Today is Wednesday, August 29th, 2007; Karen's Korner #1138
A daily devotional written and shared by Shirley Choat more than a year ago:
"Andrew went to find his brother Peter and told him, 'W have found the Messiah.'
And be brought Peter to meet Jesus.."
~~ John 1:41,42
Andrew brought just one, Peter. But one became many, for under God, Simon Peter brought 3,000 in one day. The early church set an example for all believers. They didn't have radio, TV, printing presses, phones or email, or any other means of transmitting information. Yet the word of the LORD was sounded out in every place by people-to-people communication. 1 Thessalonians.1:8
The greatest need today is to get individuals to invite other individuals to Christ. A lot of people talk about evangelism, but they themselves don't engage in it. In short, the church is suffering from an acute case of spiritual lockjaw.
If this is your condition, ask the Holy Spirit for the antidote of love and zeal. With a winning smile and a word of Scripture, tactfully speak to someone today about the wonderful Savior.
If you really love the Savior
and your all in Him have found,
you'll be happy for the privilege
just to pass the word around.
While we were in Poland, we had the privilege of witnessing dozens of Polish youth give their hearts and lives to Jesus, at both the camp and the Vacation Bible School. Only God knows how many other lives those deicisions will touch in the future!