Today is Thursday, September 6th, 2007; Karen's Korner #1144
We cut down a red maple tree in front of our house on Tuesday. Jim and I don't like to cut down trees, but this one we had no choice.
About 12 years ago, we had our county extension director look at it. His diagnosis was that there was problems with the 'insides' of the tree. Insects were beginning to damage the towering maple, causing it to have some internal hollowing. "But why cut it down now," he said, "just let it grow. Take it down when more serious problems develop."
This was the year. It began to lose it leaves a few weeks ago and the cutting revealed not as much dead wood as I had anticipated, but an oval shape that was black from one side to the other! The tree could no longer get its much needed food from the root system. Tiny bugs had done their damage to this huge, huge living plant!
Made me think about what happens to us. It might not be something big that causes us bodily damage - physically, emotionally, or spiritually Might be something little, or a bunch of little things that eat on us from the inside.
One difference between us and our tree: God can 'cure' the damage that is gnawing at our insides: the Bible calls it sin (doing something we shouldn't or not doing something we should). We can be repaired and regrow into the kind of person He designed us to be. No need to saw us down; just an opportunity to regrow and rejuvenate!!
Dear God, thank You that we can confess our shortcomings to you, tell you every detail. When we do that, you don't condemn us. You restore us. Thank Your for that kind of love and care. Point out to us ways that we are short of Your standards, so that we can be renewed today. In the Name of Your Son, Jesus, who made the process possible. Amen.