Today is Friday, July 6th, 2007; Karen's Korner #1100

Always fun to celebrate these milestones --- 1100!! Wow!! Thanks for sticking with me over the past four years plus, beginning in March of 2003! Thanks to those of you have written and/or contributed items! Thanks for the memories, for learning and leaning on God and His faithfulness to each of us as 'His Children'.
If you ever want to look back at a past Karen's Korner or search for one by a certain subject, you can do it be going to the web site: .
Today's Korner:
A couple of weeks ago, for two weeks Jim and I were the dog sitter for Muga, as our friend Chris went on a short-term mission trip to Alaska. Before she left, Chris warned that Muga liked to dig. As in any relationship, it took us a bit to learn about our habits and Muga's.
She did dig in the dirt around the dog house which was fine. But when she would be loose from her chain and we would happen to be in the house, we learned that she loved to dig in my flower bed as well! It only happened one time. We learned what not to do!!
I found one petunia uprooted; no problem I replaced it with a spare mum. Another petunia was hanging on by one hair-like root----one! I decided to rebury the exposed roots, give the plant an extra shot of Miracle Gro, and a drink of water. It took a couple of days but the flower began to rejuvenate and revive. One tiny, tiny root!
It made me think about God and our relationship to Him. Sometimes we are well rooted in Him and are growing and flowering! But other times, life uproots us or we wander our own ways. If we are connected by as small as one tiny, hair-like root, we can regrow!
We need to ask God to rebury our root systems one more time. Take an extra drink of His Love. Fertilize our lives with His life-sustaining Words. Turn toward the 'Son' so we can once again grow in His Mercy and Grace. It's all part of God's plan for each one of us!!
Dear Father in Heaven, thank you that you are the Master Gardener. you willingly help us to grow, mature, and flower and become all you intend us to be; not because of who we are nor what we do but because of your care and feeding of us. Thank you that if we are connected to you with something is small as one tiny hair root, we can grow and regrow in you. Help us; bless us today. In the name of your Son Jesus who showed us the way. Amen. 
