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I'm Karen

August 2015 Archives

Printable Issue 3116  Today is Monday, August 3rd, 2015; Karen's Korner #3116

A couple of Bible verses about children and how precious they (we) all are to God; especially as we move closer to school beginning for the year:

"'Beware that you don't look down upon a single one of these little children. For I tell you that in heaven their angels have constant access to my Father. And I, the Messiah, came to save the lost.

"'If a man has a hundred sheep, and one wanders away and is lost, what will he do? Won't he leave the ninety-nine others and go out into the hills to search for the lost one? And if he finds it, he will rejoice over it more than over the ninety-nine others safe at home! Just so, it is not my Father's will that even one of these little one's should perish.'"

~ Matthew 18:10 - 14 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "Our concern for children must parallel God's treatment of them. Certain angels are assigned to watch over children, and they have direct access to God. These words ring out sharply in cultures where children are taken lightly, ignored, or aborted. If their angels have constant access to God, the least we can do is to allow children to approach us easily in spite of our far-too-busy schedules.

"Just as a shepherd is concerned enough tor one lost sheep to go search the hills for it, so God is concerned about every human being He creates (He is not willing that any should perish," 2 Peter 3:9). We come in contact with children who need Christ at home, at school, in church, and in our neighborhood. Steer them toward Him by your example, your words, and your acts of kindness."


Printable Issue 3117  Today is Tuesday, August 4th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3117

A week from today the Colepepper-Merriweather Circus will be in Clarion for two evening performances. "Skeeter", their clown, was in town yesterday morning; walking the streets and frequenting businesses to remind people of their coming and encouraging those she met to 'buy advanced discount tickets'.

Six of us gals were meeting together in a downtown coffee shop, as we do monthly. Skeeter spent some time talking with us.

Among other things, she wanted us all to know that the circus likes people to come out early in the morning the day of the circus to watch them set up the 'big top tent', among other activities. "Come out early," Skeeter said, "bring your grandchildren. There is a one-hour tour which begins at 9:30."

She thought she was talking to a handful of gals. But what she didn't know is that I send out a weekly, bullet-point email of a dozen or more happenings in our area (THE CLARION WIRE), each Friday morning. It goes to more than 1,000 computers! Her comments will be included and many more will be invited.

She had no idea 'who she was talking to'!

I wonder if the same thing happens to us when we offer our 'simple;' sometimes 'paltry' prayers. Does God say back to us, "You have no idea Who you are talking to!" Nor do we know what might happen next!

So today let's pray:  "Father God in Heaven, collectively today we come to you. With our praises to You for our protection and love. We ask Your hand of blessing on our family members, our homes, our communities, and our world....just for today! Help us to see You and Your handiwork as we look around.....just for today! You are Creator, Protector, Caregiver, Savior. Thank You. Amen."

Printable Issue 3118  Today is Wednesday, August 5th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3118

God Gets Us Through Stuff

"Whatever it is---you'll get through this! You think you won't. But we all do. We fear the depression will never lift, the yelling will never stop, the pain will never leave. We wonder, will this gray sky ever brighten? Will we ever exit this pit?

"Yes........yes! Deliverance is to the Bible what jazz music is to Mardi Gras:  big, bold, and everywhere. Out of the lion's den for Daniel, the prison for Peter, the whales' belly for Jonah, the grave for Lazarus, and the shackles for Paul. God gets us through stuff. Through the wilderness, through the valley of the shadow of death. Through is favorite word of God's. Isaiah 4:32 says, 'When you pass through the waters, I will be with you , when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned..........'

You will get through this!

~ Written by Max Lucado

Taken from his book 'You Will Get Through This'


Printable Issue 3119  Today is Thursday, August 6th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3119

Yesterday Margaret Cramer, a good friend, loaned me a book to read and savory. Lots of short thoughts and encouraging words.

Today's is the first installment from it - "How many days of the week can be extraordinary?" - written and compiled by Dan Zadra & Kobi Yamada:

"......there are three things we all should do every day. We should do this every day of our lives.

"Number one is laugh. You should laugh every day.

"Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought.

"Number three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy.

"But think about it. If you laugh, you think and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special."

