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I'm Karen

September 2021 Archives

Printable Issue 4518  Today is Wednesday, September 1st, 2021; Karen's Korner #4518
I received a couple of emails requesting that this be a day of national prayer for our nation and our world, as many things have changed in Afghanistan with the withdrawal of U.S. troops from there.

Lord, we pray today for our country and all countries from around the world. We pray specifically for Afghanistan and its people. Protect them. Protect us.

Bless those who are in harm's way. For those who are wanting to leave Afghanistan and can't. Help them to find their way to freedom. Protect those who are helping them. We pray for our military wherever they are serving and for their families.

We pray for leaders in our country and in every country, that they might look to You as their source of guidance and direction.

We know how much You love and care for all people. We ask for your protection of all those who are Your followers, Christians. Not only now but every day. Lead us and guide us. Remind us of Your Love, Your Peace, Your Power. Your protection.

Help us to believe You and trust You.

And we say 'thank You.' Amen.


Printable Issue 4519  Today is Thursday, September 2nd, 2021; Karen's Korner #4519
Earthquakes. Hurricanes. Flooding. Extended Power Outages. 

Corrupt Leaders. People trying to be free from that corruption. 

Broken family relationships. Illnesses. Some requiring lengthy therapies. Some are terminal. Extensive pain with no relief.

If it isn't happening to us today, chances are pretty good it is happening to a friend. Family member. Or neighbor.

It is enough to keep our heads on a swivel.

What is are always, only constant?

God and His Love and Care for us. So today is a good day to celebrate!

Psalm 136 says, "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His lovingkindness continues forever."

Just in case we forget, those few words are repeated 25 times in that chapter alone!

So let's celebrate the day, because 'His lovingkindness continues forever!'.
Printable Issue 4520  Today is Friday, September 3rd, 2021; Karen's Korner #4520
Happy Labor Day weekend! I hope that you have the opportunity to do something fun over the extended holiday weekend!

Here are a handful of Side Notes from the August/September issue of OUR IOWA magazine:

"Some things are loved 
because they are valuable.;
others are valuable
because they are loved."

"Frogs have it made.
They get to eat what bugs them."

"If you must doubt,
doubt your doubts----
never your beliefs."

"Act enthusiastic
and you'll be enthusiastic."

~ Dale Carnegie

If all your problems are behind you,
you must be a school bus driver."

Printable Issue 4521  Today is Monday, September 6th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4521
"I am poor and weak,
yet the Lord is thinking about me right now!
O my God, you are my helper.
You are my Savior,
come quickly,
and save me.
Please don't delay!

~ Psalm 40:17 LAB

Bible Commentary:  "The leader of our country probably does not know us by our names, let alone think about us. But the King of all creation, the Ruler of the universe is thinking about each of us right now. We need to allow this truth to buoy our self-esteems. If God always has us in his thoughts, perhaps we could do more to keep Him in our thoughts."


Printable Issue 4522  Today is Tuesday, September 7th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4522
Taking Your Needs to Jesus
By Max Lucado
“Jesus was attending a wedding with the disciples and his mother, Mary, when she approached him with a seemingly irrelevant problem. “’They have no more wine,’ she told him’ (John 2:3). Mary presented the problem, Jesus commanded a solution, and the wineless wedding was suddenly wine flush. And we are left with this message: our diminishing supplies, no matter how insignificant, matter to heaven.

“Listen, if Jesus was willing to use divine clout to solve a social faux pas, how much more would he be willing to intervene on the weightier matters of life? He wants you to know that you can take your needs—all your needs—to him. ‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God’ (Philippians 4:6).
Printable Issue 4523  Today is Wednesday, September 8th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4523
As most Karen's Korners readers know, I am a Bible reader; going from one book to another. Not necessarily in any order.

I am just embarking on the book of Ephesians. One of the paragraphs of introduction tells:

"After a warm greeting (1:1,2), Paul (writer) affirms the nature of the church  -- the glorious fact that believers in Christ have been showered with God's kindness (1:3-8), chosen for greatness (1:9-12), marked by the Holy Spirit (1:12,14); filled with his power (1:15-23), freed from sin's curse and bondage (2:1-10), and brought near to God (2:11-19). As part of God's house, we stand with the prophets, apostles, Jews, Gentiles, and Christ himself (2:20-3:11. Then as though overcome by emotions by remembering all that God has done, Paul challenges them (us!) to live close to Christ---breaking into spontaneous praise (3:12-21)."

Printable Issue 4524  Today is Thursday, September 9th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4524
A week ago at our ecumenical Bible study, leader Carolyn Bowman began our time together introducing a 'positivity challenge' written by Sabra Ciancanelli, editor of Guideposts magazine. There are 21 of them on ways to' feel less stressed and more blessed'.

