November 2020 Archives
Today is Monday, November 2nd, 2020; Karen's Korner #4331
Part of our church sermon was taken from James chapter 3. In my Life Application Bible, there is a graphic near that portion of the Bible:
When our speech is motivated by Satan:
It is full of:
Jealousy, Selfishness Earthly concerns and desires Unspiritual thoughts and ideas Disorder, Evil
When our speech is motivated by God and His wisdom:
It is full of:
Mercy, Love for others Peace, Courtesy Yielding to others Sincerity, straightforwardness Quiet gentleness Goodness
Father God, we want to speak the second list. Unfortunately, our tendency is to do the first list. So today, we pray for You to help us be and do what You would have us think and say. We seek Your help. In Jesus' Name Who makes all things possible. Amen.
Today is Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020; Karen's Korner #4332
* I am currently reading a book written by Joyce Meyer titled "Do It Afraid'. Many times we can talk ourselves out of doing things. Or being afraid of what we see ahead.
Quote from Meyer:
"Here is an example of something you can declare and think every day
"I am a child of God and He loves me. He is always with me, and therefore I will not fear. I can do all things through Christ, who is my strength. When I feel weak, He encourages me to keep pressing on. I am bold, courageous, and confident in Christ. No weapon formed, against me shall prosper because greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world."
"This declaration is composed of portions of several scriptures and is an effective way to meditate on them. If you declare this twice a day for thirty days, you will find yourself feeling much better about yourself and your abilities.:
Today is Wednesday, November 4th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4333
"How can man be wise? The only way to begin is by reverence for God. For growth in wisdom comes from obeying His laws. Praise His name forever."
~ Psalm 111:10 LAB
Bible Commentary: "The only way to become truly wise is to reverence God. Too often people want to skip this step, thinking they can become wise by life experience and academic knowledge alone. But if God is not acknowledged as the source of wisdom, the the foundation for making wise decisions cannot be laid and we are doomed to mistakes and foolish choices. Always remember that the foundation for growing in wisdom is to recognize that God is the source of wisdom and that obeying His laws is the path to wisdom."
Today is Thursday, November 5th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4334
God’s Power to Change"His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue." 2 Peter 1:3, NKJV
"Do you know someone who is desperate for change? Someone who is:
bound by anger? isolated by pride? depressed by worry? consumed by jealousy? panicked by fear? ; God’s Word has not lost its power since the beginning of time! The same power that transformed Planet Earth from that which was void, dark, without form, and in a fluid condition to that which was teeming with life, clothed in beauty, and reflective of the image of God is available today to change and fill empty lives.
"There is no life so shattered and devastated that it is beyond God’s power to redeem and transform it. The process of transformation that invariably takes place through the preparation of the Spirit and the daily application of the Word is illustrated by what took place in the beginning of Planet Earth.
"God’s power changed the earth in the beginning, and His power is available to change us today!"
~ by Anne Graham Lotz
Today is Friday, November 6th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4335
America the BeautifulNews commentators are saying regardless of the outcome of the presidential election, one half of the country is going to be unhappy! Who knows how that unhappiness 'looks'!
Words to this song were written By Kaharine Lee Bates in 1904:
O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain; for purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed his grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.
O beautiful for heroes prove in liberating strife, who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life! America! America! May God they gold refine, till all success be nobleness, and every gain divine.
O beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years, thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears! America, America! God mend thine every flaw, confirm thy soul in self-control, thy liberty in law.
Today is Monday, November 9th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4336
"God showed how much He loved us by sending his only Son into this wicked world to bring us eternal life through His death In this act we see what real love is: it is not our love for God, but His love for us when He sent his Son to satisfy God's anger against our sins."
~ I John 4:9 & 10 LAB
Bible Commentary: "Love explains 1) why God creates--because He loves He creates people to love; 2) why God cares---because He loves them, He cares for sinful people; 3) why we are free to choose---He wants a loving response from us; 4) why Christ died--His love for us caused Him to seek a solution to the problem of sin; 5) why we receive eternal life---His love expresses itself to us forever."
Today is Tuesday, November 10th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4337
I have been sorting lots of files, finding things that I haven't seen for a long time.
Here is something that I found and am enjoying. No matter how old we are or aren't, we are all getting older!:
Ten Rules for Staying Young!
1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That is why you pay him/her.
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. If you really need a grouch, there are probably a few dozen relatives to do the job.
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Just never let the brain idle.
4. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. Laugh so much that you can be tracked in the store by your distinctive laughter.
5. Do not worry about situations beyond your control. God is still on the throne!
6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire lives, is ourselves.
7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it is family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health. If it is good, preserve it, If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don't take guilt trips. Shoulder only your own responsibilities. Then go to the mall, the next county, a foreign country, but not guilt.
10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.
Remember, Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!
Today is Wednesday, November 11th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4338
Today is Veterans Day! An opportunity to celebrate the day in some way! The past several weeks I have embarked on running down stories of my dad who served in the U.S. Army from June 1942 until May 1945; eight plus months in Europe during World War II. And of my husband Jim who also served in the Army from 1961 until 1964.
They are my memories and the memories of others.
Here is one of them from Uncle Bud (aka Paul Merwin, my mom's youngest brother) about my dad:
He and his older brother Dave would buy ice cream and candy bars and sell them to the troop trains when they would come through Jackson, Tennessee, where the family lived. The trains would stop to get water for their engines but none of the soldiers were allowed off the trains. Bud recalls that it was in the summer of 1944 (between May – September, he thought). He was 10; Dave was 12. The train that particular day was the GM&O (Gulf, Mobile & Ohio). This time it was only him selling to the soldiers. Not paying too much attention to his soldier-customers, when he heard my dad’s voice, “Bud, run get your sister!†At the time, my mom was living with their family in Jackson, where my sister Jan, was born earlier in April. He said it was a long block away to their home. And he ran! Mom grabbed baby Jan and headed for the train. She was able to hold Jan up so Daddy could see her, as the train began to move out of the station. Bud wasn’t sure, but he didn’t think my dad had seen Jan yet!
* One more story:
Mom would tell that because she was one of fifteen children, her mother - my Grandmother Merwin - had six sons and sons-in-law in the military during World War II.
Mom said that her mom and some neighbor gals, couldn't stand the thought of having so many loved ones in harm's way. I think I heard it told, they would get together once a week (maybe more frequently!) to pray for God's protection of each of them while they were away. Most of my uncles, including my dad, served in the fighting in Europe.
God was good; all of those young men who the neighborhood women prayed for, returned home from their service. None of them had been physically hurt or wounded.
MY PRAYER: God, today we want to thank You for Your kindness and goodness to veterans and active military members. Thank You for the way they have, and continue, to protect the United States of America and our people. Be with them. Be with us, today and into our futures. In Jesus' Name Who makes all things possible. Amen.
Today is Thursday, November 12th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4339
Face to Face With Heaven and Hell
"The old priest, who was dying, composed himself on his bed and said a prayer for the repose of his soul. He was troubled about Heaven and Hell. What were they like? God knows he had spent a lifetime preaching about both places. Now, at age 84, he wasn't sure.
"Dimly, he saw two figures at the foot of his bed. He knew who they were. The tall muscular one was Moses and the other was Peter the fisherman. When they beckoned to the priest, he got up and followed, walking through the wall of his bedroom. Silently, they led him through the galaxies of the night sky. In a far-off place, they stopped before a big house. 'The kingdom of God is made of many mansions,' Peter explained. 'So too is Hell. Step inside. We will show you the first room of Satan's palace.'
"As the priest walked in, his ears were assaulted by a babble of complaints. Many people were seated at a large table. In the center there was a big pot of the priest's favorite dish, beef stew. Although everyone in Hell had a spoon and could reach the pot, the people were starving. The spoon handles that were attached to their hands were twice as long as their arms. They could catch the stew, but they couldn't bring it to their lips. The cries of the starving were so loud that the priest begged to be taken away.
"Peter and Moses took him to another mansion in a faraway place. Moses invited the priest to step inside the outer room of Paradise. There the priest saw a similar large table surrounded by many people. In the center was a huge pot of beef stew. The spoon handles were too long for human arms, but there were no cries of complaint. No one was starving. All the people were feeding each other."
~ Jan Bishop, King Features
Today is Friday, November 13th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4340
Many of you know that I read chapters and books of the Bible, randomly. I have just begun my reading of the book of Philippians.
There are four chapters: joy in suffering; joy in serving; joy in believing; joy in giving.
Virus running rampant. Election unrest. Job and money insecurity. Broken relationships. Who can't enjoy reading about 'joy'?
"And I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in His grace until His task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns."