~ Jim Valvano, college basketball coach, from his ESPY Awards speech, given eight weeks before he died of cancer


Printable Issue 3120  Today is Friday, August 7th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3120

Some good news for all of us today! Bodies we have today will some day be traded for one's like Christ's!

"Every human being has a body just like Adam's, made of dust, but all who become Christ's -- will have the same kind of body as his---a body from heaven."

~ I Corinthians 15:48 LAB


A comparative graphic inset in my Bible:

Physical versus Resurrection Bodies

Die and decay versus Never die

Embarrassing versus Full of glory

Weak and sick versus Full of strength

Human versus Superhuman

Natural versus Spiritual

From the dust versus From heaven


Commentary (in part): "When we will be resurrected, God will give us a glorified body suited to our new eternal life."

Yeah! God!!


Printable Issue 3121  Today is Monday, August 10th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3121

(Sorry for the delay today; some computer server problems!)

"But when Jesus heard about it, He said, 'The purpose of his illness is not death, but for the glory of God. I, the Son of God, will receive glory from this situation.'"

~ John 11:4 LAB (Jesus telling about Lazarus' illness & subsequent death)


Bible Commentary:  "Any difficult situation a believer faces can ultimately bring glory to God because God can bring good out of any bad situation. When trouble comes, do we whine, complain, and blame God? Or do we see our problems as opportunities to honor Him?"

Remember Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.

Anything can happen next!


Printable Issue 3122  Today is Tuesday, August 11th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3122

Goodness and Mercy

"Our moods may shift, but God's doesn't. Our minds may change, but God's doesn't. Our devotion may falter, but God's never does. Even if we are faithless, He is faithful, for He cannot betray Himself. He is a sure God. And because He is, we can confidently say with Psalm 23:6, 'Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.'

"What a huge statement. Look at the size of it! Goodness and mercy follow the child of God each and every day. Think of the days ahead. He will walk you through. He will take your hand. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me--not some, not most, but all the days of my life. Release your doubts. You are no candidate for insecurity. You can trust God....all the days of your life!

~ By Max Lucado


Printable Issue 3123  Today is Wednesday, August 12th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3123

Installment #2 from the book of short thoughts, loaned to me by Margaret Cramer last week:  "How many days of the week can be extraordinary?  7!", written and compiled by Dan Zadra &Kobi Yamada:

"For the past 30 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked, 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today'. And whenever the answer has been 'no' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something."

~ Steve Jobs, Apple Chairman, from a commencement speech of Stanford University


"Someday is not a Day of the Week"


"A USA Today poll asked Americans, 'How busy are you?' The majority replied, 'I am busier today than I was last year, and I was busier last year than I was the year before. And I sacrifice friends, family and sleep for my success.'

"When Americans were asked, 'What would you do if you had an 8-day week instead of a 7-day week?' Most, unfortunately, did not answer with things like:  'I would play with my kids. I'd get to know my neighbors. I would enjoy a hobby that's rewarding and relaxing. I would spend more time with friends.' Instead, most answered that the would use the extra time to catch up at work."

~ Source:  Professor Philip Zimbardo



Printable Issue 3124  Today is Friday, August 14th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3124

(Sorry for no Karen's Korner yesterday; had a day at the Iowa State Fair! Look for an additional one tomorrow to keep my 'five per week' going!)

God's Boundaries

"You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.........."

~ Genesis 2:16-17 NIV

"In the first home, the Lord God taught man the difference between right and wrong. Adam needed to know what his boundaries were, what was acceptable to God and what was not.

"Can you image the chaos that would result if a multilane highway had no painted markings to give direction to the traffic? Accidents and confusion would be the order of the day. No one complains about or resents the markings because drivers know the painted boundaries exist for their own benefit and safety.

"Today we are surrounded by a generation of people who have grown up living according to their own moral codes, defying the boundaries set by God. As a result, it is a generation with no peace or sense of security. Rather than inhibiting us, moral guidelines free us to live in peace and security. The statistics on crime, divorce, abortion, and suicide give eloquent witness to the danger of living outside of God's boundaries. He has drawn the lines---we need to stay with them!"

~ By Anne Graham Lotz


Printable Issue 3125  Today is Saturday, August 15th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3125

Words to the song "I Believe"

(Hope that they start running through your head today!)

