On Friday I included a couple of sentences from a book I am reading, dispelling myths, lies, questions, false teachings surrounding some of the facts and principles on which our Christian faith is founded. One more thought from Dr. James Kennedy in his book "Why I Believe". Chapter number ten is titled 'why I believe in the virgin birth'; he lists fifteen reasons.
The one that really caught me attention (page 139) was Kennedy's explanation of Jesus being crucified for claiming that "God was His Father."
It started my thinking on how would Jesus have known that God was His Father. Undoubtedly his mother and father told him that fact when he was very young. Mary could have told Him about the angel who visited her; Joseph could have told Jesus about the angel who visited him. Jesus would have had their stories confirmed, among other times when John baptized him and a voice from heaven said, "You are my much loved Son, yes, my delight." (Luke 3:22)
Kennedy tells there was one person at the foot of the cross who could have saved Jesus if Jesus' claims were mslead facts. "Mary could have stopped the crucifixion. Very simply, she could have stopped the torture and the agony of her son's death on the cross. How? He was crucified for one reason: He claimed that God was His Father.
"If that were a lie, if Mary had been unchaste, she would have had to admit that she was immoral, but she could have stepped forward at any time and said, 'Stop this horror! I am ashamed! I confess! I will tell you who His real Father is!' She could have destroyed His whole pretensions and saved Him from the cross.
No mother, to save her own reputation, would allow her son to be horribly mutilated and killed. Mary could have and would have stopped her son's horrible death, as any mother would have, except that she knew who His Father was.
She knew Jesus' Father was God."