Carolyn told us five; five more this week on our way to twenty-one of them.

So I am going to type five today; first of four installments:

"Do a happy dance.

Move to music. Dance sparks joy.
(Carolyn had us do one stanza of the 'hokey pokey!)

Change up your morning routine.

Add a devotional practice.

Take a deep breath.

Learn a stress-relieving breathing exercise, like five-finger breathing. Make a fist. As you inhale through your nose, slowly uncurl your thumb and index finger. As you exhale through your mouth, slowly open your middle, ring and pinky fingers. When you exhale for longer than you inhale, your nervous system shifts into a state in which your whole body feels more peaceful.

Surround yourself with love.

Go through your photos, and find one that makes you smile. Put it on your fridge, your mirror or by your bed.

Take a growth walk.

Go outside and notice everything that is growing. Including you. Reflect on how you are becoming your best self."

Who knows you might add one of these to your daily routine!

Printable Issue 4525  Today is Friday, September 10th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4525
As we get ready to remember 9/11, twenty years ago. And think about the world and 'our world' today.

Something written by Sarah Young and her "Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence" for September 10:

"I am always available to you. Once you have trusted Me as your Savior, I never distance Myself from you. Sometimes you may feel distant from Me. Recognize that as feeling; do not confuse it with reality. The Bible is full of My Promises to be with you always. As I assured Jacob, when he was journeying away from home into unknown places, I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. My last recorded promise to My followers was: Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Let these assurances of My continual Presence fill you with Joy and Peace. No matter what you may lose in this life, you can never lose your relationship with Me."

~ Taken from Isaiah 54:10; Genesis 28:15; Matthew 28:20

Printable Issue 4526  Today is Monday, September 13th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4526

          This is Anne Graham Lotz daily email from last weekend, as we walk away from September 11 remembrances:

God’s Primary Purpose


By Anne Graham Lotz
“I will fear no evil, for you are with me: your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
Psalm 23:4, NIB


“Trusting God to accomplish His primary purpose through our pain was eloquently expressed by the widow of Todd Beamer. Todd was a passenger on the fateful United Flight 93 when it was hijacked by suicide bombers on September 11, 2001. He and other passengers overpowered the hijackers, thwarting their use of the plane as a flying missile apparently aimed at the very heart of Washington, D.C. But the passengers were unable to prevent the plane from a nosedive crash into a vacant field in Pennsylvania, so September 11, 2001, was the date of Todd Beamer’s entrance into heaven.

"Lisa Beamer gave us a snapshot of her faith that is being developed through suffering when she told an interviewer, ‘God says, ‘I knew on September 10, and I could have stopped it, but I have a plan for greater good than you can ever imagine.’ I don’t know God’s plan, and, honestly, right now I don’t like it very much. But I trust that He is true to His promise in Romans 8:28*.’

“Thank you, Lisa, for trusting God when you don’t understand why!”

(* Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into His plans.")







Printable Issue 4527  Today is Tuesday, September 14th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4527
The title for the chapter of Ephesians 4 is "Unity in the Church"; here are the first two verses:

"I beg you---I, a prisoner here in jail for serving the Lord----to live and act in a way worthy of those who have been chosen for such wonderful blessings as these. Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowances for each others' faults because of your love."

Bible Commentary:  "God has chosen us to be Christ's representatives on earth. In light of this truth, Paul challenges us to live worthy of the name 'Christian', meaning 'Christ's one'. This includes being humble, gentle, patient, understanding, and peaceful. People are watching ou rlives. Can they see Christ in us? How well are we doing as His representatives?

"No one is ever going to be perfect here on earth, so we must accept and love other Christians in spite of their faults. When we see faults in fellow believers, we should be patient and gentle. Is there someone whose actions or personality really annoys you? Rather than dwelling on that person's weaknesses, or looking for faults, pray for that person. Then do even more----spending time together and see if you can learn to like him or her."

Printable Issue 4528  Today is Thursday, September 16th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4528
(Sorry for no 'korner' yesterday; some computer troubles early in the daily)

"Take Our PositivityChallenge!" by Sabra Ciancanelli, editor of Guideposts.. Shared at ecumenical Bible Study. There are 21; installments;  #2 of 4:

"Start your day
with a positive quote or affirmation.

Send a gratitude email or letter
to someone who has influenced your life.

Give your diet a makeover.
Pick one not-so great eating habit,
and replace it with a healthier option.

Get creative.
Doodle, draw or sculpt with children's modeling clay. Don't worry about what your artwork looks like or how good it is, just have fun.

Watch the sunrise or sunset.
Put it in your calendar so you don't forget."


Printable Issue 4529  Today is Friday, September 17th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4529
In Psalm 103, the introduction says, "God's great love for us. What God does for us tell us what He is really like." David (writer) tells reads 'about God'.

