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October 2015 Archives

Printable Issue 3158  Today is Thursday, October 1st, 2015; Karen's Korner #3158

# 6 of 12 "Thoughts on Thursdays"

Taken from the book:  "POWER THOUGHTS", 12 Strategies to WIN the Battle of the Mind, written by Joyce Meyer

Power Thought #6:  "I trust God completely; There is NO need to Worry!"

Bible verses to back up Meyer's 'thought':

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and overburdened, and I will give you rest."  ~Matthew 11:28

"Andy who of you by worrying and being anxious can add one unit of measure to his stature or to the span of his life?  ~ Matthew 6:27


As Meyer says in her book, repeat this Power Thought over and over again, especially when you want to worry. You may say, "I can't say that. I was a born worrier." Or, "I'd like to worry but I can't seem to stop." Say it with your mouth or repeat it in your mind. Those thoughts or words can replace the 'fear and worry' thoughts.

Printable Issue 3159  Today is Friday, October 2nd, 2015; Karen's Korner #3159

"For the Lord say, 'Because he loves me, I will rescue him; I will make him great because he trusts in my name. When he calls on me I will answer; I will be with him in trouble, and rescue him and honor him. I will satisfy him with a full life and give him my salvation.'"

~ Psalm 91:14 - 16 LAB

Some people make no marks in his/her favorite Bible. Others mark it up with notes and sometimes highlighters. I am in the latter group, making some marks when thoughts occur to me or someone tells me something.

Near these few Psalm verses, I have marked:  "I will always be rescued from every situation." - 5/22/88. And another comment, "We are designed for greatness!"

God's words remain the same - always! We are the recipients.....

Printable Issue 3160  Today is Saturday, October 3rd, 2015; Karen's Korner #3160

Saturday issue!

Please make a note that there will be no Karen's Korners this coming week as I am away from my computer. The next 'korner' will be sent on Monday, October 12.

Psalm chapter 150, (the final Psalm of 150 chapters!):

"Hallelujah! Yes, praise the Lord!

"Praise him in his Temple, and in the heavens he made with mighty power. Praise him for his mighty works. Praise his unequaled greatness. Praise him with the trumpet and with lute and harp. Praise him with the drums and dancing. Praise him with stringed instruments and horns. Praise him with the cymbals, yes, loud clanging cymbals.

"Let everything alive give praises to the Lord! YOU praise him!



Bible Commentary:  "In a way, the book of Psalms parallels our spiritual journey through life. It begins by presenting the reader with two roads---the way to life and the way to death. The godly person chooses the way to life, but still faces both blessings and troubles, joy and grief, successes and obstacles. But throughout it all, God is at his/her side, guiding, encouraging, comforting, caring. As the godly person's life draws to an end, it becomes increasingly clear that he or she has chosen the right road. Knowing this will cause him or her to praise God for leading in the right direction and for the assurance of soon entering the perfect world God has in store for those who have faithfully followed him."


Printable Issue 3161  Today is Monday, October 12th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3161

Wow! Here I am, back at my computer after a few days away! What a wonderful time!

If we don't watch our computer emails every day, they pile up. Some great; others junk! I had a number of daily thought ones; all good! Didn't follow them as closely as I would if I read them each day.

Here is one from last week by Anne Graham Lotz; some sobering statistics:

Paying the Ultimate Price

"No servant is greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also."

~ John 15:20 NIV

"They didn't just persecute Jesus; they crucified Him! How is it that you and I think we will be treated any better?

"You may be thinking this doesn't happen today. Yet it has been estimated by the World Christian Encyclopedia that more than 45 million men and women were put to death for their faith in Jesus Christ during the twentieth century! In recent years, the estimate has averaged between 160,000 and 171,000 per year. Imagine! That's more than 10,000 Christians dying for their faith every month! More than 400 per day!

"While you and I are getting up this morning, trying to decide what to wear and what to eat and where we will spend our vacation, somewhere in the world someone is paying the ultimate price for his or her relationship with Jesus! And I ask myself, would I be willing to do the same?"


Printable Issue 3162  Today is Tuesday, October 13th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3162

My week away included my sister, Jill, and I traveling to Tennessee to see some sights and sounds; also to visit a handful of relatives.

Our first stop was St. Louis and among other things to see and experience the famous Arch. While I had traveled there before, it was the first time for Jill. Even having been there, I had forgotten some of the construction things we learned in the video presentation.

The Arch was built both sides at the same time, coming together after several years of construction when they 'dropped in' the final piece bringing the two arms together. As they built, they daily 'measured' to be sure it would all 'work'. If they were 1/64 of an inch off any of the building, the project would not work. It worked! I remain impressed! They also said the projection was that 13 construction workers would die in the building process. They lost none!

