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I'm Karen

August 2024 Archives

Printable Issue 5171  Today is Wednesday, August 14th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5171

"About four o'clock in the morning, Jesus came to them (his disciples), walking on the water! They screamed in terror, for they thought he was a ghost.

"But Jesus immediately spoke to them, reassuring them. 'Don't be afraid!' he said.

"Then Peter called to him: 'Sir, if it is really you, tell me to come over to you, walking on water.'"

~ Matthew 14: 25 - 28 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "Peter was not testing Jesus, something we are told not to do. Instead he was the only one in the boat to react in faith. His impulsive request led him to experience a rather unusual demonstration of God's power. Peter started to sink because he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the high waves around him. Then his faith wavered when he realized what he was doing. We may not walk on water, but we do walk through tough situations. If we focus on the waves of difficult circumstances around us without looking to Christ for help, we too may despair and sink. To maintain our faith in the midst of difficult situations, we need to keep our eyes on Christ's power rather than on our inadequacies."


Printable Issue 5172  Today is Monday, August 19th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5172
A pretty familiar Bible story is of Jesus taking a little boys lunch of bread and fish, then turning it into feeding 5,000 men plus their families.

As the story continues, Jesus told his disciples, "Now gather the scraps, so that nothing is wasted." 'And twelve baskets were filled with the leftovers.' (John 6:12 & 13 LAB).

The commentary on these two verses, "There is  a lesson in the leftovers. God gives in abundance. He takes whatever we can offer Him in time, ability, or resources and multiplies its effectiveness beyond our wildest expectations. If we take the first step in making ourselves available to Him, He will show us how greatly we can be used to advance the work of His kingdom."




Printable Issue 5173  Today is Monday, August 19th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5173
Today's writing by Max Lucado:

"One stumble does not define or break a person. Though you failed, God’s love does not. Face your failures with faith in God’s goodness. He tells you what he told Joshua: 'Arise, go. You and all this people to the land which I am giving' (Joshua 1:2 NKJV). There is no condition in that covenant. God’s Promised Land offer does not depend on your perfection; it depends on his.

"In God’s hands, no defeat is a crushing defeat. 'The steps of good men are directed by the Lord. He delights in each step that they take. If they fall, it isn’t fatal. For the Lord holds them with his hand' (Psalm 37:23-24 TLB). Miss this truth and miss your new beginning. You must believe that God’s grace is greater than your failures."




Printable Issue 5174  Today is Monday, August 19th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5174
#95 from "100 Things God Love About You" by Tama Fortner. Isn't it amazing that God loves us! Good thing I am not God. I wouldn't love us, least of all me.........all the time! God just loves us. Makes Him worthy of our praise.
God loves the way you shout His name!

"My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you ---  I whom you have delivered.

~ Psalm 71:23

"The world around you whispers, 'Shhh!' Faith is a private thing, they say. You should keep it to yourself. But it's too good! The news is too wonderful. You can't be quiet. You won't be quiet. Silence is for those who don't know your God; it's not for you.

"'Come and see what God has done!' (Psalm 66:5). You shout out the greatness of God with your lips; you shout it out by the things you do; you shout it out through your whole life. The Lord God has delivered you and God loves the way you shout about it!"



Printable Issue 5183  Today is Tuesday, August 20th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5183

"About four o'clock in the morning, Jesus came to them (his disciples), walking on the water! They screamed in terror, for they thought he was a ghost.

"But Jesus immediately spoke to them, reassuring them. 'Don't be afraid!' he said.

"Then Peter called to him: 'Sir, if it is really you, tell me to come over to you, walking on water.'"

~ Matthew 14: 25 - 28 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "Peter was not testing Jesus, something we are told not to do. Instead he was the only one in the boat to react in faith. His impulsive request led him to experience a rather unusual demonstration of God's power. Peter started to sink because he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the high waves around him. Then his faith wavered when he realized what he was doing. We may not walk on water, but we do walk through tough situations. If we focus on the waves of difficult circumstances around us without looking to Christ for help, we too may despair and sink. To maintain our faith in the midst of difficult situations, we need to keep our eyes on Christ's power rather than on our inadequacies."


