Something I wrote several years ago in January: A white, bright day It is a snowy, foggy day as we make plans to drive to church this morning. Better take the pick-up to ensure our safe arrival. As we drive down our country roads, all we see is white. White roads. White in the ditches. White in the fields. White in the air. While it is all white, visibility is enough that we feel a sense of safety. We turn north on to the county road black top, driving toward town. The first car we meet doesn’t have its lights on, and it is somewhat difficult to see. The second vehicle, however, does have its lights on. Much easier for us to see this car! “Lord, because we are Your Children, we want to thank you for the lights which you have given to each of us to shine in a dark, or maybe sometimes too bright, world. Thank you for lighting our paths and the paths of others. Help us each day to travel as Your Children, reflecting your guiding light and for opportunities to show others your paths and your ways. Amen.” “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105