Today is Friday, April 27th, 2007; Karen's Korner #1050
Dr. D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church minister who also has a weekly television program by the same name, writes in his book "Why I Believe" about 14 different chapter topics.
Why I believe in such topics as creation, God, heaven, hell, Christ, resurrection, and the Bible. In Kennedy's chapter titled, "Why I Believe in Moral Absolutes", he pens these words (chapter 7, pp. 112-113):
*I am astounded to learn how many people sit in church year after year and suppose that all Christianity says to people is: 'Be good; try harder.' They fail totally to understand even the most basic, elementary message of Christianity that in ourselves we have no hope, that our righteousness in which so many trust is simply filthy rags. Paul described it as 'dung' (Philippians 3:8).
We are to be found in Christ by faith in Him. By trusting in what He did, we may be clothed in His righteousness and thus stand faultless before the Throne of God. This is the glorious Good News--the message of the Gospel--though you and I are sinners--unclean, undeserving, ill-deserving, hell-deserving--Christ, the All-Deserving One, lived and died in our stead. If we trust in Him, we will get not what we deserve, but what He deserves--Paradise."