Sometimes I have a busy day; lots to do. Hard to tell where to start. At those times, I almost don't!
When I was a staff writer for our local newspaper, I can recall times when I would do that. Lots to do. Not much time. Deadlines to meet. I would find myself in my newspaper office making lists, writing notes to myself, stacking interviews which I had done and putting them in piles of what should be done first with the most important on the top. More than once, I can remember thinking, "Will you just stop it and get something done?!"
It was like I had to get ahold of myself to begin to accomplish something. Then I would grab anything - a short story that I could write in two or three paragraphs; make one phone call whether that was the most important or not. Just to get started and break the cycle of 'doing nothing but getting ready'.
More often than I like to admit, I do the same thing with my time alone with God. It's on my 'to do' list for the day, but my stomach growls so I had better get something to eat first. As soon as I get one more load of clothes in the washer.......and as soon as I make this one important phone call.......and as soon as I get home from town.....and.......
This morning, I can hear that same voice say, "Will you just stop it and spend a few minutes with Me?"
Why is that so hard for me? For us? When God has all these promises for each of us? All the time?
Here is a couple of His quick promises from Psalms:
Psalms 4:3 - "He will listen to me and answer when I call to him."
Psalms 5:3 - "Each morning I will loook to you in heaven and lay my requests before you, praying earnestly."
Psalms 6:9 - "He will answer all my prayers."
Better stop typing, time for me to do what the Nike commercial says, "JUST DO IT!"