Today is Thursday, February 21st, 2008; Karen's Korner #1254
A couple of paragraphs from a writing by Michelle Wallace Campanelli in "A Taste of Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul III".
As a teen Michelle only wanted to be popular and have the coolest friends. Imagine her delight when the cutest guy in her high school asked her out. But what followed was his comments about Michelle 'being too fat'. To be accepted by him and others, she started wierd diets which ultimately led to her bulimic behavior. A confession to her mom led to Michelle being institutionalized to correct wrong habits and, basically save her life!
Nothing worked! Not the doctors. Not the counseling sessions. Not the food, nor the medications nor treatments. In a final attempt, a nurse came into Michelle's room with this new plan: after each meal, the nurse suggested that she stand in front of the mirror for one hour and repeat either aloud or to herself these words: "Yes, I am perfect because God made me."
At first, Michelle thought the nurse was nuts, but what could it hurt? Slowly, those words, accompanied by all the other treatments, helped Michelle get well.
"I began feeding myself and choosing to be full--literally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. My self-esteem strengthened as I ate, repeated those words, and learned to love myself. By gulping down food, I became the vessel God had created me to be. I was special regardless of what others thought. And, I saw that old boyfriend for what he really was: shallow, close-minded, inconsiderate, and not even worthy of my love in the first place.
"It had taken months in the hospital with nurses and counseling to learn a lessson I'll never forget. Being popular is just an illusion. If you love yourself you are in the 'in' crowd. You are an individual gift from God to the world. It's comforting to know joy comes from being who I am instead of trying to become somebody else's perfect model.
"My first day back to school, my ex-boyfriend actually came up to me and asked me out again. 'Wow, you look great. You're so thin! You want to go to the football game on Friday?'
"'No,' I answered, without regret. 'I'd rather date someone who loves my heart.'
"Me! Accepting me suddenly became a daily celebration of life. I love me! Those three words sound so simple, but living them, believing them makes living so tantalizingly delicious!"