Today is Friday, March 7th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1265

An exerpt from the book*Unwrapping Christmas" by Lori Copeland. I know, it is the wrong season! Before some chapters, Copeland explains a portion of an Advent tradition and what it means.
In part, here is her explanation prior to chapter 6: "The first lighted Advent chandle is traditionally the candle of Expectation or Hope (or in some traditions, Prophecy). This draws attention to the coming of the Messiah. As God's people were abused by power-hungry kings, led astray by self-contered prophets, and lulled into apathy by halfhearted religious leaders, there arose a longing among some for God to raise up a king who would show them how to be God's people. They yearned for a return of God's dynamic presence in their midst."
They yearned for a dynamic presence in their midst.
And they got it in the man of Jesus!
As we prepare now for His death and resurrection at Easter, we are like those people. We long, not only for a dynamic presence in  the midst of our community and our church, but also in our lives.
If we are Christians and have accepted Jesus, we have that dynamic presence within in us called the Holy Spirit.
Through that Power, God expects us to BE that dynamic presence in our midst!
A second exerpt from the same book, just prior to chapter 13: "The Advent candles' light is a symbol for the season. The light reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world, which comes into the darkness of our lives to bring newness, life, and hope. It also reminds us that we are called to be the light of God's grace to others."
Dear Father God, thank You for giving us Jesus and for leaving behind His Spirit for each of us as Your followers. Thank You for being light in our dark, dark world. Help me to realize who I am and that I posses Your Light. Help me to be the dynamic presence for myseff and for others. We need and want Your Light. In the name of Your Son who made Your plan a reality, Amen.
