Today is Friday, February 16th, 2007; Karen's Korner #1000

Did you catch it? Today's Karen's Korner is #1000! Wow, think of it one thousand! Five days per week, skipping only a few days or weeks since its inception, the first week of March 2003. It was an idea that God gave me. He had been so generous with his love and care after Merry had been killed, that I had some vivid thoughts and experiences I wanted to write and share. Things I was afraid I would forget if I didn't write them down!
Beginning with a limited number of readers; the numbers have grown! Sometimes I subscribe a few people, asking them if they would enjoy receiving the daily inspirational thoughts. Other times people email me and ask me to subscribe for their mom, friend, daughter. Several of my email names say, "........ friend" or ".........sister-in-law" because I don't know his/her name!
And then a couple of years ago, our son-in-law Tim, thought I could use a web site. So he built one: was born. Every Karen's Korner is listed on it. If you want to look back to issue #1 on March 3, 2003, it is there. If you want to look up a subject title such as dog, friend, love, John, or blessing, you can type up the subject word and find matches of up to 20 items. Some people tell me that they use some of the past writings for sharing with others or for a church program or lesson.
People can subscribe to getting daily Karen's Korners by letting me know or typing in their email address on the web site!
The fun part is the sharing. It is an outlet for me and my writings and thoughts. It is an outlet for sharing your writings. It is a format for passing along favorite emails. It is a way to correspond on a certain topic. For example, on February 5, the topic of Karen's Korner was sharing the web site where people put in the desired birth day and month. Tamara EnTin replied, "Our son, Alex, has multiple challenges due to the fact his birth mother used crack and alcohol during her pregnancy with him." Her findings for his birthday - August 18th (8/18):  Romans 8:18 NIV - "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revelared in us." Tamara was blessed, and so are we as the readers!  God works in mysterious ways!
Thanks for sticking with me for all 1,000 writings or for joining in as we journeyed along together! Welcome to the next 1,000!  And to God goes all the praise and glory!
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for Your blessings to Karen's Korner. Thank You for making it bigger, better , and of longer duration than I could have ever envsioned. Thank Your for the all the sharing among the writers and the readers; we are blessed because of You and the plans You have for each one of us. Thank You for Your Spirit which makes all of us Your children and related one to another. I want to celebrate You. I want to celebrate each person who reads these daily thoughts. May they each one know how special they are me and how special they are to You! Thank You for making us Your 'forever friends'. In name of Your Son Jesus. Amen.