~ Philippians 1:6 LAB
* Bible Commentary: "The God who begins His good work in us continues it through our lives and will finish it when we meet Him face to face. God's work FOR us began when Christ died on the cross to forgive our sins. His Work IN us begins when the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts, enabling us to be more like Christ every day. Paul (writer) is describing the process of Christian growth and maturity that begins when we accept Jesus and continues until Christ returns.
"Do we sometimes feel as if we'll never make progress in our spiritual lives. When God starts a project, He finished it! As with the Philippians, God will work in our lives and helps us grow in grace until He has completed His work in our lives. When we are discouraged, remember that God won't give up on us. He promises to finish the work He has begun. Our job? Let Him do it!" ***
Today is Monday, November 16th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4341
"For God is at work within you,
helping you want to
obey Him,
and then helping you
do what He wants."
~ Philippians
2:13 LAB
Commentary: "God has not left us alone in our struggles to
do His will. He wants to come alongside us and within us to help. He
helps us want to obey Him and then gives us the power to do it. The
secret to changing our lives is to submit to His control and let Him work
in us.
"To be like Christ, we must condition ourselves to think like
Christ. To change our desires to be more like Christ's, we need the power
of the indwelling Spirit, the influence of faithful Christians, obedience
to God's Word (not just exposure to it), and sacrificial service. Often
it is in
doing God's will that we gain the desire for
Today is Tuesday, November 17th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4342
Today's entry from Sarah Young and her "Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence"
"There is no condemnation for those who are in Me. The law of the Spirit of life has set you free from the law of sin and death. Not many Christians know how to live in this radical freedom, which is their birthright. I died to set you free; live freely in Me!
"To walk along the path of freedom, you must keep your mind firmly fixed on Me. Many voices proclaim: 'This is the way for you to go,' but only My voice tells you the true way. If you follow the way of the world with all its glitter and glamour, you will descend deeper and deeper into an abyss. Christian voices also can lead you astray, 'Do this!' 'Don't do that!' 'Pray this way!' 'Don't pray that way!' If you listen to all those voices, you will become increasingly confused.
"Be content to be a simple sheep, listening for My voice and following Me. I will lead you into restful green pastures and guide you along paths of righteousness."
~ Taken from Romans 8:1-2; Isaiah 10:21; John 10:17; Psalm 23:1-3
Today is Wednesday, November 18th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4343
Several evenings ago, I was sitting in my t.v. room when I heard a noise from a distance in the bathroom. I have heard the rattle several times in the past. It was a mouse caught in a trap!
It doesn't happen often in my big, old farm home. But it can and does. Not uncommon to catch a mouse or two this time of year, as the weather turns chillier and the little culprits are looking for shelter. I keep traps set in several places to ward off any invasions.
For a period of time, I heard the struggle continue. as the critter worked hard to get free.
I couldn't help but think of us as we get 'caught' in the trap of the evils of the world; of our own sins and poor decisions.
Like my small furry friend, we struggle to get free. We can't! But at just the right time, Jesus comes and frees us from what can be our temporary snare, if we but look to Him for His help!
"We have escaped like a bird from the fowler's snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." ~ Psalm 124:7 & 8 NIV
* "You shall know the truth and the Truth will set you free." ~ John 8:32 LAB
Today is Thursday, November 19th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4344
Today's inspirational thought by Max Lucado:
JESUS HEALS US ALL "Are you waiting for Jesus to heal you? Take hope from Jesus’ response to the blind men (Matthew 20:29-34): “Have mercy on us, O Lord,†they cried. Jesus stopped dead in his tracks. Something caught his attention: a prayer, an unembellished appeal for help. Jesus heard the words and stopped.
"He still does. And he still asks, “What do you want me to do for you?†Friend, what in your life needs healing? Jesus’ heart went out to the blind men. He “had compassion and touched their eyes.†He healed them. He will heal you, my friend. I pray he heals you instantly. He may choose to heal you gradually. But this much is sure: Jesus will heal us all ultimately, and God’s children will once again be whole. Jesus heals us all!"
Today is Friday, November 20th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4345
Something shared with me by a friend who lived in Clarion for a brief time a number of years ago.
A Farmer's Prayer
A pastor attended a men's breakfast in the middle of a rural farming area of the country. The group had asked an older farmer, decked out in bib overalls, to say grace for the morning breakfast:
"Lord, I hate buttermilk," the farmer began. The visiting pastor opened one eye to glance at the farmer and wonder where this was going.
