Today is Wednesday, November 7th, 2007; Karen's Korner #1183
Taken from a study book, "Secrets of the Secret Place" by Bob Sorge, which I am just finishing with a group of gals in Clarion. It's a heavy study about praying (secret place); if I got 2% of it I will be happy. But 2% of something is better than zero, isn't it?
(It is in part; several words I have altered to ease your reading. Taken from a chapter teaching us how to spend more time learning to love Jesus):
"God gave His only Son, and Jesus died an excruciating death, all for love. The central reason for this whole thing between God and man is love! He didn't die to enlist your strength in His army; He already has all the power He needs to vanquish every foe. He didn't die for you because He was lonely and looking for companionship, for He is surrounded in glory by multiplied millions of creatures. He didn't die for you because He was bored and had nothing better to do.
"He died for one all-encompassing reason, that He might show you the graciuosness of His glorious love, and in turn reap the extravagant affections of each one of us who love Him. He did it all for love.
"So today, start your prayer time (secret place) by loving Jesus. Your requests can wait; your Bible studying can wait; your praying for others can wait. Before anything else, give your love to God. Let Him know that love is the great motivator of your heart.
"I'm here, Father, because I love You. You are the center of my universe. I worship You and reverence Your name. I enjoy being with You."