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May 2022 Archives

Printable Issue 4651  Today is Monday, May 2nd, 2022; Karen's Korner #4651
and soul
are filled with

~ Psalm 16:9 LAB

Bible Commentary on this verse:  "David (writer) found the secret to joy. True joy is far deeper than happiness; joy can be felt even in the midst of and in spite of one's deepest troubles. Happiness is temporary because it is based on external circumstances, but joy  is lasting because it is based on God's presence within us. As we contemplate His daily presence, we will find contentment. Don't base our lives on circumstances, but on God."

Printable Issue 4652  Today is Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022; Karen's Korner #4652
Today is my birthday! And I have some fun things planned for the day.

I thought I would see what Sarah Young and her "Jesus Calling:  Enjoying Peace in His Presence" for May 3.

I talks about not being able to serve two masters. Said a lot to me. I tend to wander. Sharing Karen's Korners helps me to focus. But I still can drift!

Here you go:


"If I am truly your Master, you will desire to please Me above all others. If pleasing people is your goal, you will be enslaved to them. People can be harsh taskmasters when you give them this power over you.

"If I am the Master of your life, I will also be your First Love. Your serving Me is rooted and grounded in My vast, unconditional Love for you. The lower your bow down before Me, the higher I lift you into intimate relationship with Me. The Joy of living in My Presence outshines all other pleasures. I want you to reflect My joyous Light by living in increasing intimacy with Me."

~ Taken from Matthew 6:24; Revelation 2:41; Ephesians 3:16-17; Psalm 16:11

Printable Issue 4653  Today is Wednesday, May 4th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4653
Framed sayings are so popular now. Sometimes just a single word.

There is a new hanging in the women's restroom of our local pizza restaurant. I wanted to share it with Karen's Korner readers today:

















And God reaches out to help us with all of it!
Printable Issue 4654  Today is Thursday, May 5th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4654
Today is our country's National Day of Prayer. President Truman signed legislation in 1952 authorizing the annual event which has been held every year since.

It is held annually the first Thursday of May.

Taken from the National Day of Prayer web site:

"Through the efforts of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, more than 35,000 prayer gatherings will be conducted by about 40,000 volunteers across the United States. Several million people are expected to participate in this call to prayer. Some celebrities, such as popular musician and Grammy Award winner Ricky Skaggs, will join millions of Americans in praying for the nation."

Wright County's event will be held today at the Dows Community Center at 11 a.m. Join that event or any event to pray for our country.

If you have no idea where an event might be, figure out a way to pray with a friend or two. Or check out the web site and let God lead you to pray for our nation.

What an honor! What an opportunity!

"Father God in Heaven,
we worship You!
You are our God, worthy of our praise!
What a heritage our country has to have been founded on Your principles and love. We are the recipients of wise and caring men who followed You in making their decisions.
Forgive us for wandering way from some of those humble beginnings.
We seek You. Your guidance. Your hope. Your help.

We pray for all of those in leadership, both nationally and closer to home. Lead them and guide them. Their thoughts and decisions.
Guide us. We know they are only as strong as we allow them to lead, help us to follow their leading.

Thank You for Your Love and Care.
We are only as strong as we allow Your leading into each of our lives.
In Jesus' Name.

Printable Issue 4655  Today is Friday, May 6th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4655
Yesterday's National Day of Prayer had brochures guiding people toward topics on which to pray.

The theme was "Exalt the Lord" Who has established Us (Colossians 2:6,7)

This is the opening prayer:

"Lord, we exalt You. We are filled with awe and wonder as our praise joins the heavenly hosts saying, 'Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory.'

"You established the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth. You alone are the Creator; the earth is Yours and all it contains is for Your glory. You created and established all of us as Your image bearers. May our lips and lives continually praise You, reflecting and magnifying You in all our words and ways. You are the author of our days, You have established Your plans and purpose for us. We respond to your glory and authority in obedience to Your Word and will. You have established prayer that we, Your children, can communicate with our Heavenly Father directing, strengthening, and discipling us in Your everlasting love. We join heaven's activities as we lift up our prayers and pour out our praise, repentance, thanks, intercession and supplication.

"Lord, You have established America through the hearts of our founding fathers and the documents they penned declaring our dependence on Your sovereignty and supremacy. We overflow with gratitude having been firmly rooted and built up in our faith in You.