I believe for every drop of rain falls
A flower grows
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night
A candle glows

I believe for everyone who goes astray
Someone will come
To show the way
I believe, I believe

I believe above the storm the smallest prayer
Can still be heard
I believe that someone in the great somewhere
Hears every word

Every time I hear new born baby cry
Or touch a leaf or see the sky
Then I know why
I believe

~ by songwriters Irvin Graham, Ervin Drake,  Shirl Jimmy, Al Stillman


Printable Issue 3126  Today is Monday, August 17th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3126

I had the opportunity to attend a wedding for a neighborhood friend on Saturday. The officiating priest gave the couple '5 sentences' to consider for a long, happy marriage, based on some compiled research. Each sentence has one, two, three, four, and then five words. Good advice for any successful relationship.

Here you go, see what you think:

1) YOU. This new relationship is no longer about ME but You. Think of that other person.

2) THANK YOU. Thank you can never be said too much.

3) I AM SORRY. No one does everything right; says everything right. Apologizing works.

4) WHAT IS YOUR OPINION? Asking that other person what they think or believe about some matter.

5) I AM PROUD OF YOU! Compliments work; what do you like? Tell him/her!


As I thought about the simple list of five, I also thought about our relationship with/to God. Wouldn't they work as well? God wants us to put Him first. He will esteem our choice---and each one of us! The Bible says to 'always be thankful'. Saying 'I am sorry' could be the same as confessing our sins. Asking God for help with our decisions would be like asking His opinion. And who wouldn't be proud to be in God's family, only by our asking to be 'adopted'?

What do you think?

Printable Issue 3127  Today is Tuesday, August 18th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3127

I picked out two books from the "Little Lending Library", located at the end of our daughter Jamie's street. You might be familiar with the 'larger than a birdhouse' libraries where people 'leave' or 'take' a book!

One of those I chose was Chicken Soup for the Soul 'at work'. Below is the introduction thought:

"A successful businessman traveled to India to spend a month working in one of Mother Teresa's shelters. He longed to meet the tiny nun, but Mother Teresa was traveling, and it wasn't until the day before his departure that he received an audience.

"When he was finally in her presence, much to his surprise, he burst into tears. All the times when he'd been self-centered, busy or focused on his own gain flashed before his eyes, and he felt an enormous sadness that he had missed so many opportunities in his life to give of himself and his resources.

"Without a word, Mother Teresa walked over to where he was seated, put her hands on his shoulders and looked deeply into his eyes, 'Don't you know,' she said, 'that God knows you are doing the best you can.'"


Mother Teresa might say the same thing to you .........and me! 'God knows we are doing the best we can!" And perfect has never been on the list. His grace and mercy are!!

Printable Issue 3128  Today is Wednesday, August 19th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3128

A short story in the book "Power Thoughts" by Joyce Meyer:

"Prior to the Civil War, a man named Edmund McIlhenny ran a salt and sugar business on Avery Island, Louisiana. A union invasion in 1863 forced him to leave his home and business, and when he returned in 1865, he found his sugar fields and saltworks completely devastated. He had almost nothing left---except some hot peppers that still grew in his garden. McIlhenny began to experiment with the peppers, to see if he could make some sauce to add taste to the bland foods he had left to eat. His sauce is now known as Tabasco and in 2008, the sauce, still produced by the McIlhenny family, celebrated its 140th anniversary.

"McIlhenny lost everything in the war; his life could have been ruined. But it wasn't. God Took care of him, and God will take care of you, too if you won't give up.

"Begin to meditate on and say, 'God abundantly meets all of my needs. I expect Him to provide for me in every area of my life. He has a good plan for me and I am expecting a great future.' See yourself as someone who operates in wisdom and has answers that are needed to make proper decisions in life. See yourself as a healthy person who is filled with energy and vitality. Believe that you are creative and have lots of good ideas. Expect to be invited to social gatherings and have many good friends, as well as a loving family. God wants you to expect good things from Him. He promises in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has thoughts and plans toward you that are good and not evil. Take Him at His Word, and have great expectations."


