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October 2019 Archives

Printable Issue 4127  Today is Tuesday, October 1st, 2019; Karen's Korner #4127
"God also called Him (Jesus) 'Lord' when he said,

'Lord, in the beginning You made the earth,

and the heavens are the work of Your hands.

They will disappear into nothingness,

but You will remain forever."

~ Hebrews 1:10 & 11 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "Christ is the only security in a changing world. Whatever may happen in this world, Christ remains forever changeless. A Christian, then, is absolutely secure, because he stands on the firmest foundation in the universe -- Jesus Christ.

"What does it mean that Christ is changeless? It means that His character will never change. He is persistent in His love for us, committed to fairness and justice, and absolutely set on being merciful to us who are so undeserving. Rejoice today that Christ is changeless--He will always help us when we need it and offer forgiveness when we fail."