Printable Issue 5187  Today is Tuesday, August 20th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5187

don't let me make a mess of things.
If you will only
help me
to want Your will,
then I will follow Your laws
even more closely."

~ Psalm 119:31 & 32 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "Our lives are cluttered with rule books, but the authors never come with us to help us follow the rules. But God does. This is the uniqueness of our Bible. God not only provides the rules, and guidelines, but comes with us personally each day to help us live according to those rules. Of course, we must invite Him to do this. Do we??"


Printable Issue 5186  Today is Tuesday, August 20th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5186

This week and in the next couple of weeks, it is 'back to school' for many students in lots of levels of education. I received an email from the National Day of Prayer organization.

President Amy Parks invited me to join her in this prayer. I am inviting you as well:


"Lord, You are my Teacher, my Lord – I strive to walk in Your will and ways. Thank you for the godly peers and influencers that You placed in my life, teaching me and modeling to me how to walk with You, and live in righteousness. Lord, I pray for young people today, that You would give them a firm foundation in You. Bring godly and upright people into their lives to model how to walk in integrity, perseverance, and faithfulness. I pray that You would give wisdom to older adolescents who are making their first choices of who to listen to among their peers, and instructors – guide them in choosing people of Godly character to listen to and emulate. Give them discernment to know when to listen closely to wise instruction, and when to abstain from following others down paths of destruction. In every new situation and circumstance, teach these young people to seek You first. In Jesus name, Amen."
Printable Issue 5185  Today is Tuesday, August 20th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5185

I have a little coaster which has a slogan on it, which causes people who read it to smile:

Loves You...
But I'm

It should say:

Loves You.......
We Are



Our church has different worship leaders each Sunday. One guy almost always picks: "Jesus Loves Me" (by Anna B. Warner) as one of his hymns for the congregation to sing:

Jesus loves me! This I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak, but He is strong.

Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.

Jesus loves me! This I know
As He love so long ago.
Taking children on His knee,
Saying '"Let them come to Me."
Jesus loves me still today.
Walking with me on my way.
Wanting as a friend to give
Light and love to all who live.

Jesus love me! He who died. 
Heaven's gate to open wide.
He will wash away my sin.
Let His little child come in.

Jesus loves me! He will stay
Close beside me all the way.
Thou hast bled and died for me.
I will henceforth live for thee."

Printable Issue 5184  Today is Tuesday, August 20th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5184

Today's entry from "365 Days of Prayer for Women" by Stephanie Sample:


"You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."

~ 1 Peter 2:9 NKJV

"Lord, everything you do is on purpose, and all you allow has purpose. As I seek your grand intention  for my life, that thing only I can bring to the earth, help me to remember there is meaning in the here and now. Whatever dark corner I find myself in, you have called me to shine your light. Pull my focus out, Father. The darkness is everywhere, but it diminishes the moment I cast your reflection. Keep my eyes on the light, God, especially when purpose and meaning seem distant. Bring Value to my waiting by letting me bring light to the room in which I wait."

"Does purpose and meaning for your life seem distant?"


Printable Issue 5182  Today is Tuesday, August 20th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5182
Yesterday's Max Lucado; his are always good ones!
Born of the Spirit 
"On one side Nicodemus, representing all well-meaning, God-fearing, scripture-memorizing folk. On the other, Jesus Christ. And what the latter says to the former is so uncanny that it sends shock waves through church pews and synagogues to this very day. 'I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life' (John 3:5-6 NLT).

"The phrase 'Kingdom of God' refers to a relationship with God in this life and entrance into heaven in the next. How do we receive citizenship? Be born again. In our first birth we become brand-new humans. In our second birth we become brand-new creations. And who oversees our second birth? The Holy Spirit.

Printable Issue 5181  Today is Tuesday, August 20th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5181
If you go to a large church with a pastor (or more than one), this might not be of interest to you.