The farmer loudly proclaimed, "Lord, I hate lard." Now the pastor was growing concerned. Without missing a beat, the farmer continued, "And Lord, you know I don't much care for raw white flour."
The pastor once again opened an eye to glance around the room and saw that he wasn't the only one to feel uncomfortable. Then the farmer added, "But Lord, when you mix them all together and bake them, I do love warm fresh biscuits.
So Lord, when things come up that we don't like, when life gets hard, when we don't understand what you're saying to us, help us to just relax and wait until you are done mixing. It will probably be even better than them biscuits. Amen."
* Within that prayer there is great wisdom for all when it comes to complicated situations like we are experiencing in the world today. Stay strong my friends, because our life is being mixed with lots of things that we don't care for.......relax and wait until the mixing is done.
God bless us all!
Today is Tuesday, November 24th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4346
For a number years, 'Knit Wits' is an off-shoot of our local ecumenical Marys & Marthas group. Gals sew quilts and blankets; make knit and crocheted comforters . Of various sizes.
I have to confess that I have given many of them to people who are ill or in a crisis of some kind, but haven't tied one knot nor done one stitch!
Many of them have included a note from this chapter of the Bible: Psalm 121: "Shall I look to the mountain gods for help? No! My help is from Jehovah who made the mountains! And the heavens too! He will never let me stumble, slip, or fail. For He is always watching, never sleeping.
"Jehovah himself is caring for you! He is your defender. He protects you day and night. He keeps you from all evil, and preserves your life. He keeps His eye upon you as your come and go, and always guards you."
Today is Wednesday, November 25th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4347
The people of the United States were thankful for their new country. They asked the first president George Washington, to set aside a day to celebrate.
Here is his proclamation:
[New York, 3 October 1789]
By the President of the United States of America. a Proclamation.
"Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor—and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me 'to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.'
"Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be—That we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks—for His kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation—for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his Providence which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war—for the great degree of tranquillity, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed—for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted—for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which He hath been pleased to confer upon us. and also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions—to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually—to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed—to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shewn kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord—To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the encrease of science among them and us—and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best." Given under my hand at the City of New-York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.
Go: Washington
Today is Thursday, November 26th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4348
Happy Thanksgiving!
This is a prayer shared by our trusty leader Carolyn Bowman yesterday, at
our ecumenical 'Bikes and Bibles' group (more Bible, no Bikes, as it was a
Zoom meeting):
"Thank You, God, for this food we are about to eat. And thank You for
Your many blessings on us this past year---the ones we've seen, as well as
the ones we haven't seen.
"Thank You, God, for the times You have said 'no.' They have helped us
depend on You so much more.
"Thank You, God, for unanswered prayer. It reminds us that You know
what's best for us, even when our opinion differs.
"Thank You, God, for the things you have withheld. You have protected
us from what w may never realize.
"Thank You, God, for the doors You have closed. They have
prevented us from going where You would rather not have us go.
"Thank You, Lord, for the physical pain You've allowed in our lives.
It has helped us more closely relate to Your sufferings on our behalf.
Thank You, Lord, for the alone times in our lives. Those times have
forced us to lean in closer to You.
"Thank You, God, for the uncertainties we've experienced. They have
deepened our trust in You.
"Thank You, Lord, for the times You came through for us when we didn't
even know we needed a rescue.
"Thank You, Lord, for the losses we have experienced. They have been a
reminder that You are our greatest gain.
"Thank You, God, for the tears we have shed. They have kept our hearts
soft and moldable.
"Thank You, God, for the times we haven't been able to control our
circumstances. They have reminded us that You are sovereign and on the
"Thank You, God, for Your ability to take what we consider 'tragedy'
and turn it into a treasure.
"Thank You, God, for those You have called home to be with You. Their
absence from this earth reminds us to keep our eyes fixed on heaven.
"Thank You, God, that we have an inheritance in the heavenly
places...something that this world can never steal from us and we could
never selfishly squander.
"Thank you, God, for the greatest gift You could ever give us:
forgiveness through Your perfect Son's death on the cross on our behalf!
"Thank You, God, for the righteousness You credited toward us, through
the death and resurrection of Jesus. It's a righteousness we could never
attain to on our own.
"Thank You, God, not only for our eternal salvation, but for the
salvation You afford us every day of our lives as You save us from
ourselves, our foolishness, our own limited insights, and our frailties in
light of You power and strength.
"Thank You, God, for all You have allowed and not allowed in our lives
this past year. For we commit our lives anew You this day and ask that You
would continue to remind us, through this next year, that You are God,
You are on the throne, and You are eternally good.