"Let our reputation be of our faith in Christ alone, our love for all people, and fruitful lives bearing the attitude, affections, and actions of Your Spirit, Who dwells and works within us and through us. We pray for America:  the Church, Family, Education, Military, Workplace, Government, Arts, Entertainment and Media. United in Your love, we exalt the Lord who has established us.
In Jesus Name we always pray, Amen!"

Printable Issue 4656  Today is Monday, May 9th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4656
A dose of God's Love to begin the week.

Taken from "100 Things God Loves About You"; Simple Reminders for When You Need Them the Most. By Tama Fortner. Number 52.

God Loves Your Hands.

"The Lord your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete."

~ Deuteronomy 16:15

"Holding, lifting, touching, serving. So many things your hands can do. For God, for others, and for you.

"Palms lifted up in praise. Fingers wet with wiped-away tears or sticky with the messes of children, of life, of service. The work of your hands may not always seem important to you or to a world too busy to take notice. But to the one you touch, to the one whose tears you wipe away, and to the One your hands really serve, there are few gifts more precious. God loves the work of your hands."

Printable Issue 4657  Today is Wednesday, May 11th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4657
Something by Anne Graham Lotz for the day.


"Whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son."

~ Romans 8:29 NKJV

"Do you ever get frustrated with the habits of sin in your life? I do? Even thought I have been to the Cross and received forgiveness for all my sin, I still sin. I don't want to. I try not to. I have sin! But I still sin. The reality of sin is the single most discouraging, defeating, depressing fact in my life. But I can look forward with hope. Because one day, when I get to me Father's House, all of my sin.....

* my sinful tendencies,

* my sinful thoughts,

* my sinful actions,

* my sinful words,

* my sinful feelings.......

all my sins, are going to fall away like a stinking garment that finally drops off and is discarded. What will be left will be the character of Christ that has been developed in me during my life on earth, and I will be like Jesus!

Printable Issue 4658  Today is Thursday, May 12th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4658
When I am in the kitchen rattling around, I can count on my dog Rocky, to come running. He looks up at me with pleading eyes. Maybe I might give him a drink of water, some food, or a treat. Whether he needs it or not. 

I would describe his intentions in one word:  HOPE! Hope that I might 'listen' to his silent plea. Sometimes he needs a drink or food. Many times he doesn't. While I don't always give it to Rocky, he always has hope!

I wonder if that compares to our asking our Heavenly Father for something. He wants us to come running to Him. Because of His Love for us, He gives us what we seek. Sometimes He may not because the things we might be asking for aren't the best answer. 

Our job? Always have HOPE!

According to Bible web site (biblegateway.com), there 180 references to 'hope' in the Bible. 

"Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
my hope comes from Him.

Truly He is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress.
I will not be shaken.

~ Psalm 62:5,6 NIV


God, help us today to have hope for whatever we might be facing! Thank You that You are our Rock and we don't need to be shaken!
Printable Issue 4659  Today is Friday, May 13th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4659
Printable Issue 4660  Today is Friday, May 13th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4660
Last week was National Day of Prayer, with people from across the country. There were seven different topics of concern.

The first installment of seven was FAMILY  and with the overall theme of "We Exalt The Lord Who Has Established Us.":

"We Exalt the Lord Who has Established the Family:  We praise You Lord as our Creator; making each of us in Your image, and to be in a relationship with You. You are our Father and we are Your children. You said, 'It is not good for man to be alone' and created woman , to be united to man in marriage. (Genesis 2:22 - 24) It is only by Your wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. (Proverbs 24:3-4) We pray that every parent would train up their children in Your Word and prayer and Your name would be praised in all generations. (Proverbs 22:6 & Psalm 45:17) We pray for the widow and the orphan; that they would know Your everlasting love and presence as You never leave or forsake us.  We pray for the family."


Printable Issue 4661  Today is Monday, May 16th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4661
One of last week's Karen's Korners, I wrote about our dog Rocky and his antics of 'hope'.

Today is #61 of "100 Things God loves About You" by Tama Fortner", also about '

God loves your hope.

"And I will hope in your name,
for your name is good."

~ Psalm 52:9

"Maybe it's been a rough day or week. Maybe even a rough month or year. It may even have been a rough life. But you keep going. You keep clinging to your Savior's hand. You keep hoping. Because you know what is promised, and because you know the One who promised is faithful. And because you know He loves you and your beautiful shining hope."

Printable Issue 4662  Today is Tuesday, May 17th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4662

Something written by Anne Graham Lotz and sent to people's computers several days ago.


