Today is Friday, August 29th, 2003; Karen's Korner #125

Today I am typing a chapter of the Bible and a commentary on it; in case you are ready to "delete" because it will certainly be too is the shortest chapter in the Bible........2 verses!


Enjoy and have a great Labor Day holiday weekend!!


Psalms chapter 117:


Praise the Lord, all nations everywhere. Praise Him, all the peoples of the earth. For He loves us very dearly, and His truth endures. Praise the Lord .




Psalm 117 is not only the shortest chapter in the Bible, but the middle chapter. Have you ever said, "I can't think of anything God has done for me. How can I praise him?" This psalm gives two reasons for praising God: "He loves us very much" and "His truth endures". If He did nothing else for us our whole lives, He would still be worthy of our highest praise.
