Today is Tuesday, June 5th, 2007; Karen's Korner #1077

It was early in the morning one day a week or so ago when I was working in one of my flowers gardens. There was very little wind. I could hear the birds singing; several different tunes. The sun was shining. Flowers were growing. Grass was green.
I couldn't help but say under my breath, "God, it just can't get any better than this!"
No hospitalizations; a measure of good health. People in my life who want jobs have them. Enough money is coming in to pay the bills. Peace, beauty, and serenity seemed to be everywhere.
But as soon as I said or thought it, my next thought was, "But it can get better than this!! Things on this earth change very quicky!! One phone call. One corporate downsizing. One medical diagnosis. One terrible storm of some kind and everything can change. For now. For forever."
The only thing that is for good; forever. Never changing. Always the way we like it. HEAVEN. The next life and all it has to offer. Only good, beautiful, and positive things will happen then.
That day and many of our days are really good. But they can change. They can't last.
Here on earth are just glimpses of our futures.
When we get to eternity.......nothing will change.  It promises to be great!!
I Peter 1:4 - 6 (Living Bible):  "And God has saved for His children the pricelss gift of eternal life; it is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. And God in His mighty power, will make sure that you get there safely to receive it, because you are trusting Him. It will be yours in the coming last day for all to see."