If, however, you attend a congregation with a limited number of weekly church-goers. Maybe with a pastor; maybe not. This 'korner' is for you!!

Recently I had the chance to talk with Steve and Carol. They live on a farm near a small town in southeast Iowa. Their church had a weekly worship attendance of between 20 and 25; they didn't have a pastor.

So they formed a committee to see what they could do. They knew they didn't need and couldn't afford a full time pastor. Coming out of their meetings, a retired pastor offered to work for them past-time for $1,000 per month. They thought they could handle that salary amount and his offer to preach each Sunday. Maybe a couple other things.

Not long after, several people approached some of their local church to learn if they could rent the use of their existing church. Theirs was a small congregation, broken off from a mainline denomination church.

Steve spoke up and said, "No, you can't rent our church but you can use it!" Thus started their partnership. Now this upstart group with a part-time minister, meets in the building's fellowship hall, while the 'normal' church meets in the sanctuary.

Some time later, several Hispanic people met with the congregation, "Could we rent use of this church?', they asked.

Once again, Steve to the rescue, "No, but you can use it!" So their smaller, relatively new congregation meets on Sunday afternoons.

The upstart group told the 'real' congregation they would not need to provide janitorial service, they would do!

And the Hispanic congregation said, "Don't worry about lawn care. We will do it!"

Another 'best part':  the three congregations have a potluck meal one time per month. And dozens and dozens of people meet together!
Printable Issue 5180  Today is Tuesday, August 20th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5180
Words from Sarah Young and her "Jesus Calling:  Enjoying Peace in His Presence". This one is for tomorrow, August 10. (Oops, I know I read ahead. Makes up for the times I don't read it at all!)
"Relax in My healing, holy Presence. Allow Me to transform you through this time alone with Me. As your thoughts center more and more on Me, trust displaces fear and worry. Your mind is somewhat like a seesaw. As your trust in Me goes up, fear and worry auutomatically go down. Time spent with Me not only increases your trust; it also helps you discern what is important and what is not.
"Energy and time are precious, limited entities. Therefore, you need to use them wisely, focusing on what is truly important. As you walk close to Me, saturating your mind with Scripture, I will show you how to spend your time and energy, My Word is a lamp to your feet; My Presence is a Light for your path."

~ Ephesians 5:15-16; Psalm 119:105

Printable Issue 5179  Today is Tuesday, August 20th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5179
When our oldest grandson, Luke, was three or four years old, he would take what his mom said very literally.

Jamie might tell Luke, his brother and sister, "Tomorrow we will go to the zoo!"

If it was rainy the next morning and plans were changed, Luke would say, "I thought you said we were going to the zoo!"

Jamie quickly learned to rephrase her words, "We will have to watch the weather and if it is nice, we will go to the zoo!"

There are lots of phrases and promises in the Bible: God said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you!"
(Joshua 1:5)

You or I may not be feeling much of God and His love and care in our lives. Like Luke, we need to challenge God in our prayers, "I thought you said..........". But God doesn't change and He meant every word He said!

Jesus said (John 8:32), "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." We need to remind ourselves of what He said as if He said it directly to us! His words are true. That means we are set free!

He says it. We can believe it!
Printable Issue 5178  Today is Tuesday, August 20th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5178
Jesus always knew that we would be more interested in His healing of the man born blind; feeding 5,000 with just a couple of pieces of bread and a few fish, or turning water into wine; than we would to seek His ultimate purpose:  seeing that we wind our way through this life into heaven.

"Yes, our natural lives will fade as grass does when it becomes all brown and dry. All our greatness is like a flower that droops and falls; but the Word of the Lord will last forever. And His message is the Good News that was preached to you."

~ I Peter 1: 24 & 25 LAB

Bible Commentary:  "Peter (writer) is reminding believers that everything in this life---possessions, accomplishments, people---- will eventually fade away and disappear. Only God's will, Word, and work are permanent. We must stop grasping the temporary and focus our time, money, and energy on the permanent-----the Word of God and our new, eternal life in Christ."

