Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King's horses, And all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again!
Most of our childhood books show Humpty as an egg which breaks into hundreds of pieces with his fall. Pretty hard to put all the pieces back together once they are on the ground. And an egg especially! Who can clean up the insides of the egg once it is spilled!!
Can't be put back into its original form!!
Who among us hasn't had a great fall off the wall of life? Sometimes our lives are so broken that neither we, nor the 'king's horses or king's men', nor anyone else with whom we come in contact can 'put as back together again'.
But we know Who can! Jesus restores us, remakes us, and puts us together into a better form than maybe we have ever been before! Matthew 15:30-31 says: "A vast crowd brought Jesus their lame, blind, maimed, and those who couldn't speak, and many others, and laid them before Him, and He healed them all!"
We all know of times in our lives when our physical bodies or those of a loved one wasn't miraculously healed like what Matthew described, but we can always count on His spiritual healing and Him "putting our spirits back together again". And our bodies? If they aren't healed in this lifetime, they are promised to be better than new in the next one!!
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for so many, many healings that have happened in the lives of each one of us. Thank You for putting us back together again, when we place our lives into Your hands. Thank You for the miracle of 'better', 'new', 'restored. In Your Name, Amen.
(There will be no Karen's Korners this coming week; look for your next edition on Monday, October 1)