Today is Monday, April 16th, 2007; Karen's Korner #1041

A past daily devotional by Jeff White:

The Son of Man came to find
lost people and save them.

Luke 19:10


     What is your perception of Jesus?  Is He a King on a Throne?  Is He a warm, fuzzy feeling?  Is He a Shepherd?  Luke describes Jesus as a Prince who came to earth as a Search and Rescue Technician. 

     Heads of s tate often go to disaster areas to survey the damage.  They will pick up a hammer or crow bar and pose for the cameras, but in reality, they seldom actually do significant work.  It would just be too dangerous and they are too important.   

     Jesus came down from his throne to search for the lost.  Regardless of the dangers, he not only surveys the scene; but he rolls up his sleeves and searches.  It cost his life, but I for one am glad he searched for and rescued me.   