Printable Issue 5177  Today is Tuesday, August 20th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5177
"And now, through Christ, all the kindness of God  has been pointed out upon us undeserving sinners,
and now he is sending us out around the world
to tell all people everywhere the great things God has done for them, so that they, too, will believe and obey him. 
And you, dear friends in Rome, are among those he dearly loves;  you, too, are invited by Jesus Christ to be God's very own---yes, his holy people."

~ Romans 1:5 & 6 LAB
At a short-term early morning ;lake worship service this summer, Troy Severson give a communion meditation.

He told of a guy handing out Bibles during a national rodeo competition. A cowboy at this guy's table, walked away saying, "I'd take one if someone wrote something I could understand."

The 'guy', Kevin Weatherby, took the cowboy's challenge and spent the next twelve years writing "Simplified Cowboy Version. A Bible Paraphrase for Cowboys by Cowboys."

Here is the same Bible verses: Cowboy Style:

"Everything we've got and everything we ride for comes from God through Jesus Christ. He gives us the opportunity to cowboy for him and gather the herd from all the nations who've said they believe in Him. We do it, not for ourselves or to say look at me, but only to bring honor to his name.
And guess what? Y'all have been chosen to ride as cowhands for Christ as well."

~ Romans 1: 5 & 6 , Save the Cowboy

Printable Issue 5176  Today is Tuesday, August 20th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5176
Good to be back to my computer!

No matter what may or may not be happening in each of our worlds, or the world, God gives us a future and a hope!

This is Anne Graham Lotz's Saturday email:


"I am making everything new!"
~Revelation 21:5 NIV

"We all have dreams of what home should be like....Do you dream of a home with love and laughter and loyalty, with family and fun and freedom?

"Do you dream of a home where you are accepted, encouraged, and challenged, forgiven, understood, and comforted?

"There is hope! The home you've always wanted, the home you continue to long for with all your heart, is the home God is preparing for you! As John gazed at a vision of the glory of Jesus Christ.....he stood in awed wonder of a 'a new heaven and a new earth' (Revelation 21:1 NIV). What he saw was confirmed by the words of One Who was seated on the throne, 'I am making everything new!' Imagine it:  One day, in the dream home of My Father's House, everything will be brand new and you will live in the home of your dreams!"

Printable Issue 5175  Today is Tuesday, August 20th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5175
(I will be away from my computer until
Monday, August 5!)

On Sunday (July 28), it will be 25 years since Merry was killed.

A couple of 'Merry Memories'

The last time she and Ed were at our house she put a Veggie Tales post card on our refrigerator. On the front, it says, "God made you special!" And on the back it says, "And He loves you very much!"

Still on our refrigerator! Probably always will be!!

Merry was a great emailer. We would get lots of them in the course of each week. I dumped many, to most, of them. Not knowing there wouldn't be a number coming in the future.

But I had saved nine of them. More than once I have sent that out either on her birthday. Or on the day she was killed.

So here goes. Here is one of the nine:

"We've all got to remember this:"

"A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, 'Who would like this $20 bill?' Hands started going up. He said, 'I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this.' He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill up. He then asked, 'Who still wants it?' Still the hands were up in the air.

"'Well,' he replied. 'What if I do this?' And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty. 'Now who still wants it?' Still the hands went into the air.

"'My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because  it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value in God's eyes. To Him, dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to Him.'"

"Psalm 17:8 states that God will keep us 'as the apple of His eye."

The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we are but by WHOSE WE ARE!"

"You are special.
Have a great day!!!"

Printable Issue 5188  Today is Wednesday, August 21st, 2024; Karen's Korner #5188

Currently the ecumenical Bible study of which I am part,  is using "Draw the Circle:  Taking the 40-Day Prayer Challenge" by Mark Batterson. Each day we have a topic, a takeaway, a Bible verse, and three questions.

Join me in today's entry:

Day 14:

Speak to the Mountain

Key Takeaway: Quit talking to God about your problems and start talking to your problem about God.

