Today is Thursday, January 24th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1234
(Emailed from southern Missouri!)
Several quotes:
** God does not so much want us to do things as to let people see what He can do. God is not looking for extraordinary characters in His instruments, but He is looking for humble instruments through whom He can be honored throughout the ages.
~ A. B. Simpson
** "There is a famine in America. Not a famine of food, but of love, of truth, of life."
~ Mother Teresa
** It's good to follow your pastor when he follows the Master.
~ author unknown
I believe that God only gives three answers to prayer:/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/fontfamily>
1. 'Yes!'/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/fontfamily>
2. 'Not yet.'/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/bigger>/fontfamily>
3. 'I have something better in mind.'
** What water is to the body, the Word of God is to the soul.