God's hand had to be in all of it as they built!

It isn't just things like the Arch which should impress. It should happen every day. In the bruised stubbed toes, which heal like 'magic'. The way the world spins and day becomes night, right on schedule. Looking into a new baby's eyes and he or she is 'perfect'. And the list continues......

Dear Father in Heaven, we are here this morning wanting to praise You. For the miracle ways You orchestrate life. For Your care and concern for every detail of our lives. Thank You for blessing us. Help us to see the lives which You have given us through Your eyes. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

P.S. They are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the St. Louis Arch later this month!

Printable Issue 3163  Today is Wednesday, October 14th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3163

Something written by Sarah Young - "Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence" (written as if Jesus is talking directly to each of us).

It is today's entry and talks about 'suffering' and 'pain and problems'. Oh great, just what we want to read about! But reality, it seems everyone has 'something'. If we don't have health problems, we have relationship problems. If we don't have either of those, we might have financial woes.

"Be prepared to suffer for Me, in My Name. All suffering has meaning in My kingdom. Pain and problems are opportunities to demonstrate your trust in Me. Bearing your circumstances bravely-----even thanking Me for them---is one of the highest forms of praise. This sacrifice of thanksgiving rings golden-toned bells of Joy throughout heavenly realms. On earth also, your patient suffering sends out ripples of good tidings in ever-widening circles.

"When suffering strikes, remember, that I am sovereign and that I can bring good out of everything. Do not try to run from pain or hide from problems. Instead, accept adversity in My Name, offering it up to Me for My purposes. Thus, your suffering gains meaning and draws you closer to Me. Joy emerges from the ashes of adversity through your trust and thankfulness."

Thoughts taken from James 1:1-4; Psalm 107:21-22


Printable Issue 3164  Today is Thursday, October 15th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3164

#7 of 12 "Thoughts on Thursdays"

Taken from the book:  "POWER THOUGHTS": 12 Strategies to WIN the Battle of the Mind, written by Joyce Meyer:

Power Thought #7:  "I am Content and Emotionally Stable."

"For I have leaned how to be content in whatever state I am, whether I have much or little."

~ Philippians 4:11

"No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."

~ I Thessalonians 5:18


Okay, no matter what might happening in your life today, start repeating in your mind, the six words above...all day, any part of the today. "I am content and emotionally stable!" whether you think that way or believe it or not. And see what happens!!

Printable Issue 3165  Today is Friday, October 16th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3165

It was a year ago tomorrow that Jim passed away. Like any of us who have lost someone, sometimes it doesn't seem possible it has been a year; sometimes it seems like forever.

Am I sometimes sad? Sure! Am I glad that I met him, married him, and had a good life together? Yes! Do I miss him? Lots! Just thankful for 45 years, which could have been much shorter without modern medicine.

Here is a Bible verse for the day. My Bible says that the book of Psalms is divided into five parts. This verse is the last one in Part One:

"Bless the Lord, the God of Israel,

who exists from everlasting ages past---

and on into everlasting eternity ahead!

Amen and amen!

~ Psalm 41:13 LAB


As a writer and a wordsmith, I look at what it says: 'our God exists from the past and into the future'. Not past tense; still exists. How far? Everlasting past and ahead into eternity!

Good news! Nothing else in any of our lives last forever. God does!

And He takes Jim and Merry and anyone else who wants to be taken along with Him.......into eternity. Not just eternity.........but everlasting eternity!

Includes us all. And it is going to last forever!

Amen and amen to that!!

Printable Issue 3166  Today is Monday, October 19th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3166

Great opportunity to start the new week.

Something written by Max Lucado; he's always an easy read:

Saved to Serve

"Some people feel so save they never serve. Some serve at the hope of being saved. Does one of these sentences describe you? Do you feel so saved that you never serve? So content in what God has done that you do nothing? The fact is, we're here to glorify God in our service.

"Or is your tendency the opposite? Perhaps you always serve for fear of not being saved. You're worried there is a secret card that exists with your score written on it; and your score is not enough. Is that you? If, so know this:  The blood of Jesus is enough to save you. John 1:29 announces that Jesus is 'the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.'

"The blood of Christ doesn't cover your sins, conceal your sins, postpone or diminish your sins. It takes away your sins, once and for all! So....since you are saved, you can serve!"


Printable Issue 3167  Today is Tuesday, October 20th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3167

Some 'one-liners' to start your day:

"Today is the oldest you have ever been;

and the youngest you will ever be!"


"The heart is the happiest when it beats for others."


"A house is made with walls and beams.

A home is made with love and dreams."


"We owe a lot to Thomas Edison.

