(Each day when I email Karen's Korner, I email it through my web site and also my own computer. Yesterday I emailed via my computer but forgot to send it through the web site. Here is "yesterday's edition', along with my apologies.)
Last weekend our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter, Molly, stayed with us overnight. She enjoyed dragging around a little basket which contained a set of salt and pepper shakers.
I came into our family room where Molly was holding one shaker upside down, watching the salt flow out and onto our carpet. Patterns of white were being formed"What are you doing, Molly?" I asked.
"I'm making a mess!" was Molly's response. It was already a mess, so I watched as Molly continued.
"Are you done now?" I asked, in a short time.
"Yep!" she said.
"Well, let's get in cleaned up," I said. "You have to help!"
So we got a kitchen carpet sweeper and the vacuum. In a couple of minutes, it was clean again!
Makes me think about God and our relationship with Him, as our Heavenly Father. He wants us to tell Him 'that we are making a mess' with what it is we might be doing. He might watch as we continue in our endeavors.
When He asks if we are 'done now', He is more than willing to work with us, using his vast resources to help clean up our messes. Many times we can't do it by ourselves. And Him, being God, isn't going to do it for us either. He asks us to depend on Him to work in our lives to beat that addiction, repair that relationship, or tap into His love, joy, peace, or some other gifts from His treasure chest.
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for loving each one of us more than I love Molly! Thank You for watching over every detail of our lives. Help us to confess 'our messes' which we don't have the ability to 'clean up'. Thank You for giving us Your Power and Love to make changes in our lives. You can do with us, and for us, things we cannot do without You. Thank You for being such a caring and strong Heavenly Father. In Your Son's Name who came to give us a new relationship and a new hope. Amen.