(Sorry this is coming to you so late in the day--computer problems this a.m.!)
Several years ago I typed up the information below and made up some baggies and put the materials listed in each one for our Sunday School class at Christmas time. Since that time, I have had the list forwarded to me several times with cute little graphics. The list is still the same.
If you want to do a 10-minute search, look up the Bible verses listed to find out how each one made the list:
TOOTHPICK – Each day remember to pick out the good qualities in others. Matthew 7:1
RUBBERBAND – Remember to be flexible. Romans 8:28
BAND AID – Use it to remind you to heal yours, and others, hurt feelings. Colossians 3:12-14
PENCIL – Each day remember to list your blessings. Ephesians 1:3
ERASER – Also remember that everyone makes mistakes. Genesis 50:15 – 21
CHEWING GUM – The gum will remind you that by sticking together, we can accomplish anything. Philippians 4:13
MINT – Each day remember that you are worth a mint to your Heavenly Father. John 3: 16 – 17
CANDY KISSES – Remember that everyone needs a kiss or a hug every day. I John 4:7
HERB TEA BAG – Relax daily and go over that list of God’s blessings. I Thessalonians 5:18
This is a gift of love to you. May God richly bless you. Pass His love around!