"Thank You ,finally, that we can pray in the name of Jesus, who made
our access to You---and a personal relationship with You---possible. Amen.
~ writer unknown
Today is Sunday, November 29th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4349
Happy Thanksgiving!
This is a prayer shared by our trusty leader Carolyn Bowman yesterday, at our ecumenical 'Bikes and Bibles' group (more Bible, no Bikes, as it was a Zoom meeting):
"Thank You, God, for this food we are about to eat. And thank You for Your many blessings on us this past year---the ones we've seen, as well as the ones we haven't seen.
"Thank You, God, for the times You have said 'no.' They have helped us depend on You so much more.
"Thank You, God, for unanswered prayer. It reminds us that You know what's best for us, even when our opinion differs.
"Thank You, God, for the things you have withheld. You have protected us from what w may never realize.
"Thank You, God, for the doors You have closed. They have prevented us from going where You would rather not have us go.
"Thank You, Lord, for the physical pain You've allowed in our lives. It has helped us more closely relate to Your sufferings on our behalf.
Thank You, Lord, for the alone times in our lives. Those times have forced us to lean in closer to You.
"Thank You, God, for the uncertainties we've experienced. They have deepened our trust in You.
"Thank You, Lord, for the times You came through for us when we didn't even know we needed a rescue.
"Thank You, Lord, for the losses we have experienced. They have been a reminder that You are our greatest gain.
"Thank You, God, for the tears we have shed. They have kept our hearts soft and moldable.
"Thank You, God, for the times we haven't been able to control our circumstances. They have reminded us that You are sovereign and on the throne.
"Thank You, God, for Your ability to take what we consider 'tragedy' and turn it into a treasure.
"Thank You, God, for those You have called home to be with You. Their absence from this earth reminds us to keep our eyes fixed on heaven.
"Thank You, God, that we have an inheritance in the heavenly places...something that this world can never steal from us and we could never selfishly squander.
"Thank you, God, for the greatest gift You could ever give us: forgiveness through Your perfect Son's death on the cross on our behalf!
"Thank You, God, for the righteousness You credited toward us, through the death and resurrection of Jesus. It's a righteousness we could never attain to on our own.
"Thank You, God, not only for our eternal salvation, but for the salvation You afford us every day of our lives as You save us from ourselves, our foolishness, our own limited insights, and our frailties in light of You power and strength.
"Thank You, God, for all You have allowed and not allowed in our lives this past year. For we commit our lives anew You this day and ask that You would continue to remind us, through this next year, that You are God, You are on the throne, and You are eternally good.
"Thank You ,finally, that we can pray in the name of Jesus, who made our access to You---and a personal relationship with You---possible. Amen.
~ writer unknown
Today is Sunday, November 29th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4350
"O God, in mercy bless us; let your face beam with joy as you look down at us.
"Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and your eternal plan for all mankind. How everyone throughout the earth will praise the Lord! How glad the nations will be, singing for joy because you are their King and will give true justice to their people!
"Praise God, O world! May all the peoples of the earth give thanks to you. For the earth has yielded abundant harvests. God, even our own God, will bless us. And peoples from remotest lands will worship him."
Today is Monday, November 30th, 2020; Karen's Korner #4351
Yesterday we lit the first Advent candle in church as we began our march toward Christmas. And our sermon topic "Jesus is the Light of Christmas".
His birth was forecast as the 'coming Light'. He brightened a darkened world with His birth and life. His Light continues as we, as His followers, reflect that Light in our dark world today and into the future.
That is the reason for our tradition of lighting up the darkness with our Christmas trees and decorations.
Our pastor Warren took us through so many verses from the Bible that remind of this 'Light': And there are a lot of them! Here are several which stood out for me: Telling about Jesus coming:
"His life is the light that shines through the darkness---and the darkness can never extinguish it."
~ John 1:5
Jesus speaking:
"I have come as a Light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in Me will no longer wander in the darkness."
~ John 12:46
*This is the message God has given us to pass on for you: that God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all."
~ I John 1:5
Jesus' teachings:
"You are the world's light---a city on a hill glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father."
~ Matthew 5:14 - 16
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You that You are our Light when all we see is darkness. Thank You that You allow us to walk in Your light, to reflect it. Thank You that You 'shine' for all of us. It is available to everyone. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, the Author of Light, which can never be extinguished. Amen.