Today is Wednesday, August 6th, 2003; Karen's Korner #108

This is something that I wrote last month and would like to share with you today:



July 1, 2003


Time to make dinner, but what? Within the last week, the same flower gardens in which I normally enjoy working, seem like work, rather than pleasure. Don’t know why but some of the things I usually enjoy doing, I’m not.


What is going on? I am the guy who makes multiple calls to line up people to do a variety of tasks. Picking up the phone sounds like work. Maybe I will do it tomorrow.


How long is this feeling and thought process going to last?


As quickly as these negative thoughts and actions come my way, they are gone. Now I am back to my "normal?" self. Enjoying my same hobbies and people in my life. I want to be "happy" and "positive" all of the time. Doesn’t happen.


But God moves the "good" closer together, and makes the "bad" shorter and farther apart. He has given me a new nature, His nature. But as long as I am in this life, I will sometimes demand my own way. My body will scream at times to do only things, which are self-centered and sometimes self-destructive.


In Romans, chapter 7 and verse 31 says, "Who will free me from my slavery to this deadly lower nature? Thank God! It has been done by Jesus Christ our Lord. He has set me free."


As God’s children, He has given each of us new natures…….I have a new nature……..hmm, sometimes I forget!
