praise, and I will fulfill all my vows. For my salvation comes from the Lord alone.”
Then the Lord ordered the fish to spit Jonah out onto the beach."
Bible Commentary: "Jonah starts off this chapter with a prayer of thanksgiving for being saved from drowning. He was delivered in a most spectacular way and was overwhelmed that he had escaped certain death. His prayer was heard and answered; we too can pray anywhere and at any time. God hears. Our sin is never too great, our predicament never too difficult for God."
1) On a ship to sea; 2) Not cutting his hair; 3) Paul (aka Saul)
Today is Monday, October 28th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2681
Hope that you had a nice weekend!
Something from Max Lucado to start the week. He talks about 'the bully'. More often the bully in our lives is not other people; it is some of the random thoughts which come knocking on the door of our thought life:
Kick the Bully in the Pants
With all the cockiness of a neighborhood bully, the thought swaggers up to the door and says. . .“You’re a loser. All your life you’ve been a loser. You might as well write the word bum on your resume, for that’s what you are.” The average person would throw open the door and let the thought in. “You’re right. I’m a bum. Come on in.”
But as a Christian, you aren’t your average person. You’re led by the Spirit of God. So rather than let the thought in, you take it captive; you present the thought before the judgment seat of Christ. How do you know if Jesus agrees or disagrees? You open your Bible. Romans 8:1 is a good place to check. “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
So, give the bully a firm kick in the pants—and watch him run!
Today is Tuesday, October 29th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2682
Late Sunday afternoon a week ago, I had run to Clarion to see Jim in the hospital. He was diagnosed with coronary artery disease nearly forty years ago and hospitalizations are not uncommon for our family.
As we visited, he said he wanted me to get him a malt for a snack. That sounded good.
I drove to our local fast food restaurant, going through the drive up. Ordered his vanilla malt and for me, a 'cookies and cream' shake.
Total cost a few pennies over $7. As I got out a ten-dollar bill and the matching change, I got the bright idea to give the young man on the intercom a dollar tip.
The thought came into my mind, "No, give him all the change!"
Wow! A three-dollar tip on a $7 order.......and at a drive-through at that!
That's not my normal!
It seemed like a 'God-thing' to do!
Okay! So I told the young man to 'keep the change'
"Three dollars?" he said.
"Yes, just keep it for yourself!" I said.
He looked confused and didn't want to put it into his pocket. What would the malt-mixer lady think? He laid it by the cash register and was still trying to figure out his good fortune when I left.
That was fun, I thought.
Returning to the hospital, we drank our cold snacks and chatted a bit more.
Before going home, I knew I needed gas in our van. Which I got.
As I was driving south, down our county blacktop, out of town, I was passing through a residential portion of Clarion. It was a 25 mph zone.
Just outside of town, I saw flashing red lights. Must be an ambulance coming my direction, I thought.
My next thought, "Oh, no! Hard tell how fast I was driving!"
I pulled over to the edge of the road and the local police officer walked toward the driver-side of our van.
"Going a little fast, aren't you?" he asked.
"I have no idea how fast I was going," I said. "I was just lost in my thoughts."
He asked for my driver's license. As I was getting it out of my billfold, I added, "My husband is in the hospital but that is no excuse."
He walked my license back to his vehicle; I waited.
When he came back to the van, he said, "I'm not going to write you up a ticket. But remember to watch those speed signs as you come into, and leave, town."
"Thanks," I said, "normally I do pay attention."
As he and I both got back into the flow of traffic, I thought about God jogging my thinking to tip the local fast food employee.
I think the 'charge' for my 'ticket' was about $3!
It's a God-thing; part of His economy and the way He tends to do things.
Always better than we deserve!!
Today is Wednesday, October 30th, 2013; Karen's Korner #2683
"But the Lord is still in His holy temple;
He still rules from heaven.
He closely watches everything that happens here on earth.
He puts the righteous
and the wicked to the test;
He hates those loving violence.
He will rain down fire and brimstone
on the wicked and scorch them with His burning wind.
For God is good, and He loves goodness;
the godly shall see His face."
~ Psalm 11:4 - 7 LB
Bible Commentary: "When law and order collapse and we wish we could hide, remember that God is still in control. Nothing happens without his knowledge and permission. When you feel like running away.....run to God. He will restore justice and goodness on the earth in his good time.
"God does not preserve believers from difficult circumstances, but puts both the righteous and the wicked to the test. For some, God's tests become a refining fire, while for others, they become an incinerator for destruction. don't ignore or defy the tests and challenges that come your way in life."
Today is Thursday, October 31st, 2013; Karen's Korner #2684
This week's Bible Quiz; good luck:
1) Name the shepherd boy from the Old Testament who became king?
2) What did God call the gathering together of the waters in the book of Genesis?
3) What did the angel roll away from Jesus' tomb?
Something shared by long-time friend Connie Mechem who now lives in Colorado; from yesterday's international devotional publication Upper Room:
"For sometime, I have been waking up in the middle of the night, staring at the ceiling and wondering why I am awake. I'm tired. I have to get up early. What am I to do? A few nights ago, I remembered a friend's suggestion about ABC prayers. I began with the letter A and thought of people whose names began with A. Then I prayed specifically for their needs and asked God to touch their lives. Then I moved on to B. I remember reaching the letter M, but the rest is a blur. I was snoozing peacefully again. This exercise reminds me of the joy and peace we find in praying for others. In our small Sunday School class, we post weekly prayer requests. We have been amazed to see the power of our prayers at work. Talking with God, submitting our sincere requests for God's help and guidance for our friends and family, leads to amazing results or even as in my case, it can lead to a calming and peaceful sleep."
Written by Sherah B. Carr (Georgia, USA)
Read Philippians 1: 3 - 11
Answers: 1) David; 2) Seas; 3) A stone