Printable Issue 3129  Today is Thursday, August 20th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3129

Installment #3 of 4 from the book of short thoughts from "How many days of the week can be extraordinary? 7!", written and compiled by Dan Zadra & Kobi Yamada:

"Brighten your little corner of the world.

"Started by a dream he had in which he saw himself as a softly glowing beam of light, moving endlessly through a huge crowd, a man decided to adopt a philosophy. And his life was never the same.

"'I can't control how people are treated in the world,' he said, 'but I can control how they are treated in my little corner of it.

"Each day, I know for certain that I can bring a little warmth and light to anyone who comes within my personal '10-foot-zone'. My philosophy is that everyone has their own 10-foot zone. What a world this will be when all those little 10-foot beams of light finally branch and connect.'

~ (Sorry I didn't write down the writer)


"Don't spend your precious time asking, 'Why isn't the world a better place?' It will only be time waster. The question to ask is, 'How can I make it better?' to that there is an answer.

~ Leo Buscaglia


Printable Issue 3130  Today is Friday, August 21st, 2015; Karen's Korner #3130

Something written by Anne Graham Lotz. We sometimes need to be reminded how much God loves us and is willing to take care of us. If this isn't written for you today, there may be someone in your life who needs to be reminded:

God Loves Even Me!

"I will never leave you nor forsake you."

~ Hebrews 13:5 NKJV

"In the midst of our suffering, it can often be difficult to glimpse the glory to come. Suffering is so immediate and can seem so permanent that we can easily lose sight of the big picture. The pain can be so crushing and our hearts can be so broken that we just don't understand why! Why me? Whenever that question tends to fill my mind, I hear Him whisper to my heart, 'Anne, why not you? Just trust Me! Trust Me to be with you. Trust Me to bring you through. Trust Me to be enough for you. Trust Me -- because I love you!'

"When I don't understand why, I trust Him because....God loves even me!

"Are you hurt because you've thought that if God truly loved you, you would be exempt from pain and problems and pressure? Lay your hurts at His nail-pierced feet -- and just trust Him because He loves even you!"


Printable Issue 3131  Today is Monday, August 24th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3131

Something written and emailed by Max Lucado. He talks about 'doing what a dad does'. Whether we had a dad like Lucado or not, God as our Heavenly Father, is the same for all of us. Loving. Caring. Kind. Helping.:

Doing What Comes Naturally

"My child's feelings are hurt. I tell her she's special. My child is afraid. I won't go to sleep until she is secure. I'm not a hero. I'm a parent. When a child hurts, a parent does what comes naturally. He helps. As a father, I can tell you those moments are the sweetest in my day. They come naturally. They come willingly. They come joyfully.

"If I know that one of the privileges of a father is to comfort a child, then why am I so reluctant to let my heavenly Father comfort me? Do I think he was just being poetic when he asked if the birds of the air and the grass of the field have a worry? And if they don't, do I think God will? Why don't I let me Father do for me what I'm more than willing to do for my children? Good question.


Printable Issue 3132  Today is Tuesday, August 25th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3132

Last installment of "How Many Days of the Week Can Be Extraordinary? 7!"; four of four in as many weeks. Written and compiled by Dan Zadra & Kobi Yamada:

Mistakes are Great

"Without risk, nothing new ever happens. Live life fully while you're here. Experience many things. Try new things. Enjoy yourself, be crazy, be daring. Don't hold back! Get out of your comfort zone. And, every now and then, bite off  more than you can chew.

"You'll make mistakes. So what? If you aren't making mistakes, you aren't really living. Besides, studies indicate that people who don't take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year ... and people who do take risks make about the same number .... so why hold back on life or fear the attempt?"

~ Writer unknown



"While at Walden Pond, Henry David Thoreau decided not to get a rug for his little cabin. If he got a rug, he would have to get a rug beater; and if he got a rug beater, he would have to get a rug hook to hang it on. He could see where that might lead.

"Thoreau believed that acquiring more things did not necessarily equate to more joy. Today, sophisticated studies confirm what Thoreau and many other wise souls figured out on their own:  Instead of putting things first, people enjoy a richer life when they put experiences first.

"How about you? If you only have so much life to invest, how do you really want to spend it? Do you want to spend it driving to the mall to buy more stuff? Or would you rather invest it in experiencing the great barrier reef with your best friend? Or biking the Hiawatha Trail with your kids? Or maybe getting out and giving back to your community?