Read Matthew 17:20:

"Because of your little faith," Jesus told them,
"For if you had faith
even as small as a tiny mustard seed
you could say to the mountain,
and it would go far away.
Nothing would be impossible.'"

One of our three thought questions:

"What are 'mountains' in your life that you need to have removed?
What does this verse say
about God's ability to handle those problems?"


Printable Issue 5189  Today is Thursday, August 22nd, 2024; Karen's Korner #5189

As Jesus was making His final journey before His crucifixion, He prayed for His disciples. Here is a portion of His prayer:

"My plea is not for the world
but for those You have given Me
because they belong to You. 
And all of them, since they are Mine,
belong to You;
and You have given them back to Me
with everything else of Yours,
and so they are My glory!"

~ John 17: 9 &  10 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "Jesus said that His disciples are His glory. What a fantastic truth, that Jesus glories in us and that our lives can bring Him joy. Are we living in a way that brings Him Joy? Does He glory in us?"

I had marked in the margin of my Bible on
July 14, 2005:

What Jesus thinks about us!"

Printable Issue 5190  Today is Friday, August 23rd, 2024; Karen's Korner #5190

Today is the first day of school for the Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Schools.

Last Sunday, six churches in town organized a 'prayer night'. People could drive by each church to pick up prayer information. Or walk by. Or stop and pray at the various churches. Or school buildings.

My friend and I drove by and got the information. She 'prayed' the prayers as we drove to the next church. I have the six sheets on my kitchen table and have prayed them aloud, one at a time during this week.

Topics are:  middle school; high school, staff, administrators, general others (counselors, nurses, para), and the biggest number of people - elementary students. I am including that information in today's Karen's Korner. For your different school districts, change the name:

CGD Elementary School

"God you alone are all-powerful, all-knowing, and are present everywhere, and we worship you alone.
We are so grateful for your love and care
for our community & schools.

"We praise you because you are our source of security. You are out shield (Psalm 18:2), our refuge (Psalm 46:1), and our defender (Psalm 68:5). We pray for your protection over our school buildings, grounds, and our youth. We pray that any type of illegal activity such as drugs, violence, etc. would be completely blocked from entering our school grounds. We ask for protection over students as they use media/technology, protect their minds and hearts from those who would do them harm. We also pray for our youth in their homes. Lord rescue those who may be in danger and bring them to safe people who will love and care for them>

Respect and Value:
"We praise you for your creation. Each one of your children have been made in your image and has intrinsic worth and dignity (Genesis 1;26-27), and are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13-14). We pray that everyone will be respected and valued as they walk through these doors.

New Students:
"We lift up those who are new to the Elementary school, and those who are starting preschool, prep-K, or Kindergarten for the first time. We pray for your peace to cover each student and for fellow students to be compassionate and kind.

Comfort & Care:
"Lord, you are the source of all comfort and care (2 Corinthians 1:3, Psalm 145:8-9). We pray for those who are struggling with food insecurities, physical and/or mental health. Lord, may they be reminded of your love & care for them. We also pray for support services to help in these areas.

God's Light:
"We praise you God for you are light (I John 1:5-7), and your son Jesus Christ is the light of the world (John 8:12). Lord, we pray for your light to fill every part of the elementary school and that those who follow you will share your light to others and glorify your name (Matthew 5:14-16, Philippians 2:14-16). Lord, we also pray for those who do not know you and would come to know you as Lord & Savior of their lives. (John 1:12, John 3:16-18 Colossians 2:6-7).

"We ask all these things in Jesus name, amen!!


Printable Issue 5191  Today is Monday, August 26th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5191

Today's entry from Sarah Young and her "Jesus Calling:  Enjoying Peace in His Presence":

"Trust Me in the midst of a messy day. Your inner calm---your Peace in My Presence---need not be shaken by what is going on around you. Though you live in this temporal world, your innermost being is rooted and gounded in eternity. When you start to feel stressed, detach yourself from the disturbances around you. Instead of desperately striving to maintain order and control in your little world, relax and remember that circumstances cannot touch My Peace.