"Whom He foreknew,
He also predestined to be conformed 
to the image of His Son"

~ Romans 8:29 NKJY

"Do you ever get frustrated with the habits of sin in your life? I do! Even though I have been to the Cross and received forgiveness for all my sin, I still sin. I don’t want to. I try not to. I hate sin! But I still sin. The reality of sin is the single most discouraging, defeating, depressing fact in my life. But I can look forward with hope. Because one day, when I get to my Father’s House, all of my sin .
. .
my sinful tendencies,
my sinful thoughts,
my sinful actions,
my sinful words
my sinful feelings . . .

"... all my sins are going to fall away like a stinking garment that finally drops off and is discarded. What will be left will be the character of Christ that has been developed in me during my life on earth, and I will be like Jesus!"













Printable Issue 4663  Today is Wednesday, May 18th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4663

Ron and Florine, especially in their later years, would read together from Living Faith, a daily Catholic devotional.

Even while Ron spent his last few months in a care facility the tradition continued: Bible verse, several paragraphs of commentary, a handful of supporting Bible selections.

On the day of Ron's death - April 19 - the title for the day was "Letting Go". with the selected verse"  "Jesus said to her, 'Stop holding on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father.' (John 20:17)

While the supporting verses told about sending a child off the college, the day's selection spoke volumes to Florine and her family of 'letting go' of Ron. "It was a Holy Spirit moment," she said.

God loves to speak to His children as believers, if we will but listen.

There was a handful of listed Bible selections at the bottom of the day's entry. One of them was taken from Acts 2:36 - 41:  "And Peter replied, 'Each one of you must turn from sin, return to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; then you also shall receive this gift, the Holy Spirit. For Christ promised him to each one of you who has been called by the Lord our God, and to your children and even to those in distant lands!' (verses 38 -41)



"Thank You, God, what You are so knowable!"

Printable Issue 4664  Today is Thursday, May 19th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4664
"The Lord has made everything for
His own purposes---
even the wicked for punishment."

~ Proverbs 16:4 LAB

Bible Commentary:  "This verse doesn't mean that God created some people to be wicked, but rather that God uses even the activities of wicked people to fulfill his good purposes. God is infinite and we are finite. No matter how great our intellects, we will never be able to understand Him completely. But we can accept by faith that He is all-powerful, all-loving, and all-good. We can believe that He is not the cause of evil. And we can trust that there are no loose ends in His system of judgment. Evil is a temporary condition in the universe. One day God will destroy it. In the meantime, He uses even evil intentions for His good purpose."

Printable Issue 4665  Today is Friday, May 20th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4665
Installment #2 of 7 taken from the 2022 National Day of Prayer held the first of May.

This topic was for the CHURCH with the overall theme of Exalt the Lord:

"We Exalt the Lord Who has Established the Church: 

Jesus, You are the Head and we are Your body; commanded to go show Your love and share Your gospel. You are the Vine and we are the branches; deeply rooted, and by Your Spirit, for Your glory we bear much fruit. (John 15) You have purchased us with Your blood and defeated death. (Acts 20:28) You are worthy of our wonder and worship always. May all we think, say, and do exalt You as our Savior and express the assurance and hope we have in the salvation You have established for us. You have put Your purpose in us to take Your message and magnify and multiply it in all the places where you have established our steps for Your Kingdom and glory.
We Pray for the Church."

Printable Issue 4666  Today is Monday, May 23rd, 2022; Karen's Korner #4666
Just received this Max Lucado writing in my computer's inbox this morning. Especially for someone who has a new medical diagnosis or is weathering an untimely job loss. Or anything else that might come our way:

Epiphany of Hope

"On April 21, 2008, Katherine Wolf suffered a massive stroke. She lost her ability to walk, talk clearly, and care for herself. She went from being a California model to a wheelchair-bound patient. God stepped in. In her wonderful book, Hope Heals, she writes, 'I felt a deep awakening of the Word of God, which I had known since I was a little girl…It was my epiphany of hope! I would never lose heart in this situation because my soul was not what was wasting away.'

"Don’t try to weather this storm alone my friend. He is still the great I AM. The next time you pray, Is anyone coming to help me? listen for the response of Jesus: I AM with you in the storm. And remember my friend, you are never alone."

Printable Issue 4667  Today is Tuesday, May 24th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4667
Number 78 from "100 Things God Loves About You" by Tama Fortner.

Looking for a cheerleader? Look no farther than God.

God loves your choices.