A number of Bible teachers tell that we can 'pray back Scripture'; using the words as prayers. Here David is talking about God:I am going to change the words into addressing God:  You!

" I bless the holy name of You, God, with all my heart.
Yes, I will bless You Lord and not forget the glorious things You do for me.
You forgive all my sins.
You ransom me from hell.
You surround me with lovingkindness, and tender mercies. 
You fill my life with good things!
My youth is renewed like the eagle's!
You give justice to all who are treated unfairly.

You are merciful and tender towards whose who don't deserve it.
You are slow to get angry and are full of kindness and love.
You never bear a grudge, nor remain angry forever.
You have not punished us as we deserve, for all our sins, for Your mercy toward those of us who fear and honor You, is as great as the heights of the heavens above the earth.

You have removed our sins as far away as the east is from the west.
You are like a father to us,
tender and sympathetic to those of us who reverence You......."

(verses 1 - 13)

Printable Issue 4530  Today is Saturday, September 18th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4530
(Since I missed one day this week for a 'korner', here is a Saturday one!)

"You (God) bound the world together so that it would never fall apart."

~ Psalm 104:5 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "The world runs like a beautifully crafted machine. God himself holds it together. The same power that holds the world together also binds us together as believers."

Join with other believers tomorrow (Sunday) at church!
Printable Issue 4531  Today is Monday, September 20th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4531
I embarking on reading the book of Philippians today. It is four chapters; it will probably take me a couple of weeks to get it read.

It is written by Paul to the church at Philippi.

Here is the introduction paragraphs:

"The word 'happiness' evokes visions of unwrapping gifts on Christmas morning, strolling hand in hand with the one you love, being surprised on your birthday, responding with unbridled laughter to a comedian, or vacationing in an exotic locale. Everyone wants to be happy; we make chasing this elusive ideal a lifelong pursuit; spending money, collecting things, and searching for new experiences.

"But if happiness depends upon our circumstances, what happens when the toys rust, loved ones die, health deteriorates money is stolen, and the party's over? Often happiness flees and despair sets in.

"In contrast to happiness is 'joy'. Running deeper and stronger, joy is quiet, confident assurance of God's love and work in our lives, that He will be there no matter what! Happiness depends on happenings, but joy depends on Christ."

KEY VERSE:  "Always be full of joy in the Lord; I say it again, rejoice!" - (Philippians 4:4).

Printable Issue 4532  Today is Tuesday, September 21st, 2021; Karen's Korner #4532
For the past few years, I plant some 'hilled' vegetables on an old concrete pad at my farm home. Because the pad has cracks, seeds can be planted in them. Three hills each of cantaloupe, cucumbers, pumpkins, squash, and watermelon. If weeds can grow in them, so can what is planted!

They each came up like normal. But because of the dry, hot weather, everything matured faster than normal. 

I had a handful of pumpkins that turned orange too soon. The vines died pretty early too. So I picked them. Much lighter weight than I thought they should be.

A single vine sprung up the burn pile behind my house. I had no idea what it was nor what would happen to it as the summer wore on, as it twined itself around the livestock panels which circle the burn area.

As time progressed, a single pumpkin grew and produced one pumpkin. It is turning orange now; the vine remains green. I haven't picked it yet but it is much heavier than the 'planted' ones. It is looking good!

I like to compare its growth to our lives. Some of us were 'planted and grew' in tended gardens. Others of us, maybe not. But we can grow and produce good fruit in spite of our beginnings. Maybe because of any adversity!

God is in charge! And our 'fruit' can be harvested and enjoyed! Praise Him!!

" Bless the Lord, the God of Israel,
who exists from everlasting ages past -
and on into everlasting eternity ahead.
Amen, and amen!

~ Psalm 41::13 LAB

Printable Issue 4533  Today is Thursday, September 23rd, 2021; Karen's Korner #4533
At The Right Moment
By Max Lucado
“Satan tried to write his own story in which he was the hero and God was an afterthought. He admitted as much: ‘I will ascend to the heavens…I will make myself like the Most High’ as quoted in Isaiah 14:13 and 14.
“Satan wanted to take God’s place, but God wasn’t—and isn’t—moving. Satan wants to win you to his side, but God will never let you go. You have his word. Even more, you have his help. Scripture says: ‘For our high priest (Jesus) is able to understand our weaknesses…he was tempted in every way that we are, but he did not sin. Let us then…come before God’s throne where there is grace…to help us when we need it’ (Hebrews 4:15-16).
“You don’t have to face Satan alone! We shout, and God runs—at the right moment.”


Printable Issue 4534  Today is Thursday, September 23rd, 2021; Karen's Korner #4534
Installment #3 of 4 from "Take Our Positivity Challenge" by Sabra Ciancanelli, Editor of Guideposts magazine.

