"Enter a Denmark company called Vestergaard Frandsen Group, whose main business is malaria prevention – its primary product is insecticide-laced mosquito netting and sheeting. Working with an Atlanta company called The Carter Center, it came up with a personal water filter, dubbed the LifeStraw, that uses a series of mesh filters that block bacteria, plus iodine and carbon to kill what's left. The result is water that's cleaner than many developed countries' tap water.
"The 9-inch blue plastic straw can be carried or worn around the neck. Each straw, estimated to cost approximately $3, cleans a person's drinking water for about a year. It's no wonder that Time Magazine named it an invention of the year, and Forbes put it on its list of ten things that will change the way we live.
"And it's so simple.
"LifeStraw is not being mass-produced yet, but several nonprofit organizations are distributing them."