"Choose for yourselves this day
whom you will serve...
As for me and my household,
we will serve the Lord."
~ JOSHUA 24:15

"Life is all about choices, but eternal life is all about choosing God and choosing His way:

* You could choose to be angry, but you choose to forgive.

* You could choose to be idle, but you choose to serve.

* You could choose to be selfish and self-indulgent, but you choose self-sacrifice.

* You could choose to get even, but you choose to let go.

* You could choose to simply walk away, but you choose to stay.

* You could choose jealousy and bitterness, but you choose joy.

* You would choose the world, but you choose God....
and He loves your choice."

Printable Issue 4668  Today is Wednesday, May 25th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4668
Evil words destroy.
Godly skill rebuilds."

~ Proverbs 11:9 LAB

Bible Commentary:  "Words can be used either as weapons or tools, hurting relationships or building them up. Sadly, it is often easier to destroy than to build, and most people have experienced more destructive words than words which build up. Every person we meet today is either a demolition site or a construction opportunity. Our words will make a difference. Are they weapons of destruction or tools for construction?"


God, help us, help me, look for opportunities to construct, and not destroy others, with whom we/I come in contact today!
Printable Issue 4669  Today is Thursday, May 26th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4669
Today's 'korner' is taken from the May 26 entry of "Jesus Calling:  Enjoying Peace in His Presence" by Sarah Young. She takes her writings as if Jesus is talking to us; today from Revelation 22:13 and John 16:33 (AMP):

"In a world of unrelenting changes, I am the One who never changes. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Find in Me the stability for which you have yearned.

"I created a beautifully ordered world:  one that reflected My perfection. Now, however, the world is under the bondage of sin and evil. Every person on the planet faces gaping jaws of uncertainty. The only antidote to this poisonous threat is drawing closer to Me. In My Presence you can face uncertainty with perfect Peace."

Printable Issue 4670  Today is Monday, May 30th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4670
Today is Memorial Day! A day to remember.

Unlike Veterans Day which a time to remember all veterans, Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service to the United States of America.

Originally called Decoration Day, the celebration began shortly after the Civil War with the 'strewing of flowers, sometimes decorating graves of those with died in the conflict. Taken from computer research, "On the first Decoration Day, 5,000 participants decorated the graves of 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers buried at Arlington Cemetery."

The day was set by Congress with the National Holiday Act in 1971, saying to observe the last Monday of May each year.

Along with remembering those who have died in military service, many remember their loved ones today by visiting and decorating the graves of their loved ones.

Great day to remember. Good day to reflect.

Thank You, God, for caring for all of us always.
Thank You, for Your plans for all of us...
yesterday, today, and forever!
Bless all families who have experienced
the loss of a family member fighting to 
defend and protect our freedoms.
Thank You, Jesus.
Printable Issue 4671  Today is Tuesday, May 31st, 2022; Karen's Korner #4671
A good inspirational writing by Max Lucado from a couple of day ago. (His tend to all be good ones!): 

Can You See the Light?

"From heaven’s viewpoint our earth is populated by sightless people. They do not see the meaning of life or the love of God. How else do we explain the confusion and chaos? How else do we explain the constant threat of world war, plagues of hunger, racism, and the holocaust of the unborn?

"Billions of people simply cannot see. The scripture says, 'The devil who rules this world has blinded the minds of those who do not believe. They cannot see the light of the Good News—the Good News about the glory of Christ, who is exactly like God' (2 Corinthians 4:4).

"We need a spiritual ophthalmologist. We need Jesus to do for us what he did for the man on the side of the Jerusalem road.  He restored his sight, and he will do the same for us. Remember my friends, you are never alone."

Printable Issue 4672  Today is Tuesday, May 31st, 2022; Karen's Korner #4672
A good inspirational writing by Max Lucado from a couple of day ago. (His tend to all be good ones!): 

Can You See the Light?

"From heaven’s viewpoint our earth is populated by sightless people. They do not see the meaning of life or the love of God. How else do we explain the confusion and chaos? How else do we explain the constant threat of world war, plagues of hunger, racism, and the holocaust of the unborn?

"Billions of people simply cannot see. The scripture says, 'The devil who rules this world has blinded the minds of those who do not believe. They cannot see the light of the Good News—the Good News about the glory of Christ, who is exactly like God' (2 Corinthians 4:4).

"We need a spiritual ophthalmologist. We need Jesus to do for us what he did for the man on the side of the Jerusalem road.  He restored his sight, and he will do the same for us. Remember my friends, you are never alone."
