Today is Monday, November 5th, 2007; Karen's Korner #1181

When Mindy Sawyer and her church friends traveled to Brazil on a short-term mission trip this summer, each individual was required to read the book “STOP DATING THE CHURCH: fall in love with the family of God” by Joshua Harris, before they traveled.


It is a small book of 128 pages, but it packs a huge punch. When Harris writes about 'the church', he is not referring to one building, nor one denomination.


In the next few weeks, I am going to share a few of the highlights with Karen's Korner readers.



Church daters are: 1)  me-centered; 2) independent; 3) critical.


God has something better for you and me than dating the church. His church was the vehicle Jesus chose to take his message to every generation. There is enough power in the church to accomplish this goal in one generation; that generation just as well be ours.


If we are not committed to the church, everyone gets cheated: 1) yourself; 2) the church community; 3) your world. Every one of six billion souls today will spend eternity in either heaven or hell. We need to help as many people as we can to hear the Good News of the Gospel.


Not only, as Christians, are we saved; He has invited us to participate in His master plan of redeeming people for His glory. It’s our duty, calling, privilege. The church is God’s greenhouse.


It is at church that we learn to love God and others. We are strengthened and transformed. It is here that we learn to pray, worship, and serve. It is the best place to start over; to grow, and to change for the glory of God.