If the Shoe Fits
The Lord said…I will give you every place where you set your foot. ~ Joshua 1:3
When the Bible says “and the Lord said”, our ears should perk up because God doesn’t waste words. He will follow through with His Word.
Each time it is leading us in a direction that will help us to grow for our betterment and for the fulfillment of His Kingdom to come. Mark His Words, everything leads to the increase of His Kingdom; we are the asphalt of that road to Heaven for others.
Joshua was Moses’ successor. When the Lord said these words to Joshua, Moses had just died and Joshua had millions of Israelites standing around on the east side of the Jordan kicking the sand with their sandals wondering what the next move was. You can imagine that Joshua was feeling lonely at the raw emotions of just losing his mentor and friend, while waiting expectantly to hear the voice of God.
God didn’t bring the Israelites to the shores of their deliverance to strand them and He isn’t going to do that to us either! Reading further in the book of Joshua, we know that God promised them the land of plenty, but they had to have an active participation in the receiving of that deliverance. God does that so we can learn to depend on His promises by building up our faith every time we defeat something that is keeping us from our abundant blessing.
Where are you placing your foot? Is it for the salvation of a family member or a friend? Are you placing it in a position of finding financial freedom? Or some other truth of God’s Word?
He said He will give you every place where you set your foot. Don’t doubt what God says. He is the most trustworthy and faithful Promise you can depend on. Keep in mind Joshua was in constant communication with God. Did you catch that? He was in constant communication with God!
When a servant of God takes the time to listen, God always communicates. He gives us the direction and strength we need to conquer the territory He has promised to each of us. He speaks through His Word (the Bible). He speaks through praise and worship songs and prayers. He speaks through others with whom we come in contact. He speaks through thoughts which only He can give. He speaks through dreams and visions and, for a very few, audibly! Talk to Him; wait for His direction and He will give you every place where you set your foot.