Pretty easy, common sense items. But maybe one will get to your 'to do' list today. Five of them:

"Pray for someone else.
Keep a list of loved ones and others in your community to pray for.

Organize a shelf, drawer
or other small space. 
Clearing clutter makes room for fresh energy.
Set a timer for 15 minutes and go for it!

Focus on a jigsaw puzzle,
crossword or word search.

Watch a favorite
feel-good movie.

Donate something
you are no longer using."

Printable Issue 4535  Today is Friday, September 24th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4535
At our church prayer time, Nancy Erickson shared this prayer, from a book she was given from a friend, titled "365 Days of Prayer". We couldn't find the author.

Nancy and her family have been challenged by a number of things in the past few months. Among them the death of her sister. And they continue to be challenged by still other things.


"Be strong, and let your heart take courage,
all you who wait for the Lord!"
~ Psalm 31:24 ESV

"God, waiting is hard! I look for the shortest lines in the grocery store and the quickest-moving lane of traffic, and then I come to you and request the timeliest solutions to all my problems. When you don't answer right away, doubt creeps in. Are you listening? Are you there? I need your encouragement, Lord, as I wait for your perfect resolution. Help me remember that you see the big picture, and that your plan is the best possible outcome, which not necessarily the quickest. Fortify my heart with patience, courage and strength while I wait. I trust your plan, and I rejoice in knowing all will be well.

"Do you (we) have trouble waiting for the Lord?"

Printable Issue 4536  Today is Monday, September 27th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4536
Today is my/our anniversary! Jim and I were married on September 27, 1969.

What a kind, caring, loving, hard-working guy Jim was! And I was happy to be his wife!

Being a part of the Weld and Ahrends clan made me a big winner! How fortunate I was and am to be part of such wonderful families!

Add to that all the people in our community and our church who helped to continue shape my life. You each have contributed to who I am today! You have shown, taught, and pointed me to a growing belief in God and Who He is!

I am one fortunate gal! Thanks for the love and care from each one of you! I love all of you!

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His lovingkindness continues forever."

~ Psalm 136:1 LAB

Partial Commentary:  "Lovingkindness is a translation of a Hebrew word that envelops the aspects of love, kindness, mercy and faithfulness. We never have to worry that God will run out of love because His lovingkindness flows from a well that will never run dry."

Printable Issue 4537  Today is Tuesday, September 28th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4537
Jesus Values You
By Max Lucado

"Jesus’ love does not depend upon what we do for him. Not at all. In the eyes of the King, you have value simply because you are. You don’t have to look nice or perform well. Your value is inborn. Period.

"Think about that for just a minute. You’re valuable just because you exist. Not because of what you’ve done, but simply because you are. Remember that the next time you are left bobbing in the wake of someone’s steamboat ambition. Or some trickster tries to hang a bargain basement price tag on your self-worth. Remember that the next time someone tries to pass you off as a cheap buy.

"Just think about the way Jesus honors you, and smile. I do. Because I know I don’t deserve love like that—none of us do."

Printable Issue 4538  Today is Wednesday, September 29th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4538
Last installment of "Take Our Positivity Challenge!" by Sabra Ciancanelli, editor of Guideposts magazine:

Be gentle on yourself.
Nurture your soft side. Invest in comfy sheets or awesome socks. Take a bath with mood-lifting scented oils or salts (peppermint, cinnamon, lemon, orange).


Be in the moment.
Sit and be still, take note of how you feel.
Let go of your worries about today and tomorrow. Picture each worry as a leaf or paper boat drifting away down a stream.


Take up a new hobby,

or rediscover one you used to love.

Forgive a wrongdoing.
Don't let bitterness drag you down.
Forgiveness reduces anxiety and gives you a greater send of hope.

Spread kindness.
Lifting someone's spirits lifts you up too.

End your day with gratitude.
Think of three blessings that grace your life now. Better yet, write them down so you can look back at them whenever you need a boast.

Printable Issue 4539  Today is Thursday, September 30th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4539
Events both near and far could give us just reason to 'worry'. But God is His word tell us not to do that!

"Don't worry about anything;
instead pray about everything.
Tell God your needs
and don't forget to thank Him for His answers.
If you do this
you will experience God's peace,
which is far more wonderful
than the human mind can understand."

~ Philippians 4:6 & 7 LAB

Bible Commentary:  "Imagine never having to worry about anything! It seems like an impossibility---we all have worries on the job, in our homes, at school. But Paul's advice is to turn our worries into prayers. Do we want to worry less? Then pray more. Whenever we start to worry, we need to stop and pray.

"God's peace is different from the world's peace. It is not found in positive thinking, in absence of conflict, or in good feelings. Real peace comes from knowing that because God is in control, our citizenship in Christ's Kingdom is sure, our destiny is set, and our victory over sin is certain."