Without him, we'd be watching television by candlelight."

~ Milton Berle


"After dinner sit awhile,

and after supper walk a mile."

~ English saying


"Some day is not a day of the week."


"Anger is never without a reason,

but seldom a good one."

~ Benjamin Franklin


""For the joy of the Lord is your strength.

You must not be dejected and sad!"

~ Nehemiah 8:10 LAB


Printable Issue 3168  Today is Wednesday, October 21st, 2015; Karen's Korner #3168

A list of names of Jesus found in the book of Revelation alone:

A to Z, Beginning to End; Lord; All Powerful One;

Son of Man; First and Last; The Living One;

Son of God; Witness; Creator;

Lion of Judah; Root of David; Lamb;

Shepherd; Christ; Faithful and True;

Word of God; King of Kings; Lord of Lords;

The Morning Star.

Who do you say He is?

Printable Issue 3169  Today is Thursday, October 22nd, 2015; Karen's Korner #3169

# 8 of 12 "Thoughts on Thursdays"

Taken from the book:  "POWER THOUGHTS": 12 Strategies to WIN the Battle of the Mind, written by Joyce Meyer:

Power Thought # 8:  "God Meets ALL My Needs Abundantly."

** "And my God will liberally supply your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."

   ~ Philippians 4:19

** "God is able to make all grace come to you by giving you everything you need and more, so that there will not only be enough for your own needs, but plenty left over to give joyfully to others."  

~ 2 Corinthians 9:8


Printable Issue 3170  Today is Friday, October 23rd, 2015; Karen's Korner #3170

More than 3000 Karen's Korners and I don't think I have ever sent one talking about 'Hell'.

Today's is something taken from a writing by Greg Laurie and included in "The Decision" magazine, a publication of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association:

"Confronting the Reality of Hell"

"Why is it that many of the people who tell others to 'go to hell', turn around and tell pollsters they don't really believe hell exists?" Laurie questions. "Hell is for real," he writes.

"There really is a Hell. It's a miserable place of torment where one is separated from God for eternity. Consider this:  Jesus Christ spoke more about Hell than all the other preachers in the Bible put together!

"More people think they are going to Heaven when they die. In fact, for every American who believes he's going to Hell, 120 believe they are going to Heaven.

"But this belief is in direct contradiction to what Jesus said:........'wide is the gate that leads to destruction......narrow is the path which leads to life, and few who find it' (Matthew 7:13-14).

"Some might think Jesus would never have discussed such a thing as Hell. He is, after all, the personification of love and compassion. But it is precisely because of this that He often spoke of it! Because He loves us, He warns us.

"Hell is eternal separation from God. Jesus indicated that the death of one's body is nothing compared to the everlasting banishment of the soul of God. The Bible gives three distinct descriptions:

* Hell is like a garbage dump;

* Hell is like a prison;

* Hell is a place of complete darkness.

"Many people think that Hell is nothing more than an eternal 'party place'. But in Hell there will be no partying. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, torture, suffering, and eternal separation. Others say Hell is temporary, or that it is figurative, or that it's not as bad as some imagine.

"Jesus tells us in Luke about a rich man who died and went to his torment. In this account, three things are made clear:  people in Hell suffer........once in Hell, a person cannot cross over to Heaven......people in Hell are conscious and fully aware of where they are and where they have been......and it's eternal.

"Everyone who rejected God's offer of forgiveness through Jesus Christ will be in Hell. Why are they there? Because they did not believe. In John 3:18, we read, '....he who does not believe, is already condemned.....'

"Some may ask, 'How can a God of love send so many people to Hell?' You may be surprised that it is because He is a God of love and justice that He invented Hell.......it is a place not made for people. It was created for Satan and his fallen angels. But when we reject God's love, we make the choice to separate ourselves from Him.........All receive what they actually choose, either to be with God forever, worshiping Him, or without God forever worshiping themselves.

"Hell is simply a place........freely chosen........forever. We want to get away from God, and God, in His infinite justice, sends us where we want to go.

"Every one of us has sinned and will face Hell if we do not turn to Jesus Christ. But God has a much better plan, for all of us........it's called Heaven."


And is with every Billy Graham sermon or publication, it includes a prayer for a 'one-way ticket' to Heaven and secure spot in eternity:

"O God, I am a sinner. I'm sorry for my sin. I want to turn from my sin. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe He died on the cross for my sin and You raised Him to life. I choose to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as my Lord from this day forward, forevermore Lord, I put my trust in You and surrender my life to You. Please come into my life and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


Printable Issue 3171  Today is Monday, October 26th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3171

Something from Sarah Young and her "Jesus Calling:  Enjoying Peace in His Presence". Today's entry:

"Come to Me when you are hurting, and I will soothe your pain. Come to Me when you are joyful, and I will share your Joy, multiplying it many times over. I m All you need, just when you need it. Your deepest desires find fulfillment in Me alone.

