Today is Monday, July 9th, 2007; Karen's Korner #1101
This is an email which I received from Tiffany Cramer on Independence Day. Tiffany graduated last spring and is currently studying/doing missionary-type work in Minneapolis. Her writing and thinking is beyond her young years.
Read her list; you can make up your own:
This Independence Day I am reminded and thankful for the many freedoms we have here in America.
I am free to worship God in the way I chose, I have done so several times today.
I am free to be alone and to be with others, I did both within the last half hour.
I am free to eat good food that I enjoy, I do this most days.
I am free to tell others about the wonderful things God is doing in my life, I do often.
I am free to forgive others as Christ forgave me.
I am free to be around the ones I choose, no one told me who to eat my supper with tonight.
I am free to read my Bible in my own language, I have spend about two hours with Bible open today alone.
I am free to fellowship with other believers without fear of being arrested or persecuted.
I am free to work at a job that I chose.
I am free to go to a Church that is out of the norm, I did on Sunday.
I am free to choose where I live and when I move.
I am free to study what I choose, where I choose.
I am free to stand up for what I believe in, whether the government agrees with me.
I am free to travel, I did last weekend, but do many small trips each week.
Living here I have realized how many freedoms we have that we enjoy each day. Through the many events that happened to me this last six months, I know there are many freedoms that come not only from our government but also from our Lord.
I am daily learning the truth of the John 8:36: "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." He gives true freedom to us, nothing the government can offer can equal that.