A number of years ago my Aunt Helen gave me a copy of the Living Bible. This particular edition has comments at the bottom of each page in smaller type, which tell something extra about some of the Bible verses printed higher on that same page. I like that because many times it tells me extra things about the historical setting of a particular verse or expands on it to help me understand something better.
This verse in Romans was written by Paul, but the commentary I really liked:
Romans 7:11 - "Sin fooled me by taking the good laws of God and using them to make me guilty of death."
Bible commentary:
"Sin has always fooled people by misusing the law. When Eve encountered the serpent in the Garden of Eden, the sepent fooled her by taking her focus off the freedom God had given her and putting it on the one restriction he had made.
Ever since then, we have all been rebels.
Sin looks good to us precisely because God has said it is bad. Instead of paying attention to his warnings, we use them as a "to do" list. When we feel rebellious, we need to back off and look at the law from a wider perspective--in the light of God's grace and mercy. If we focus on his great love for us, we will understand why he asks us to restrict our behavior. He only restricts us from things that ultimately will harm us."