"This is the age of self-help. Bookstores abound with books about 'taking care of number one,' making oneself the center of all things. The main god of these methodologies is to become self-sufficient and confident. You, however, have been called to take a 'road less traveled':  continual dependence on Me. True confidence comes from knowing you are complete in My Presence. Everything you need has its counterpart in Me."

~ Written as if Jesus is talking to us and taken from John 15:5 and James 1:4


Printable Issue 3172  Today is Tuesday, October 27th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3172

Dear Father in Heaven,

Nearly every day I take my dog, Rocky, for at least a short walk. When he sees his leash, he gets excited. He can hardly stand still as he wiggles, twists, and wags his tail. And I attempt to snap his collar to the leash.

Not once in awhile, everyday! He can't wait!

I want to be like Rocky! Excited by the new day! It's been a long time since I have 'twisted and wiggled' by the prospect of what the day may hold. And, even if I don't dance and prance on the outside, help to get excited on the inside, because 'this is the day that you have made for me/all of us; and I/we want to rejoice and be glad in it'.

In Jesus' Name.


Printable Issue 3173  Today is Wednesday, October 28th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3173

From Max Lucado:

Correction and Direction

"Hurting people hang with hurting people. We love those who commiserate and avoid those who correct us. Yet correction and direction are what we need. I discovered the importance of healthy counsel in a half-Ironman triathlon. After the 1.2 mile swim and the 56-mile bike ride, I didn't have much energy left for the 13.1 mile run. Neither did the fellow jogging next to me. I asked him how he was doing and soon regretted it! He said, 'This stinks. It's the dumbest decision I've ever made.' He had more complaints than a taxpayer at the IRS. My response to him? 'Good-bye.' I knew if I listened too long, I'd start agreeing with him.

"Proverbs reminds us to 'take good counsel and watch your plans succeed.' (Proverbs 15:22) Be quick to pray, seek healthy counsel, and don't give up!"


Printable Issue 3174  Today is Thursday, October 29th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3174

Today is week number nine of twelve of 'powerful thoughts' to think repeatedly. So we have something rattling through our minds repeatedly - driving us nuts! The thought might be something about ourselves, a family member, money, a broken relationship, some terrible thing happening in the world. We hate it. Joyce Meyer says to start thinking about something else......all the time! Repeat it, over and over again. Because you can't think of more than one thing at a time.

This is your thought for the week:

# 9 of 12 "Thoughts on Thursdays"

Taken from the book:  "POWER THOUGHTS": 12 Strategies to WIN the Battle of the Mind, written by Joyce Meyer:

Power Thought # 9:  "I pursue Peace with God, Myself, and Others."


"I have told you all this so that you will have peace of heart and mind. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows; but cheer up, for I have overcome the world,   

~ John 16:33


"Don't quarrel with anyone. Be at peace with everyone, just as much as possible."   

~ Romans 12:18


Printable Issue 3175  Today is Friday, October 30th, 2015; Karen's Korner #3175

Seems like there are 'months', 'weeks' or 'days' which we tend to recognize or celebrate.

One of them is Sunday, November 1. It is called International Day of Prayer for Christian Martyrs around the world.

Some are fleeing. Some families are being divided. Some are being maimed and beaten. Some are staying in their 'less-than-the-best' environments. Some are killed.

Here are a couple of examples taken from a recent "Voice of the Martyrs" publication:

"In late February 2015, ISIS moved into a historically Christian region in northeastern Syria, driving Christians out of dozens of villages."

In another part of Syria, "ten Christians fled to another city, walking for three days through a dangerous remote area. Without food, they ate grass to stay alive."

"In one village, ISIS seized a wealthy family's farms, olive press, and auto dealership......kidnapping family members, and demanding a ransom. One family member was killed in front of other family members outside his home. Those left were told to renounce their Christian faith, they refused. They have endured all kinds of hardships in order to preserve their faith."

But the good news is that some Muslims are witnessing the terror and have begun to renounce the financial Islamic faith and looking into the peace-loving Christian faith.

So pray this weekend for Christians (also identified by extremists, marked with an 'N' for Nassarh - followers of Jesus of Nazareth).

Dear Heavenly Father, we need You in our lives and the lives of Christian people around the world. We know that You listen and hear our prayers. And our prayers change things. Protect our sisters and brothers in Christ, here and those who are being persecuted in so many areas of the world. We care, but we know that You care even more!

In Jesus' Name. Amen