"More and more people are discovering the art of traveling light in life.




Printable Issue 3133  Today is Wednesday, August 26th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3133

"Show me the path where I should go, O Lord; point out the right road for me to walk. Lead me; teach me; for you are the God who gives me salvation. I have no hope except in you. Overlook my youthful sins, O Lord! Look at me instead through eyes of mercy and forgiveness, through eyes of everlasting love and kindness."

~ Psalm 25:4 - 7 LAB


Bible Commentary: "David (writer) expressed his desire for guidance. How do we receive God's guidance? The first step is to want to be guided and to realize that God's guidance is found mainly in his Word, the Bible. By reading it and constantly learning from it, we will gain the wisdom to perceive God's direction for our lives.

"These verses suggest that David may have written them toward the end of his life. Despite his youthful sins, he had a close relationship with God because he was forgiven. David realized, as we must, that God is unlimited, all-conquering, and has unrestrained authority over all of creation and over each individual. Therefore, he is the only source of salvation, hope, and true peace through the forgiveness of sins."


Printable Issue 3134  Today is Thursday, August 27th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3134

I just finished reading a book by Joyce Meyer titled "POWER THOUGHTS", 12 Strategies to WIN the Battle of the Mind.

According to Meyer, too many of us allow the thoughts that rattle through our mind 'lead us to chart the course for our lives and pointing us in certain directions that ultimately determine our destinations in life.......We absolutely must understand the power of thoughts!"

Some of our thoughts are good and God-honoring. But too many times, they are controlled by our environment or our past (i.e. 'Why can't you ever do anything right?'; 'You are too old/too young/not talented enough........to do that!"). Or what thoughts go through our minds, planted there by Satan or something evil or negative (i.e. our fears/anxiety...  for the future, our family members, our community). Those thoughts may or may not be our own, but planted there by some outside source.

Meyer gives readers a 'thought' to think, over and over for a week.....one at a time; to start the process of disciplining our mind as God's children, reminding ourselves our 'possessions' as part of His Family

SO THIS WILL BE #1 of 12 'Thoughts on Thursdays'

to think for one week, as we begin together to retrain our minds:

"I Can Do Whatever I Need To Do In Life Through Christ"


Bible verses to back up Meyer's words:

"For I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power."

~ Philippians 4:13


"But despite all of those, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loved us enough to die for us."

~ Romans 8:37


"Keep your eyes on Jesus, our leader and instructor."

~ Romans 12:2A


Start the thought pattern: "I Can Do Whatever I Need To Do in Life Through Christ!"

Printable Issue 3135  Today is Friday, August 28th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3135

Today's entry from "Jesus Calling:  Enjoying Peace in His Presence" by Sarah Young, as if Jesus is talking to you and me:

"Grow Strong in the Light of My Presence. As My Face shines upon you, you receive nutrients that enhance your growth in grace. I designed you to commune with Me face to Face, and this interaction strengthens your soul. Such communion provides a tiny glimpse of what awaits you in heaven, where all barriers between you and My Glory will be removed. This meditative time with Me blesses you doubly; You experience My Presence here and now, and you are refreshed by the hope of heaven, where you will know Me in ecstatic Joy."

~ Taken from Psalm 4:6 -8; Revelation 21:23


Printable Issue 3136  Today is Monday, August 31st, 2015; Karen's Korner #3136

A "Max Lucado" to start our week:

God is Not Sometimes Sovereign

"This season in which you find yourself may puzzle you, but it does not bewilder God. He can and will use it for His purpose. God is not sometimes sovereign. He is not occasionally victorious. Jeremiah 30:24 reminds us, 'The Lord shall not turn back until He has executed and accomplished the thoughts and intents of His mind.'

"Case in point. Joseph in prison. From an earthly viewpoint the Egyptian jail was the tragic conclusion of Joseph's life. The devil had Joseph just where he wanted him. So did God. What Satan intended for evil, God used for testing. If you see your troubles as nothing more than isolated hassles and hurts, you will grow bitter and angry. But, if you see your troubles as tests used by God for his glory and your maturity--then even the smallest incidents take on significance!"
