Today is Tuesday, April 17th, 2007; Karen's Korner #1042

We are all shocked and saddened by the tragedy of injuries and loss of lives of those at the Virginia Tech college campus yesterday. We collectively ask ourselves, "Why?"
We are at a crossroads of a world who has lost its collective and individual moral compass. At times, we are lost and confused. We need to look to the One who gives us direction and a clearer picture of the road ahead.
We need to pray for God's guidance for the families who lost loved ones, for our young people, for families in general, and for a world who sometimes seems out of control and behaviors which sometimes seem bizarre.
"Dear Father in Heaven, we ask for Your direction today. Forgive us, Father, when we go our own ways and not the ways You have in mind for us. Be with all of the students on the campus of Virginia Tech today. Give special comfort to the familes who have lost loved ones in such a tragedy as this; heal those who have suffered injuries from a senseless gunman. We are all well aware of evil and terrorism in our world today; not all of us have experienced it first hand. But all of us have experienced attacks of evil thoughts and attacks of terrism in our innermost beings. It doesn't have to come from outside of us; it can come from within. Still us. Calm us. Direct us. We won't be able to be, go, and do what You have in mind for us without Your help. Thank You for taking care of each one of us in a world that sometimes seems like it has gone mad. Thank You, Jesus for Your still, calm voice and for Your safe and steady hand. Amen."