"Seek My Face, and I will share My mind with you, opening your eyes to see things from My perspective. Do not let your heart be troubled, and do not be afraid. The Peace I give is sufficient for you."

~ John 16:33; Psalm 105:4; John 14:27


Printable Issue 5192  Today is Tuesday, August 27th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5192

I am continuing my journey through reading the book of John. I have finished with Jesus' teachings and am coming into his arrest and crucifixion.

"Standing near the cross were Jesus' mother, Mary, his aunt, the wife of 
Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother standing there beside me (John, writer), his close friend, he said to her, 'He is your son.'

"And to me he said, 'She is your mother!' And from then on I took her into my home."

~ John 19:25  -  27 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "Even when dying on the cross, Jesus was concerned about his family. He instructed John to care for Mary, his mother. Our families are precious gifts from God, and we should value and care for them under all circumstances. What is there that we can do today to show our love to our family members?"


Printable Issue 5193  Today is Wednesday, August 28th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5193

Today's Anne Graham Lotz email in my inbox: 

The Joy of Working Together

"Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus."

 Colossians 3:17, NKJV

"What task has God assigned you? Has He assigned you to:

establish a home,

strengthen a marriage,

lead a family,

serve a church,

teach in a classroom,

or comfort in a sick room?

"Check your attitude toward the assignment. Do you grumble and complain about it? Do you neglect and ignore it? Do you resent and reject it? Or do you enjoy fulfilling it as your service unto the Lord? God wants you and me to enjoy our service to Him, whatever it may be. And He also wants us to discuss each detail with Him as we do the work. One of His pleasures, as well as ours, is the joy of working together as we complete the task. Often, the more difficult the task, the greater the joy because it enables us to see the power of God and just what He can do in and through and for us."

Printable Issue 5194  Today is Thursday, August 29th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5194

I am really enjoying our ecumenical Bible study "Draw the Circle:  The 40 Day Prayer Challenge" by Mark Batterson.

An opening paragraph "Find Out about Prayer" says, "In 1953, a Princeton doctoral student asked Albert Einstein a question, 'What original dissertation research is left?' I'm intrigued and inspired by Einstein's answer: 'Find out about prayer.'"

I am sure Einstein's math and science mind had a hard time with the concept of prayer.

I also have to admit that I could be a more faithful and consistent pray-er. But this study is helping to open my eyes and heart.

What is the significance of '40 days'? I don't know but there are a lot of 40s in the Bible: 'raining 40 days and nights with the story of Noah; Jesus spending 40 days in the desert after His baptism by John; 40 years of the children of Israel wandering in the wilderness before making their way back home'.

Yesterday's study talked about two types of requests to God:  ASAP - as soon as possible- and ALAT - as long as it takes.

One of  the questions was, "Did you have a parent or grandparent who prayed for you?" I don't know if I did or not but I know my mom's mom, Grandma Merwin, was a prayer. She had 15 children and 39 of us grandchildren. 

And the ALAT prayers don't have to be for children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren we currently have. They can be 'future' relatives we haven't even met yet!

Father God in Heaven, 
we ask You to take care of us today,
and tomorrow and into generations yet to come!
Bless our children,
our grandchildren,
and those well into the future.
We want all of them to come to You
and enjoy You and for You to take them into Your loving arms and guide all of us
into Your eternal home in heaven.
In Jesus' Name Who Made All of This Possible,


Printable Issue 5195  Today is Friday, August 30th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5195

Entry #88 from Tama Fortner and her '100 Things God Loves About You":


"My sheep listen to my voice;
I know them,
and they follow me."

~ John 10:27

"Listen......did you hear that? Not the roar, not the rush, not the bullying, shouts and screams of the world. But that? That still, small voice? That's Him---it really is. The Lord God of all, Yahweh, Elohim, Jehovah-jireh is speaking to you. Yes, you.

"And because you are His, you know His voice. So you stop. You drop to your knees, even if it's only in your heart, and you listen. 'Be Still,' He says, 'and know that I am God' (Psalm 46:10). He loves the way you listen.
